Commit 7619c286 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Changes ApplicationHelper#gravatar_for_mail to #avatar that takes a User or a…

Changes ApplicationHelper#gravatar_for_mail to #avatar that takes a User or a String (less code in views).

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent 6157d20e
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ require 'forwardable'
module ApplicationHelper
include Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros::Definitions
include GravatarHelper::PublicMethods
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :wiki_helper, :wikitoolbar_for, :heads_for_wiki_formatter
......@@ -561,9 +562,17 @@ module ApplicationHelper
(@has_content && @has_content[name]) || false
def gravatar_for_mail(mail, options = { })
# Returns the avatar image tag for the given +user+ if avatars are enabled
# +user+ can be a User or a string that will be scanned for an email address (eg. 'joe <>')
def avatar(user, options = { })
if Setting.gravatar_enabled?
return gravatar(mail.to_s.downcase, options) rescue nil
email = nil
if user.respond_to?(:mail)
email = user.mail
elsif user.to_s =~ %r{<(.+?)>}
email = $1
return gravatar(email.to_s.downcase, options) unless email.blank? rescue nil
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<%= link_to(l(:button_edit), {:controller => 'users', :action => 'edit', :id => @user}, :class => 'icon icon-edit') if User.current.admin? %>
<h2><%= gravatar_for_mail @user.mail unless @user.mail.empty? %> <%=h %></h2>
<h2><%= avatar @user %> <%=h %></h2>
<%= mail_to(h(@user.mail)) unless @user.pref.hide_mail %>
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<h4><div style="float:right;"><%= link_to "##{journal.indice}", :anchor => "note-#{journal.indice}" %></div>
<%= content_tag('a', '', :name => "note-#{journal.indice}")%>
<%= format_time(journal.created_on) %> - <%= %></h4>
<%= gravatar_for_mail(journal.user.mail.blank? ? "" : journal.user.mail, :size => "32") %>
<%= avatar(journal.user, :size => "32") %>
<% for detail in journal.details %>
<li><%= show_detail(detail) %></li>
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<h2><%= %> #<%= %></h2>
<div class="issue <%= "status-#{@issue.status.position} priority-#{@issue.priority.position}" %>">
<%= gravatar_for_mail(, :size => "64") %>
<%= avatar(, :size => "64") %>
<h3><%=h @issue.subject %></h3>
<p class="author">
<%= authoring @issue.created_on, %>.
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<td class="due-date"><b><%=l(:field_due_date)%>:</b></td><td class="due-date"><%= format_date(@issue.due_date) %></td>
<td class="assigned-to"><b><%=l(:field_assigned_to)%>:</b></td><td><%= gravatar_for_mail(@issue.assigned_to.mail, :size => "14") unless @issue.assigned_to.blank?%><%= @issue.assigned_to ? link_to_user(@issue.assigned_to) : "-" %></td>
<td class="assigned-to"><b><%=l(:field_assigned_to)%>:</b></td><td><%= avatar(@issue.assigned_to, :size => "14") %><%= @issue.assigned_to ? link_to_user(@issue.assigned_to) : "-" %></td>
<td class="progress"><b><%=l(:field_done_ratio)%>:</b></td><td class="progress"><%= progress_bar @issue.done_ratio, :width => '80px', :legend => "#{@issue.done_ratio}%" %></td>
......@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
<% @events_by_day[day].sort {|x,y| y.event_datetime <=> x.event_datetime }.each do |e| -%>
<dt class="<%= e.event_type %> <%= User.current.logged? && e.respond_to?(:event_author) && User.current == e.event_author ? 'me' : nil %>">
<%= gravatar_for_mail(e.user.mail, :size => "24") if e.respond_to?(:user) %>
<%= gravatar_for_mail(, :size => "24") if e.respond_to?(:author) %>
<%= gravatar_for_mail(e.committer.match('\\<.+?\\>')[0].gsub(/[<>]/, ''), :size => "24") if e.respond_to?(:committer) rescue nil %>
<%= avatar(e.event_author, :size => "24") if e.respond_to?(:event_author) %>
<span class="time"><%= format_time(e.event_datetime, false) %></span>
<%= content_tag('span', h(e.project), :class => 'project') if @project.nil? || @project != e.project %>
<%= link_to format_activity_title(e.event_title), e.event_url %></dt>
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<% for user in @users -%>
<tr class="user <%= cycle("odd", "even") %> <%= %w(anon active registered locked)[user.status] %>">
<td class="username"><%= gravatar_for_mail(user.mail.blank? ? "" : user.mail, :size => "24") %><%= link_to h(user.login), :action => 'edit', :id => user %></td>
<td class="username"><%= avatar(user, :size => "14") %><%= link_to h(user.login), :action => 'edit', :id => user %></td>
<td class="firstname"><%= h(user.firstname) %></td>
<td class="lastname"><%= h(user.lastname) %></td>
<td class="email"><%= mail_to(h(user.mail)) %></td>
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper'
class ApplicationHelperTest < HelperTestCase
include ApplicationHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
fixtures :projects, :roles, :enabled_modules,
fixtures :projects, :roles, :enabled_modules, :users,
:repositories, :changesets,
:trackers, :issue_statuses, :issues, :versions, :documents,
:wikis, :wiki_pages, :wiki_contents,
......@@ -437,4 +437,17 @@ EXPECTED
assert_equal expected, due_date_distance_in_words(date)
def test_avatar
# turn on avatars
Setting.gravatar_enabled = '1'
assert avatar(User.find_by_mail('')).include?(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(''))
assert avatar('jsmith <>').include?(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(''))
assert_nil avatar('jsmith')
assert_nil avatar(nil)
# turn off avatars
Setting.gravatar_enabled = '0'
assert_nil avatar(User.find_by_mail(''))
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