Commit 962b35e1 authored by Gregor Schmidt's avatar Gregor Schmidt

[#573] Being more explicit about search fields to make sure, that AR joins all tables properly

parent 3dc373ee
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class WikiPage < ActiveRecord::Base
:datetime => :created_on,
:url => {|o| {:controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :project_id =>, :id => o.title}}
acts_as_searchable :columns => ['title', 'text'],
acts_as_searchable :columns => ["#{WikiPage.table_name}.title", "#{WikiContent.table_name}.text"],
:include => [{:wiki => :project}, :content],
:project_key => "#{Wiki.table_name}.project_id"
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