Commit 35b3928b authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

doc: list the diagnostics 'things'

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent b3c5e11e
......@@ -376,18 +376,40 @@ each diagnostic thing the header defines a few bits; so we can have
diagnostic levels for each of them, but we suggest only using level 1
and 2 -- the rationale is in the header itself.
The @i{things} currently defined are: finite state machine, time code,
frame send/receive, servo, best master clock, extension-specific
features. The user is expected to pass diagnostic flags as a string,
The @i{things} currently defined are:
@item Finite State Machine: PPSi reports FSM state transitions.
@item Time: at level 1 PPSi reports @i{time_set} operations
and timeouts; at level 2 it also reports @i{time_get} operations.
@item Frames: at level 1 PPSi reports any send and receive event; at level 2
it also shows the frame itself (using @i{ptpdump} code).
@item Servo: report servo operation. At level 2 it also shows the individual
timestamps and internal averaging.
@item BMC: at level 1 PPSi reports BMC choices, at level 2 it reports
addition of new masters as well.
@item Externsions: extension-specific information.
@item Configuration: at level 1 PPSi reports errors, at level 2 all
configuration items being parsed (from either files or command line).
@end itemize
The user is expected to pass diagnostic flags as a string,
specifying diagnostic levels for each of the things, where trailing
zeroes are optional. So for example ``@t{01}'' specifies a
diagnostic level 1 for time, and ``@t{102}'' specifies FSM at level1
diagnostic level 1 for time, and ``@t{102}'' specifies FSM at level 1
and frames at level 2. The header itself is more detailed about
the conventions.
To parse the diagnostic string, PPSi offers @i{pp_diag_parse}. The
function is used, for example, by the code that reads the command
function is used by both the code that reads the command line
and code that parses configuration.
Within PPSi, developers should insert diagnostic messages by means
of the @i{pp_diag} function:
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