1. 04 Dec, 2014 1 commit
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      arch-wrs: added shmem code from libwr · dbb08dae
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This is respinning a previous commit, based on the new shmem in libwr
      after the feedback and patches by Adam. More headers are inserted,
      as they are included by the ones we use.
      hal_shmem.h has one 1-line modification to account for the different
      include path in ppsi, as opposed to wr-switch-sw.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
  2. 27 Nov, 2014 4 commits
  3. 14 Nov, 2014 1 commit
  4. 13 Nov, 2014 6 commits
  5. 11 Nov, 2014 3 commits
  6. 07 Nov, 2014 8 commits
  7. 04 Nov, 2014 4 commits
  8. 14 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  9. 22 Sep, 2014 4 commits
  10. 06 Aug, 2014 2 commits
  11. 05 Aug, 2014 5 commits
  12. 03 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      whiterabbit: remove unused assignments to wrPortState · da92cc2a
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      The wrPortState variable was assigned-to in various places: it was
      "almost" mirroring the PTP state, but not every WR state was actually
      setting it.  In fact, it was only used for calibration sub-states, so
      remove all other assignment.
      Often, the code did:
         wp->wrMode = NON_WR;
         wp->wrPortState = WR_PORT_IDLE;
      but only wrMode was ever checked, so WR_PORT_IDLE (was: WRS_IDLE) is
      redundant and can be removed altogether.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>