Commit dbd6dfc6 authored by Gregor Schmidt's avatar Gregor Schmidt

[#373] Refactoring auto_completes#issues action

hoping to make it more intention revealing
parent 85092129
......@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ class AutoCompletesController < ApplicationController
def issues
@issues = []
q = params[:q].to_s
if q.present?
query = (params[:scope] == "all" && Setting.cross_project_issue_relations?) ? Issue : @project.issues
if q.match(/^\d+$/)
@issues << query.visible.find_by_id(q.to_i)
unless q.blank?
@issues += query.visible.find(:all,
@issues |= query.visible.find_all_by_id(q.to_i) if q =~ /^\d+$/
@issues |= query.visible.find(:all,
:limit => 10,
:order => "#{Issue.table_name}.id ASC",
:conditions => ["LOWER(#{Issue.table_name}.subject) LIKE :q OR CAST(#{Issue.table_name}.id AS CHAR(13)) LIKE :q", {:q => "%#{q.downcase}%" }])
render :layout => false
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