Commit a6a32f26 authored by Davide Ciminaghi's avatar Davide Ciminaghi Committed by Alessandro Rubini

cmdline: remove obsolete -O option

Signed-off-by: Davide Ciminaghi's avatarDavide Ciminaghi <>
parent 67b8a0f1
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ static struct cmd_line_opt cmd_line_list[] = {
{"-d STRING", "diagnostic level (see diag-macros.h)"},
{"-x", "do not reset the clock if off by more than one second"},
{"-O NUMBER", "do not reset the clock if offset is more than NUMBER nanoseconds"},
{"-M NUMBER", "do not accept delay values of more than NUMBER nanoseconds"},
{"-t", "do not adjust the system clock"},
{"-a NUMBER,NUMBER", "specify clock servo P and I values (min == 1)"},
......@@ -122,15 +121,6 @@ int pp_parse_cmdline(struct pp_globals *ppg, int argc, char **argv)
case 'x':
GOPTS(ppg)->flags |= PP_FLAG_NO_RESET;
case 'O':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->max_rst = atoi(a);
if (GOPTS(ppg)->max_rst > PP_NSEC_PER_SEC) {
pp_printf("Use -x to prevent jumps of"
" more than one second\n");
return -1;
case 'M':
a = argv[++i];
GOPTS(ppg)->max_dly = atoi(a);
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