Commit f682b07a authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

User guide: WIP

parent b5d758c9
VME64x Core specifications
This core implements a VME64x slave - WB master bridge. It provides a complete
and user extendable CR/CSR space, and forward to a wishbone slave VME
transfers. On the WB side, the addresses are rebased from 0.
* interrupts: 1 with automasking. Once acknowledged by the handler, interrupts
are masked for 1ms or until deasserted by the slave. The intent is to
prevent interrupt bursts and to retrigger interrupts if not handled.
* A disable ADEM (set to 0) results in an unimplemented ADER, to reduce gate
* CSR Reset bit is handled as a pulse (will reset on the next write).
This doesn't follow the standard, but is needed for software compatibility.
* When g_DECODE_AM is set to false (non-default), the decoders will use
AMCAP (instead of the ADER.AM field) to check AM. So a decoder will trigger
for all its AMCAP bit. This is for compatibility with previous versions of
the core.
* DTACK/BERR are supposed to be released at most 30ns once DS is released.
The design needs 4 clocks to release them, which means the min frequency
is supposed to 133Mhz
* Core is smaller (< 1000 slices)
* No retry
* No endianess convertion
* WB data bus is 32 bit
* Internal component declarations removed.
* Async inputs registered with gc_sync_register.
VME interface
* D08(EO), D16, D32
* Addressing mode: A16, A24, A32
* D08(O), I(7-1), ROAK interrupts
* (compatible with MEN A25 master board)
* CR/CSR space with extensions from VME64x
* Geographic Address (GA), dynamic configuration (ader).
(TODO: support noga/usega for svec ?)
* Interrupt
Not supported:
* 2eVME
* 2eSST (no hardware)
* Dynamic size (DFSR, DFS)
* Fixed address (FAF)
* Extra Function Mask (EFM)
* XAM (no 2e)
* A40, A64 (not supported by MEN A25)
* MD32 (multiplexed data cycle, only for A40)
* LCK (bus lock)
* UAT (unaligned accesses)
* RMW cycles (but should work)
* ADO, ADOH (address only cycle)
* D08, D16 for BLT (??)
* RETRY (cf rule 2.91 - incompatibility with WB)
WB interface (datasheet)
* 1. Compliant to Wishbone B4 specifications
* 2. Slave
* 3. Signals name follows the specification
* 4. err_i is forwarded to VME as BERR*
* 5. rty_i is not supported
* 6. no TAGs
* 7. Port size is 32 bit
* 8. Port granularity is 8 bit
* 9. Maximum operand size is 8 bit (TBC)
* 10. Data transfer ordering is BIG ENDIAN
* 11. Sequence of data transfer is defined by the VME side
* 12. No CLK_I signal, clock is provided separately.
* Non pipeline behaviour (but compatible with pipeline).
The generics define values for many CR registers, and the clock period (needed
to follow the VME timing specifications). See generic declarations for
In addition to reset and clock, the ports are used for VME and WB signals,
to connect a user defined CSR or CR memory, interrupts from the WB slave,
VME irq level and vector. See port declaration for details.
VITAL-1 rules
[ Master/D64/A64 means N/A as the rule doesn't concern this core]
2.1a: Master
2.69: Master
2.2: Followed
2.3: Followed, excluded from c_AMCAP_ALLOWED. [no TB]
2.70: D64
2.7: Followed
2.8: Followed
2.9: Followed
2.71: A64
2.10: Master
2.11: Followed
2.72: A64
2.73: A40
2.74: Followed (A32, A24, A16 supported)
2.75: Followed (likewise)
2.76: Followed (D16 and D08(EO) supported)
2.77: Followed (likewise)
2.4: Followed (D32 supported)
2.5: Followed (D16 supported)
2.12a: Master
2.78: Master
2.66: Followed
2.79: Master
2.80: Master
2.6: Followed [no TB]
2.68: Followed [no TB]
2.81: Followed (LOCK not accepted)
2.82: Followed (likewise)
2.83: Master
2.84: Followed (lock)
2.85: Followed (CR/CSR layout)
2.86: Followed
2.87: Followed (D08(O) is the data access supported)
2.93: Master
2.18: Followed (A[] and LWORD lines are registered)
2.19: Master
2.20: Master
2.21: Master
2.22: Master
2.23: Master
2.24: Master
2.25: Followed (DATA lines are all driven for read, MBLT not supported)
2.26: Followed (Likewise)
2.27: Master
2.28: Master
2.29: Master
2.30: Master
2.31: Master
2.32: Master
2.33a: Master
2.34a: Master
2.35: Master
2.36: Master
2.37: Master
2.38: Master
2.39: Master
2.40: Master
2.41: Master
2.42: Master
2.43: Master
2.44a: Master
2.94: Master
2.45: Master
2.46a: Master
2.47a: Master
2.48a: Master
2.49: Master
2.50: Master
2.51: Master
2.52: Master
2.95: Master
2.96: Master
2.53a: Followed (VME_DATA_DIR is set only once DSA goes low)
2.54a: Followed
2.55: Followed (number of states in the main FSM + synch FF)
2.28a: Followed (likewise)
2.56a: Followed
2.57: Followed
2.98: TBC
2.58a: Followed (released at the same time)
2.99: TBC (retry)
2.100: TBC (retry)
2.101: TBC (retry)
2.102: TBC (retry)
2.103: TBC (retry)
2.104: TBC (retry)
2.105: TBC (retry)
2.59: Bus timer
2.60: Bus timer
3.x: Arbitration
4.1: Backplace
4.50: Followed (slave can generate interrupt)
4.2 Followed
A24 SCT DMA 0x3d
Read Rate: 10.270429 MB/sec
Write Rate: 10.765994 MB/sec
Read Rate: 8.782308 MB/sec
Write Rate: 9.176580 MB/sec
Read Rate: 15.769639 MB/sec
Write Rate: 17.178069 MB/sec
# VME64x to WB core User Guide
This core implements a VME64x slave - WB master bridge.
The vme64x core conform to the standards defined by ANSI/VITA VME64
and VME64x Standards. In particular this core has been provided of
the "plug and play" capability; it means that in the vme64x core you
can find a CR/CSR space whose base address is setted automatically
with the geographical address lines and has not to be set by jumpers
or switches on the board. Indeed this operation is error prone.
Software must map the module memory in the address space by writing
the CSR space as explained later.
The core supports SINGLE, BLT (D32), MBLT (D64) transfers in A16, A24,
and A32 address modes and D08 (OE), D16, D32 data transfers. The core
can be configured via the CR/CSR configuration space. A ROACK type IRQ
controller with one interrupt input and a programmable interrupt level
and Status/ID register can also be provided (option at instantiation).
Since the vme64x core acts as a WB master in the WB side, the WB
pipelined single read/write transfer has been provided to the
core. This functionality conform the Wishbone B4 standard.
## Features
### VME interface
This section lists the VME features supported by the core.
#### Supported:
* D08(EO), D16, D32
* Addressing mode: A16, A24, A32
* D08(O), I(7-1), ROAK interrupts
* (compatible with MEN A25 master board)
* CR/CSR space with extensions from VME64x
* Geographic Address (GA), dynamic configuration (ader).
(TODO: support noga/usega for svec ?)
* Interrupt
#### Not supported:
* 2eVME
* 2eSST (no hardware)
* Dynamic size (DFSR, DFS)
* Fixed address (FAF)
* Extra Function Mask (EFM)
* XAM (no 2e)
* A40, A64 (not supported by MEN A25)
* MD32 (multiplexed data cycle, only for A40)
* LCK (bus lock)
* UAT (unaligned accesses)
* RMW cycles (but should work)
* ADO, ADOH (address only cycle)
* D08, D16 for BLT (??)
* RETRY (cf rule 2.91 - incompatibility with WB)
### WB interface
This section corresponds to the datasheet required by the WB specification.
1. Compliant to Wishbone B4 specifications
2. Slave
3. Signals name follows the specification
4. err_i is forwarded to VME as BERR*
5. rty_i is not supported
6. no TAGs
7. Port size is 32 bit
8. Port granularity is 8 bit
9. Maximum operand size is 8 bit (TBC)
10. Data transfer ordering is BIG ENDIAN
11. Sequence of data transfer is defined by the VME side
12. No CLK_I signal, clock is provided separately.
* Non pipeline behaviour (but compatible with pipeline). The core doesn't take
any advantage of the pipeline behaviour, as the WB bus is much faster than
the VME bus.
### CR/CSR space
To provide a “plug and play” capability CR/CSR space is implemented as
defined by ANSI/VITA Standards for VME64 Extensions [2].
A dedicated “Configuration ROM / Control & Status Register” (CR/CSR)
address space has been introduced. It consists of ROM and RAM regions
with a set of well defined registers. It is addressed with the address
modifier 0x2F in the A24 address space.
Every VME module occupies a 512 kB page in this address space. The
location of this page in the A24 space is defined by geographical
address lines on the backplane: each slot is provided with a unique
geographical five bit address at the J1 connector (row d). From these
bits A23...A19 of the CR/CSR page are derived.
If the geographical address is not correct (GA parity bit does not
match), the base address is set to 0x00, which indicates a faulty
condition. An odd parity is used.
If the board is plugged into an old crate that doesn't provide the GA
lines, all the GA lines are asserted to '1' by the pull-up resistors
on the boards and the BAR register is set to 0x00; it is not set by
hand with some switches on the board so in this condition the CR/CSR
space can't be accessed.
The CR/CSR space can be accessed with the data width D08(EO), D16
byte(2-3) and D32. Please note that in compliance with the CR/CSR
definition, only every fourth location in the CR/CSR space is used. If
the master tries to write another location the write will not take
effect and if the master reads the byte(0) or byte(1) or byte(2)
locations the value returned is 0.
As you can see in the table below, not all this space of memory is
defined yet, and the digital designer can add additional CR and CSR
spaces called User Csr and User CR which are not implemented in the
vme64x core.
The location of the User CR and User CSR regions as well as the CRAM
region are programmable. For each of these, six bytes defining the
start and the end address (with respect to the start of the
configuration space) are reserved in the CR region. Designers are free
to use these regions for module specific purposes.
By default the size of the CRAM space is 0, which means it is disabled
and doesn't use any resources. User can define the address range of
CRAM in order to generate a programmable area.
All the registers in the CSR space have been implemented as defined by
the VME64 Extensions.
Start Address | End Address | Content
------- | ----------- | ------------------------------
0x7ff60 | 0x7ffff | CSR (Control Status Registers)
0x7fc00 | 0x7ff5f | Reserved for CSR
BEG_USER_CSR | END_USER_CSR | User defined CSR (option)
BEG_CRAM | END_CRAM | User defined CRAM (option)
BEG_USER_CR | END_USER_CR | User defined CR (option)
0x00000 | 0x00fff | CR (Configuration ROM)
In addition to the standard registers in the CSR space, the VME64x defines by
default a user CSR space (within the CSR space reserved by the VME64x standard)
with the following registers:
Address | Content | Reset value
--------| ---------- | -----------
0x7ff5f | IRQ vector | 0x00
0x7ff5b | IRQ level | 0x00
This is for compatibility with existing drivers for previous version of the
### Interrupt controller
The interrupt controller implemented is a ROAK (Release On
Acknowledge) type controller. It means that the Interrupter releases
the interrupt request lines when it acknowledges the interrupt cycle.
Upon synchronously detecting a rising edge on the interrupt request
signal input on the WB bus, the VME64x core drives the IRQ request
line on the VME bus low thus issuing an interrupt request. The VME
master acknowledges the interrupt in a form of an IACK cycle. During
the IACK cycle the vme64x core sends the IRQ_Vector to the
master. After the interrupt is acknowledged, the VME IRQ line is
There are seven VME IRQ lines but only one interrupt request
input. For the purpose of configuring which of the seven IRQ lines the
VME64x core will drive (in response to a rising edge on the IRQ
input), an IRQ Level register has been implemented in the user CSR
space. The value of this register corresponds to the number of the IRQ
line on the VME bus that is to be used (note that on the VME master
side priorities are taken into account, IRQ7 having the highest
priority and IRQ1 the lowest). If the IRQ level register is set to
0x00, interrupts are disabled. In the default power-up and reset
configuration the interrupts are disabled.
There is a non-standard mechanism to retrigger unhandled interrupts.
Once an interrupt is asserted by the WB slave, the interrupt is marked
as pending and the interrupt request is relayed on the VME bus. The OS
and the driver has to acknowledge the interrupt and to act on the
hardware so that the WB slave doesn't request anymore OS attention.
If the OS acknowledge the interrupt but doesn't quiet the request, the
VME64x Core will relay again the interrupt on the VME bus after
## VME64x Core Instantiation
There are two top-level entities. The `xvme64x_core` is the main one,
where records are used for the `g_DECODER` generic, VME and WB buses
in order to simplify the connections. The `vme64x_core` has exactely
the same features but all generics and ports are unwrapper to allow
interfacing with verilog code.
### Generics
The first generic `g_CLOCK_PERIOD` defines the clock in ns. This generic must
be set by user and is used for synchronization of the VME DS signal.
Generic `g_DECODE_AM` can be set to false for compatibility with the
previous version of this core. When false, the AM field of ADER is not
used when decoding address, so the core will recognize any access
allowed by the corresponding AMCAP.
Generic `g_USER_CSR_EXT` can be set to true if a user defined CSR is
provided. The interface with the user CSR is a very simple
synchronous SRAM (signals `user_csr_addr_o`, `user_csr_data_i`,
`user_csr_data_o` and `user_csr_we_o`). In addition, the ports
`irq_level_i` and `irq_vector_i` are used by the interrupt controller
to define the irq level and vector (otherwise they are read from the
default user CSR registers).
The other generics define values in the CSR. The package `vme64x_pkg`
defines some constants for these values, and you can refer to VME64x
specification for details about these values:
* `g_MANUFACTURER_ID` for the manufacturer ID,
* `g_BOARD_ID` for the board ID,
* `g_REVISION_ID` for the revision ID,
* `g_PROGRAM_ID` for the type of code in CR,
* `g_ASCII_PTR` for the pointer to the user defined ASCII string in CR,
* `g_BEG_USER_CR` and `g_END_USER_CR` for the range of the user defined CR
area. If the range is not null, ports `user_cr_addr_o` and `user_cr_data_i`
must be connected to a ROM.
* `g_BEG_CRAM` and `g_END_CRAM` for the range of user CRAM. If the range is
not null, the core instantiates an SRAM.
* `g_BEG_USER_CSR` and `g_END_USER_CSR` for the range of the user defined
CSR. See above the description of `g_USER_CSR_EXT`.
* `g_BEG_SN` and `g_END_SN` for the area in CR of the serial number.
* `g_DECODER` describes the 8 function decoder. Each decoder is described by
the following bits (see VME64x specification for details):
* `adem` bits 8 to 31: address mask
* `adem` bits 0 to 7: must be set to 0
* `amcap`: address modifier supported by the decoder. Only bits 0x08 to
0x0f and 0x38 to 0x3f can be set to 1.
* `dawpr`: data access width (ignored by the decoder).
Note that setting `adem` to 0 disable the decoder. If decoders N to 7 are
disabled, they don't use any hardware resources.
### Ports
## VME64x Core Features
* CSR Reset bit is handled as a pulse (will reset on the next
write). This doesn't follow the standard, but is needed for software
* When g_DECODE_AM is set to false (non-default), the decoders will
use AMCAP (instead of the ADER.AM field) to check AM. So a decoder
will trigger for all its AMCAP bit. This is for compatibility with
previous versions of the core.
* DTACK/BERR are supposed to be released at most 30ns once DS is
released. The design needs 4 clocks to release them, which means the
min frequency is supposed to 133Mhz
## Changes in V2 (compared to previous version)
* Core is smaller (< 1000 slices)
* No retry
* No endianess convertion
* WB data bus is 32 bit
* Internal component declarations removed.
* Async inputs registered with gc_sync_register.
## Generics
The generics define values for many CR registers, and the clock period (needed
to follow the VME timing specifications). See generic declarations for
## Ports
In addition to reset and clock, the ports are used for VME and WB signals,
to connect a user defined CSR or CR memory, interrupts from the WB slave,
VME irq level and vector. See port declaration for details.
## VITAL-1 rules
Note: Master/D64/A64 means N/A as the rule doesn't concern this core.
* 2.1a: Master
* 2.69: Master
* 2.2: Followed
* 2.3: Followed, excluded from c_AMCAP_ALLOWED. [no TB]
* 2.70: D64
* 2.7: Followed
* 2.8: Followed
* 2.9: Followed
* 2.71: A64
* 2.10: Master
* 2.11: Followed
* 2.72: A64
* 2.73: A40
* 2.74: Followed (A32, A24, A16 supported)
* 2.75: Followed (likewise)
* 2.76: Followed (D16 and D08(EO) supported)
* 2.77: Followed (likewise)
* 2.4: Followed (D32 supported)
* 2.5: Followed (D16 supported)
* 2.12a: Master
* 2.78: Master
* 2.66: Followed
* 2.79: Master
* 2.80: Master
* 2.6: Followed [no TB]
* 2.68: Followed [no TB]
* 2.81: Followed (LOCK not accepted)
* 2.82: Followed (likewise)
* 2.83: Master
* 2.84: Followed (lock)
* 2.85: Followed (CR/CSR layout)
* 2.86: Followed
* 2.87: Followed (D08(O) is the data access supported)
* 2.93: Master
* 2.18: Followed (A[] and LWORD lines are registered)
* 2.19: Master
* 2.20: Master
* 2.21: Master
* 2.22: Master
* 2.23: Master
* 2.24: Master
* 2.25: Followed (DATA lines are all driven for read, MBLT not supported)
* 2.26: Followed (Likewise)
* 2.27: Master
* 2.28: Master
* 2.29: Master
* 2.30: Master
* 2.31: Master
* 2.32: Master
* 2.33a: Master
* 2.34a: Master
* 2.35: Master
* 2.36: Master
* 2.37: Master
* 2.38: Master
* 2.39: Master
* 2.40: Master
* 2.41: Master
* 2.42: Master
* 2.43: Master
* 2.44a: Master
* 2.94: Master
* 2.45: Master
* 2.46a: Master
* 2.47a: Master
* 2.48a: Master
* 2.49: Master
* 2.50: Master
* 2.51: Master
* 2.52: Master
* 2.95: Master
* 2.96: Master
* 2.53a: Followed (VME_DATA_DIR is set only once DSA goes low)
* 2.54a: Followed
* 2.55: Followed (number of states in the main FSM + synch FF)
* 2.28a: Followed (likewise)
* 2.56a: Followed
* 2.57: Followed
* 2.98: TBC
* 2.58a: Followed (released at the same time)
* 2.99: TBC (retry)
* 2.100: TBC (retry)
* 2.101: TBC (retry)
* 2.102: TBC (retry)
* 2.103: TBC (retry)
* 2.104: TBC (retry)
* 2.105: TBC (retry)
* 2.59: Bus timer
* 2.60: Bus timer
* 3.x: Arbitration
* 4.1: Backplace
* 4.50: Followed (slave can generate interrupt)
* 4.2 Followed
## Perf
A24 SCT DMA 0x3d
Read Rate: 10.270429 MB/sec
Write Rate: 10.765994 MB/sec
Read Rate: 8.782308 MB/sec
Write Rate: 9.176580 MB/sec
Read Rate: 15.769639 MB/sec
Write Rate: 17.178069 MB/sec
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