Commit 80acb004 authored by Azamat Hackimov's avatar Azamat Hackimov

Fixing bug #3009, trivial updates of locales

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent ad34778c
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class Query < ActiveRecord::Base
"c" => :label_closed_issues,
"!*" => :label_none,
"*" => :label_all,
">=" => '>=',
"<=" => '<=',
">=" => :label_greater_or_equal,
"<=" => :label_less_or_equal,
"<t+" => :label_in_less_than,
">t+" => :label_in_more_than,
"t+" => :label_in,
......@@ -782,3 +782,5 @@ bg:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -785,3 +785,5 @@ ca:
enumeration_issue_priorities: Prioritat dels assumptes
enumeration_doc_categories: Categories del document
enumeration_activities: Activitats (seguidor de temps)
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -787,3 +787,5 @@ cs:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -815,3 +815,5 @@ da:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ de:
enumeration_activities: Aktivitäten (Zeiterfassung)
field_editable: Editable
label_display: Display
button_create_and_continue: Create and continue
button_create_and_continue: Anlegen und weiter
text_custom_field_possible_values_info: 'One line for each value'
setting_repository_log_display_limit: Maximum number of revisions displayed on file log
setting_file_max_size_displayed: Max size of text files displayed inline
......@@ -814,3 +814,5 @@ de:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -511,6 +511,8 @@ en:
label_not_equals: is not
label_in_less_than: in less than
label_in_more_than: in more than
label_greater_or_equal: '>='
label_less_or_equal: '<='
label_in: in
label_today: today
label_all_time: all time
......@@ -835,3 +835,5 @@ es:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -825,3 +825,5 @@ fi:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -817,3 +817,5 @@ fr:
enumeration_issue_priorities: Priorités des demandes
enumeration_doc_categories: Catégories des documents
enumeration_activities: Activités (suivi du temps)
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -814,3 +814,5 @@ gl:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -797,3 +797,5 @@ he:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -820,3 +820,5 @@
label_sort: Rendezés
label_ascending: Növekvő
label_date_from_to: "{{start}} -tól {{end}} -ig"
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -800,3 +800,5 @@ it:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -813,3 +813,5 @@ ja:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -844,3 +844,5 @@ ko:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -825,3 +825,5 @@ lt:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -770,3 +770,5 @@ nl:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -787,3 +787,5 @@
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -818,3 +818,5 @@ pl:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -820,3 +820,5 @@ pt-BR:
label_sort: Ordenar
label_ascending: Ascendente
label_date_from_to: De {{start}} até {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -806,3 +806,5 @@ pt:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -827,3 +827,5 @@ ro:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -913,3 +913,5 @@ ru:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -786,3 +786,5 @@ sk:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -784,3 +784,5 @@ sl:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -808,3 +808,5 @@
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -843,3 +843,5 @@ sv:
enumeration_doc_categories: Dokumentkategorier
enumeration_activities: Aktiviteter (tidsuppföljning)
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -785,3 +785,5 @@ th:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -821,3 +821,5 @@ tr:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -784,3 +784,5 @@ uk:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -854,3 +854,5 @@ vi:
label_sort: Sort
label_ascending: Ascending
label_date_from_to: From {{start}} to {{end}}
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -892,3 +892,5 @@
enumeration_issue_priorities: 項目優先權
enumeration_doc_categories: 文件分類
enumeration_activities: 活動 (時間追蹤)
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
......@@ -817,3 +817,5 @@ zh:
enumeration_issue_priorities: 问题优先级
enumeration_doc_categories: 文档类别
enumeration_activities: 活动(时间跟踪)
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_less_or_equal: <=
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