Commit dee71aea authored by Francisco Juan's avatar Francisco Juan

removed redmine_sympa plugin

parent b4e6a43c
= Redmine sympa plugin
== Installation
cd your/redmine/project
script/plugin install git://
rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
Then you must restart your app. This is Web-server dependant. In Apache, you would do:
touch tmp/restart.txt
You should now be able to customize the plugin.
* Open your to your redmine site on a browser window
* Log-in as the administrator
* Navigate to Administration / Plugins / Redmine Sympa plugin / Configure
* Change settings on that plugin
== Addional considerations
Due to the way the plugin is built, the user running redmine must be able to perform a sudo without password.
class MailingListController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_project, :authorize, :only => [:show]
def show
def find_project
# @project variable must be set before calling the authorize filter
@sympa_address = "sympa@#{Setting.plugin_redmine_sympa['redmine_sympa_domain']}"
@project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
<% html_title l(:redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title, :name => -%>
<h2> <%=h %> mailing list </h2>
<%=l(:redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro) %>
<a href='mailto:<%= @project.sympa_mailing_list_address %>'><%= @project.sympa_mailing_list_address %></a>
<%=l(:redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address) %> <a href='mailto:<%= @project.sympa_admin_address %>'><%= @project.sympa_admin_address %></a>
<%=l(:redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe) %> <em>subscribe <%= @project.identifier %> Firstname Name</em>
<%=l(:redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe ) %> <em>unsubscribe <%= @project.identifier %> </em>
<%=l(:redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web) %> <a href="<%= @project.sympa_url %>"><%= @project.sympa_url %></a>
<%=l(:redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text) %>
<a href='<%= @project.sympa_archive_url %>'><%= @project.sympa_archive_url %></a>
<%= textilizable @project.sympa_info %>
<%= content_tag(:legend, l(:redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration)) %>
<%= content_tag(:p, l(:redmine_sympa_settings_help)) %>
<%= content_tag(:label, l(:redmine_sympa_setting_roles)) %>
roles = Role.all(:order => "position ASC")
selected = @settings['redmine_sympa_roles'].collect(&:to_i) unless @settings['redmine_sympa_roles'].blank?
selected ||= []
<% unless roles.empty? %>
content_tag(:option, '') + options_from_collection_for_select(roles, :id, :name, selected ),
:multiple => true,
:size => 5)
<% else %>
<%= link_to(l(:join_project_missing_roles), :controller => 'roles', :action => 'index') %>
<% end %>
<%= content_tag(:label, l(:redmine_sympa_setting_list_type)) %>
<%= text_field_tag("settings[redmine_sympa_list_type]", @settings['redmine_sympa_list_type'], :size=>60 ) %>
<%= content_tag(:label, l(:redmine_sympa_setting_domain)) %>
<%= text_field_tag("settings[redmine_sympa_domain]", @settings['redmine_sympa_domain'], :size=>60 ) %>
<%= content_tag(:label, l(:redmine_sympa_setting_path)) %>
<%= text_field_tag("settings[redmine_sympa_path]", @settings['redmine_sympa_path'], :size=>60 ) %>
<%= content_tag(:label, l(:redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url)) %>
<%= text_field_tag("settings[redmine_sympa_archive_url]", @settings['redmine_sympa_archive_url'], :size=>60 ) %>
<%= content_tag(:label, l(:redmine_sympa_setting_info_url)) %>
<%= text_field_tag("settings[redmine_sympa_info_url]", @settings['redmine_sympa_info_url'], :size=>60 ) %>
<%= content_tag(:label, l(:redmine_sympa_setting_log)) %>
<%= text_field_tag("settings[redmine_sympa_log]", @settings['redmine_sympa_log'], :size=>60 ) %>
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# German strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# Spanish strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "Ver lista de correo"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuración"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Seleccione que Rol debería tener un Miembro para poder gestionar listas de correo de Sympa. Normalmente 'Manager'. El nombre de dominio es la parte que va tras la @ en Las otras settings son los paths a los ejecutables de sympa."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Rol de control"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Añadir roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Nombre de dominio"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: "Path a"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Log de sympa"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Prefijo de la url de los archivos"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Prefijo de la url de información"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "Tipo de lista"
field_sympa_info: "Información de la lista"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "Lista de correo {{name}}"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "La dirección de esta lista de correo es:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "La dirección de correo para suscribirse / cancelar subscripciones es:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "Para suscribirse, por favor envíe un email vacío a dicha dirección, con la cabecera:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "Para cancelar una subscripción, por favor envía un mail vacío a dicha dirección, con la cabecera:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "También puede utilizar la interfaz web para gestionar su suscripción:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "El archivo de la lista está disponible en: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# French strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
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redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
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field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
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redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
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field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
# English strings go here
permission_view_mailing_lists: "View Mailing Lists"
redmine_sympa_text_settings_configuration: "Configuration"
redmine_sympa_settings_help: "Select which Role a Member should have in order to be able to manage Sympa lists. This is usually 'Manager'. The domain name is the part after @ in The other two settings are required executable paths."
redmine_sympa_setting_roles: "Manager role"
redmine_sympa_missing_roles: "Add new roles"
redmine_sympa_setting_domain: "Domain name"
redmine_sympa_setting_path: " path"
redmine_sympa_setting_log: "Sympa log"
redmine_sympa_setting_archive_url: "Archive url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_info_url: "Information page url prefix"
redmine_sympa_setting_list_type: "List type"
field_sympa_info: "Mailing list information"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_title: "{{name}} mailing list"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_intro: "This project's mailing list address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_admin_address: "The subscription / unsubscription email address is:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscribe: "In order to subscribe, please send an empty email to that adress, with the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_unsubscribe: "In order to unsubscribe, please send an empty email to that address containing the header:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_subscription_web: "You may also use sympa's web interface for subscribing/unsubscribing:"
redmine_sympa_mailing_list_page_archive_text: "The list archive is available in: "
class AddSympaInfoToProjects < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :projects, :sympa_info, :text
def self.down
remove_column :projects, :sympa_info
require 'redmine'
require 'redmine_sympa/hooks/project_hooks'
require 'dispatcher'
Dispatcher.to_prepare :redmine_sympa do
require_dependency 'project'
require_dependency 'enabled_module'
Project.send(:include, RedmineSympa::Patches::ProjectPatch)
EnabledModule.send(:include, RedmineSympa::Patches::EnabledModulePatch)
Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_sympa do
name 'Redmine Sympa plugin'
author 'Enrique García Cota'
description 'Integrates Redmine with Sympa mailing lists.'
version '0.0.3'
:partial => 'settings/redmine_sympa',
:default => {
'redmine_sympa_roles' => [],
'redmine_sympa_domain' => '',
'redmine_sympa_archive_url' => 'http://localhost/wws/arc/',
'redmine_sympa_path' => '/home/sympa/bin/',
'redmine_sympa_log' => "#{Rails.root}/log/sympa.log",
'redmine_sympa_list_type' => 'discussion_list'
#project_module ensures that only the projects that have them 'active' will show them
project_module :sympa_mailing_list do
#declares that our "show" from MailingList controller is public
permission(:view_mailing_lists, {:mailing_list => [:show]}, :public => true)
#Creates an entry on the project menu for displaying the mailing list
menu :project_menu, :mailing_list, { :controller => 'mailing_list', :action => 'show' }, :caption => 'Mailing List', :after => :activity, :param => :project_id
require 'redmine_sympa/sympa_logger'
module RedmineSympa
module Actions
def self.execute_command(command)" executing #{command}")
system "sudo #{command} >> #{RedmineSympa::SympaLogger.path} 2>&1 &"
def self.get_sympa_path
def self.get_domain
def self.create_list(project)
temp_file ="#{Rails.root}/tmp/list#{project.identifier}", "w+")
File.chmod(0644, temp_file.path)
temp_file.flush "Creating mailing list for project #{project.identifier}"
execute_command("#{get_sympa_path} --create_list --robot #{get_domain} --input_file #{temp_file.path}")
def self.destroy_list(project) "Destroying mailing list for project #{project.identifier}"
execute_command("#{get_sympa_path} --purge_list=#{project.identifier}@#{get_domain}")
module RedmineSympa
module Hooks
class ProjectHooks < Redmine::Hook::ViewListener
# :project
# :form
def view_projects_form(context={})
content = context[:form].text_area(:sympa_info, :rows => 5, :class => 'wiki-edit')
#FIXME: this doesn't work any more. Why?
#content += wikitoolbar_for(:project_sympa_info)
return content_tag(:p, content)
require 'redmine_sympa/actions'
module RedmineSympa
module Patches
module EnabledModulePatch
def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
base.class_eval do
unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development
after_create :sympa_enable_module
before_destroy :sympa_disable_module
module ClassMethods
module InstanceMethods
def is_a_sympa_module?
return ( == 'sympa_mailing_list' ? true : false)
def sympa_enable_module
if(self.is_a_sympa_module?)"EnabledModule: Project #{self.project.identifier} needs a new mailing list. We must registers all its users, too.")
def sympa_disable_module
if(self.is_a_sympa_module?)"EnabledModule: Project #{self.project.identifier} doesn't need a mailing list any more")
module RedmineSympa
module Patches
module ProjectPatch
def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
base.class_eval do
unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development
module ClassMethods
module InstanceMethods
def has_sympa_mailing_list?
return self.module_enabled?(:sympa_mailing_list)
def sympa_mailing_list_address
def sympa_admin_address
def sympa_archive_url
def sympa_url
def sympa_admin_emails
roles = Setting.plugin_redmine_sympa['redmine_sympa_roles'].collect{|r| r.to_i}
emails= members.all(:conditions => ['role_id IN (?)', roles]).collect{|m| m.user.mail}
return emails
# returns the xml needed for defining a mailing list
def sympa_mailing_list_xml_def
owners = sympa_admin_emails.collect{|m| "<owner multiple='1'><email>#{m}</email></owner>"}
list_type = Setting.plugin_redmine_sympa['redmine_sympa_list_type']
return "<?xml version='1.0' ?>
#{owners.join(' ')}
module RedmineSympa
module SympaLogger
def self.path
sympa_log = Setting.plugin_redmine_sympa['redmine_sympa_log']
def self.file
if(@file==nil) then
@file =, 'a')
@file.sync = true
return @file
def self.getLogger
if @logger == nil
@logger =
return @logger
def self.clear()
@logger = nil
def self.debug(msg)
def self.warn(msg)
def self.error(msg)
def self.fatal(msg)
namespace :redmine_sympa do
desc "Create a project's mailing list, and subscribe all its users to it"
task :create_list => :environment do
require 'redmine_sympa/actions.rb'
project = Project.find(ENV["PROJECT_ID"]) or raise "PROJECT_ID missing or invalid"
puts "Creating mailing list for project #{project.identifier}""Rake: create_list")
desc "Destroy a project's mailing list"
task :destroy_list => :environment do
require 'redmine_sympa/actions.rb'
project = Project.find(ENV["PROJECT_ID"]) or raise "PROJECT_ID missing or invalid"
puts "Destroying mailing list for project #{project.identifier}""Rake: destroy_list")
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
class MailingListControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
# Replace this with your real tests.
def test_truth
assert true
# Load the normal Rails helper
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../test/test_helper')
# Ensure that we are using the temporary fixture path
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