Commit d2488fc1 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

do not use anymore check-fmc-bus

Mainly for compatibility (simplification) with the CERN super module.
Insted of using a script to guess which fmc-bus define, assume always
that parent project define the FMC_BUS to use.
Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 156b2ea2
# We have a problem here: this package may be a submodule of something
# else (for example: fine-delay). If this is the case, fmc-bus is on ../
# This external script returns the pathname of the "kernel" subdir of fmc-bus
FMC_DRV ?= $(shell ./check-fmc-bus)
# by default use the fmc-bus within the repository
FMC_BUS ?= $(shell pwd)/fmc-bus/
export FMC_BUS
FMC_DRV ?= $(FMC_BUS)/kernel/
export FMC_DRV
RUNME := $(shell test -d $(FMC_DRV) || git submodule update --init)
DIRS = $(FMC_DRV) kernel tools
DIRS = $(FMC_BUS) kernel tools
all clean modules install modules_install:
for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d $@ || exit 1; done
cd $(dirname $0)
# If this project _and_ fmc-bus are submodules of ../, pick ../fmc-bus
THIS=$(basename $(/bin/pwd))
if ! test -f ../.gitmodules; then
exit 0
if ! grep "submodule \"$THIS\"" ../.gitmodules > /dev/null; then
exit 0
if ! grep "submodule \"fmc-bus\"" ../.gitmodules > /dev/null; then
exit 0
\ No newline at end of file
LINUX ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
FMC_DRV ?= $(shell ../check-fmc-bus)
export FMC_DRV
# by default use the fmc-bus within the repository
FMC_BUS ?= $(shell pwd)/../fmc-bus/
FMC_DRV ?= $(FMC_BUS)/kernel/
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