Commit 54a0d9ca authored by John Gill's avatar John Gill

project: added build flow.

parent eaa7b13d
\ No newline at end of file
To generate the wr2rf_vme fpga design, you must:
- run hdlmake in the current syn directory to generate a list of file
dependencies - specifically - files.tcl
$ hdlmake
- run vivado to progress through the build phases (synth, opt, place, phys_opt
and route).
$ vivado -mode tcl -source wr2rf_vme.tcl
set projDir [file dirname [info script]]
# Xilinx speed grades: 1,2,3: 1 = slowest, 3 = fastest
set speed 2
set kintex7 xc7k70tfbg676-${speed}
set device ${kintex7}
set top wr2rf_vme
# Check hdlmake has generated file dependencies
if {![file exists files.tcl]} {
puts "File: files.tcl not found, please check hdlmake has generated the file dependencies."
exit 1
source files.tcl
#read_vhdl $projDir/XXX.vhd
# constraint files
read_xdc $projDir/${top}.xdc
set start_time [clock seconds]
synth_design -top ${top} -part ${device} > ${top}_synth.log
write_checkpoint -force ${top}_synth
opt_design -directive Explore -verbose > ${top}_opt.log
write_checkpoint -force ${top}_opt
place_design -directive Explore > ${top}_place.log
write_checkpoint -force ${projDir}/${top}_place
phys_opt_design -directive Explore > ${top}_phys_opt.log
write_checkpoint -force ${projDir}/${top}_phys_opt
route_design -directive Explore > ${top}_route.log
write_checkpoint -force ${projDir}/${top}_route
report_timing_summary -file ${top}_timing_summary.rpt
report_timing -sort_by group -max_paths 100 -path_type full -file ${top}_timing.rpt
report_utilization -hierarchical -file ${top}_utilization.rpt
report_io -file ${top}_pin.rpt
# bitstream configuration...
set_property CONFIG_VOLTAGE 1.8 [current_design]
set_property CFGBVS GND [current_design]
#set_property CONFIG_MODE SPIx8 [current_design]
#set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_BUSWIDTH 8 [current_design]
#set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.EXTMASTERCCLK_EN div-2 [current_design]
#set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_FALL_EDGE YES [current_design]
set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS true [current_design]
write_bitstream -force ${projDir}/${top}.bit
#write_cfgmem -force -format mcs -interface spix8 -size 32 -loadbit "up 0x0 pcieg2_kcu105.bit" pcieg2_kcu105.mcs
set end_time [clock seconds]
set total_time [ expr { $end_time - $start_time} ]
set absolute_time [clock format $total_time -format {%H:%M:%S} -gmt true ]
puts "\ntotal build time: $absolute_time\n"
exit 0
# Put constraints in the syn tree.
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