Commit c0d26da3 authored by Eric Davis's avatar Eric Davis

Refactor: move method to recreate the initial journals out of migration

parent bbb4f63a
...@@ -32,45 +32,12 @@ class BuildInitialJournalsForActsAsJournalized < ActiveRecord::Migration ...@@ -32,45 +32,12 @@ class BuildInitialJournalsForActsAsJournalized < ActiveRecord::Migration
activity_type = p.activity_provider_options.keys.first activity_type = p.activity_provider_options.keys.first
# Create initial journals
p.find(:all).each do |o| p.find(:all).each do |o|
# Create initial journals
new_journal =
# Mock up a list of changes for the creation journal based on Class defaults
new_attributes =,
creation_changes = {}
new_attributes.each do |name, default_value|
# Set changes based on the initial value to current. Can't get creation value without
# rebuiling the object history
creation_changes[name] = [default_value, o.send(name)] # [initial_value, creation_value]
new_journal.changes = creation_changes
new_journal.version = 1
new_journal.activity_type = activity_type
if o.respond_to?(:author)
new_journal.user =
elsif o.respond_to?(:user)
new_journal.user = o.user
# Using rescue and save! here because either the Journal or the # Using rescue and save! here because either the Journal or the
# touched record could fail. This will catch either error and continue # touched record could fail. This will catch either error and continue
begin begin! new_journal = o.recreate_initial_journal!
# Backdate journal
if o.respond_to?(:created_at)
new_journal.update_attribute(:created_at, o.created_at)
elsif o.respond_to?(:created_on)
new_journal.update_attribute(:created_at, o.created_on)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => ex rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => ex
if new_journal.errors.count == 1 && new_journal.errors.first[0] == "version" if new_journal.errors.count == 1 && new_journal.errors.first[0] == "version"
# Skip, only error was from creating the initial journal for a record that already had one. # Skip, only error was from creating the initial journal for a record that already had one.
...@@ -68,6 +68,48 @@ module Redmine::Acts::Journalized ...@@ -68,6 +68,48 @@ module Redmine::Acts::Journalized
# Instance methods that determine whether to save a journal and actually perform the save. # Instance methods that determine whether to save a journal and actually perform the save.
module InstanceMethods module InstanceMethods
# Recreates the initial journal used to track the beginning state
# of the object. Useful for objects that didn't have an initial journal
# created (e.g. legacy data)
def recreate_initial_journal!
new_journal = journals.find_by_version(1)
new_journal ||=
# Mock up a list of changes for the creation journal based on Class defaults
new_attributes =,
creation_changes = {}
new_attributes.each do |name, default_value|
# Set changes based on the initial value to current. Can't get creation value without
# rebuiling the object history
creation_changes[name] = [default_value, self.send(name)] # [initial_value, creation_value]
new_journal.changes = creation_changes
new_journal.version = 1
new_journal.activity_type = self.class.send(:journalized_activity_hash, {})[:type]
if respond_to?(:author)
new_journal.user = author
elsif respond_to?(:user)
new_journal.user = user
# Backdate journal
if respond_to?(:created_at)
new_journal.update_attribute(:created_at, created_at)
elsif respond_to?(:created_on)
new_journal.update_attribute(:created_at, created_on)
private private
# Returns whether a new journal should be created upon updating the parent record. # Returns whether a new journal should be created upon updating the parent record.
# A new journal will be created if # A new journal will be created if
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