Commit 85c7cfd0 authored by Eric Davis's avatar Eric Davis

Fix test on 1.9.2 postgres.

Multiple records were found and postgres was returning them in a different
order than what the test assumed.
parent 3b64c60b
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class ActivityTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_kind_of Array, events
assert events.include?(Attachment.find_by_container_type_and_container_id('Project', 1).last_journal)
assert events.include?(Attachment.find_by_container_type_and_container_id('Version', 1).last_journal)
assert events.include?(Attachment.find_by_container_type_and_container_id_and_id('Version', 1, 9).last_journal)
assert_equal [Attachment], events.collect(&:journaled).collect(&:class).uniq
assert_equal %w(Project Version), events.collect(&:journaled).collect(&:container_type).uniq.sort
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