Commit 8ee159a4 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini Committed by Aurelio Colosimo

ieee1588_types.h: Octet is better uint8_t than char

char may be signed or unsigned, so I'd better be safe here.
Meanwhile, I added some tabs to better line up the typedef stanza.
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent f1dbdca0
......@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@
typedef enum {FALSE=0, TRUE} Boolean; /* FIXME really needed? */
typedef char Octet;
typedef int8_t Integer8;
typedef int16_t Integer16;
typedef int32_t Integer32;
typedef uint8_t UInteger8;
typedef uint16_t UInteger16;
typedef uint32_t UInteger32;
typedef uint8_t Octet;
typedef int8_t Integer8;
typedef int16_t Integer16;
typedef int32_t Integer32;
typedef uint8_t UInteger8;
typedef uint16_t UInteger16;
typedef uint32_t UInteger32;
/* Enumerations are unsigned, see 5.4.2, page 15 */
typedef uint16_t Enumeration16;
typedef uint8_t Enumeration8;
typedef uint8_t Enumeration4;
typedef uint8_t UInteger4;
typedef uint8_t Nibble;
typedef uint16_t Enumeration16;
typedef uint8_t Enumeration8;
typedef uint8_t Enumeration4;
typedef uint8_t UInteger4;
typedef uint8_t Nibble;
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