Commit 8b9e164d authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

vme_cr_csr_space.vhd: minor refactoring.

parent 26ae1414
......@@ -190,11 +190,9 @@ architecture rtl of vme_cr_csr_space is
type t_cram is array (c_CRAM_SIZE-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal s_cram : t_cram;
signal s_cram_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal s_cram_waddr : unsigned(18 downto 2);
signal s_cram_raddr : unsigned(18 downto 2);
signal s_cram_we : std_logic;
-- Addresses
subtype crcsr_addr is unsigned(18 downto 2);
......@@ -507,6 +505,9 @@ begin
gen_cram_ena: if c_CRAM_ENA = true generate
signal s_cram : t_cram;
signal s_cram_we : std_logic;
s_cram_access <= '1' when s_addr >= c_BEG_CRAM and
s_addr <= c_END_CRAM
else '0';
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