Commit 6408cddc authored by Gregor Schmidt's avatar Gregor Schmidt

[#374] Not escaping URLs since they are used in a safe CDATA section, where no…

[#374] Not escaping URLs since they are used in a safe CDATA section, where no entity encoding is needed.
parent 7cd96b6a
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<p><%= :relation_type, collection_for_relation_type_select, {}, :onchange => "setPredecessorFieldsVisibility();" %>
<%= l(:label_issue) %> #<%= f.text_field :issue_to_id, :size => 10 %>
<div id="related_issue_candidates" class="autocomplete"></div>
<%= javascript_tag "observeRelatedIssueField('#{auto_complete_issues_path(:id => @issue, :project_id => @project) }')" %>
<%= javascript_tag "observeRelatedIssueField('#{auto_complete_issues_path(:id => @issue, :project_id => @project, :escape => false) }')" %>
<span id="predecessor_fields" style="display:none;">
<%= l(:field_delay) %>: <%= f.text_field :delay, :size => 3 %> <%= l(:label_day_plural) %>
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<% if User.current.allowed_to?(:manage_subtasks, @project) %>
<p id="parent_issue"><%= f.text_field :parent_issue_id, :size => 10 %></p>
<div id="parent_issue_candidates" class="autocomplete"></div>
<%= javascript_tag "observeParentIssueField('#{auto_complete_issues_path(:id => @issue, :project_id => @project) }')" %>
<%= javascript_tag "observeParentIssueField('#{auto_complete_issues_path(:id => @issue, :project_id => @project, :escape => false) }')" %>
<% end %>
<p><%= f.text_area :description,
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