Commit fe7d6592 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Fixed: can not search for 2 letters word (#4381).

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent d7c9886b
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ class SearchController < ApplicationController
# extract tokens from the question
# eg. hello "bye bye" => ["hello", "bye bye"]
@tokens = @question.scan(%r{((\s|^)"[\s\w]+"(\s|$)|\S+)}).collect {|m| m.first.gsub(%r{(^\s*"\s*|\s*"\s*$)}, '')}
# tokens must be at least 3 character long
@tokens = {|w| w.length > 2 }
# tokens must be at least 2 characters long
@tokens = {|w| w.length > 1 }
if !@tokens.empty?
# no more than 5 tokens to search for
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