Commit 9b1ae8a3 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU

Improve WR extension protocol detection

When the extension is inactive due to some circonstances, an instance
will reactivate the extension when the instance will jump to
parent 5fb66400
......@@ -187,6 +187,11 @@ static void wr_state_change(struct pp_instance *ppi)
struct wr_dsport *wrp = WR_DSPOR(ppi);
pp_diag(ppi, ext, 2, "hook: %s\n", __func__);
if ( ppi->extState==PP_EXSTATE_PTP && ppi->next_state==PPS_UNCALIBRATED ) {
// Extension need to be re-enabled
if ( ppi->extState==PP_EXSTATE_ACTIVE ) {
// Check leaving state
......@@ -219,9 +224,9 @@ static void wr_state_change(struct pp_instance *ppi)
/* Leave SLAVE state : We must stop the PPS generation */
} else
} else {
int wr_ready_for_slave(struct pp_instance *ppi) {
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