Commit 3bf6b264 authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp Committed by Alessandro Rubini

Use the typedef we already have also in the struct, to make sure things

stay in sync.
parent 1dae227b
......@@ -308,19 +308,17 @@ extern void div2_TimeInternal(TimeInternal *r);
* The state machine itself is an array of these structures.
/* Use a typedef, to avoid long prototypes */
typedef int pp_action(struct pp_instance *ppi, uint8_t *packet, int plen);
struct pp_state_table_item {
int state;
char *name;
int (*f1)(struct pp_instance *ppi, uint8_t *packet, int plen);
pp_action *f1;
extern struct pp_state_table_item pp_state_table[]; /* 0-terminated */
/* Use a typedef, to avoid long prototypes */
typedef int pp_action(struct pp_instance *ppi, uint8_t *packet, int plen);
/* Standard state-machine functions */
extern pp_action pp_initializing, pp_faulty, pp_disabled, pp_listening,
pp_pre_master, pp_master, pp_passive, pp_uncalibrated,
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