Commit 35a425dc authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

included all but one (figure clarity) feedback

parent 95f065f4
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ year = "2015",
author={M. Lipinski and et al.},
booktitle={Proceedings of ISPCS2012},
title={Performance results of the first White Rabbit installation for CNGS time transfer},
title={{Performance results of the first White Rabbit installation for CNGS time transfer}},
......@@ -187,6 +187,13 @@ title = "{White-Rabbit Based Revolution Frequency Program for the Longitudinal
booktitle = "{ICALEPCS}",
year = "2015",
author = "P. Whibberley and et al.",
title = "{Evaluation of White Rabbit for Time Service Distribution}",
booktitle = "{EFTF2018}",
year = "2018",
......@@ -276,7 +283,7 @@ howpublished = "{\url{
author={E. F. Dierikx and et al.},
journal={IEEE T-UFFC},
title={White Rabbit Precision Time Protocol on Long-Distance Fiber Links},
title={{White Rabbit Precision Time Protocol on Long-Distance Fiber Links}},
......@@ -313,7 +320,7 @@ ISSN={},
author={M. Rizzi and M. Lipinski and P. Ferrari and S. Rinaldi and A. Flammini},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control},
title={White Rabbit clock synchronization: ultimate limits on close-in phase noise and short-term stability due to FPGA implementation},
title={{White Rabbit clock synchronization: ultimate limits on close-in phase noise and short-term stability due to FPGA implementation}},
......@@ -343,7 +350,7 @@ year = "2018",
author = "G. Fantino and et al.",
title = "{White Rabbit Time Transfer on Medium and Long Fibre Hauls at INRIM}",
title = "{{White Rabbit Time Transfer on Medium and Long Fibre Hauls at INRIM}}",
booktitle = "{PTTI}",
year = "2014",
......@@ -354,7 +361,7 @@ year = "2014",
author = "C. Prados and et al.",
booktitle = "{ICALEPCS}",
year = "2018",
......@@ -397,7 +404,7 @@ year = "2018",
howpublished = {\url{}},
title = "KM3NeT 2.0: Letter of Intent for ARCA and ORCA",
title = "{KM3NeT 2.0: Letter of Intent for ARCA and ORCA}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
......@@ -406,7 +413,7 @@ year = "2018",
title = "Square Kilometre Array ",
title = "{Square Kilometre Array}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
......@@ -425,7 +432,7 @@ year = "2018",
author = "M. Bruckner and et al.",
booktitle = "ICALEPCS",
year = "2017",
......@@ -460,7 +467,7 @@ month={Sept},}
year = "2017",
title = "The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ",
title = "{The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
......@@ -486,8 +493,8 @@ month={Sept},}
author={M. Rizzi and M. Lipiński and T. Wlostowski and J. Serrano and G. Daniluk and P. Ferrari and S. Rinaldi},
booktitle={2016 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication (ISPCS)},
title={White rabbit clock characteristics},
title={{White Rabbit Clock Characteristics}},
......@@ -529,7 +536,7 @@ month={Sept},}
howpublished = {\url{}},
howpublished = {\url{}},
......@@ -598,3 +605,8 @@ year = {2018},
doi = {10.1364/OE.26.014650},
abstract = {We present a new measurement principle to determine the absolute time delay of a waveform from an optical reference plane to an electrical reference plane and vice versa. We demonstrate a method based on this principle with 2 ps uncertainty. This method can be used to perform accurate time delay determinations of optical transceivers used in fiber-optic time-dissemination equipment. As a result the time scales in optical and electrical domain can be related to each other with the same uncertainty. We expect this method will be a new breakthrough in high-accuracy time transfer and absolute calibration of time-transfer equipment.},
title = "{WR Applications Snapshot June 2018}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ enhancements to the White Rabbit (WR) extension of the IEEE 1588 Precision Time
Initially developed to serve accelerators at the European Organization for
Nuclear Research (CERN), WR has become a widely-used synchronization solution
in scientific installations. This article classifies WR applications
into five types, briefly explains each and describes its example
into five types, briefly explains each and describes example
installations. The article then summarizes WR enhancements that have been triggered by
different applications and outlines WR's integration into the PTP standard.
Based on the presented variety of WR applications and enhancements, it concludes
......@@ -95,10 +95,11 @@ implement WR enhancements:
% \textcolor{red}{(802.1Q end stations)} that implement WR enhancements:
\item \textbf{Synchronization with sub-nanosecond accuracy and tens of picoseconds precision} among all
WR switches/nodes. Such synchronization is provided by the WR extension to PTP (WR-PTP,
WR switches/nodes. %\footnote{The accuracy is the mean offset between the times of two synchronized WR switches/nodes while precision is the standard deviation of this offset.}.
Such synchronization is provided by the WR extension to PTP (WR-PTP
\cite{biblio:WRPTP}) and its supporting hardware \cite{biblio:ISPCS2011}\cite{biblio:TomekMSc}\cite{biblio:WRproject}.
\item \textbf{Deterministic and low-latency communication} between WR nodes provided by
a purposely customized and open design of the WR switch, described in
a purposely-made and open design of the WR switch, described in
Studies \cite{biblio:MaciekPhD}\cite{biblio:CesarPhD}\cite{biblio:JosePhD} have shown
......@@ -113,57 +114,55 @@ manner ensuring at most a single failure per year for a network of 2000 WR nodes
% \end{figure}
Since its conception in 2008, the number of WR applications has grown beyond
any expectations. The WR Users website \cite{biblio:WRusers} attempts to keep
track of WR applications. Apart from the suitable synchronization performance, the reasons for such a proliferation of WR applications
any expectation. The WR Users website \cite{biblio:WRusers} attempts to keep
track of WR applications and the newsletter in \cite{biblio:WR-APPLICATIONS-SNAPSHOT}
provides a status of a number of WR application in June 2018. Apart from the suitable synchronization performance, the reasons for such a proliferation of WR applications
are the open nature of the WR project and the fact that the WR technology is based
on standards. The former encourages collaboration,
reuse of work and adaptations that also prevent vendor lock-in. The latter allows using
off-the-shelf solutions with WR networks and catalyzes
collaboration with companies.
What started as a project to renovate one of the most critical systems at CERN,
GMT \cite{biblio:GMT}\cite{biblio:GMTJavierPres}, is now a multilaboratory,
the General Machine Timing (GMT \cite{biblio:GMT}\cite{biblio:GMTJavierPres}), is now a multilaboratory,
multicompany and multinational collaboration developing a technology that is
commercially available, used all over the world, and being incorporated into
the original PTP standard \cite{biblio:P1588}\cite{P1588-HA-enhancements}.
commercially available, used worldwide, and incorporated into
the original PTP \cite{biblio:P1588}\cite{P1588-HA-enhancements}.
% This article attempts at providing a snapshot of the various WR applications,
% the ongoing work on enhancing WR and evolution of WR into IEEE 1588.
The article briefly describes in Section~\ref{sec:wrElements} the portfolio of
This article briefly describes in Section~\ref{sec:wrElements} the portfolio of
readily available WR network elements. It then explains in
Sections~\ref{sec:time-and-freq}-\ref{sec:RFoverWR} different types of
WR applications, their concept and use examples,
summarized in Table~\ref{tab:applications}. Application-triggered enhancements are described in
Section~\ref{sec:WRenhancements}. Finally, in Section~\ref{sec:WRin1588} we
briefly describe the integration of WR into the
IEEE 1588 standard and we conclude in Section~\ref{sec:conclusions}.
summarized in Table~\ref{tab:applications}.
\caption{Non-exhaustive list of White Rabbit applications}
{| p{0.9cm} | p{1cm} | p{0.6cm} | p{0.7cm} | p{0.7cm} | p{0.99cm} | p{1.1cm} |} \hline
{| p{0.8cm} | p{1.1cm} | p{0.6cm} | p{0.7cm} | p{0.7cm} | p{0.99cm} | p{1.1cm} |} \hline
& & & & \multicolumn{2}{c |}{\textbf{ Network Size}} & \\
\textbf{Facility}&\textbf{Location}&\textbf{Type}&\textbf{Link} & \textbf{in 2018}& \textbf{$>$2020} &\textbf{Reference} \\
& & &\textbf{len.} & N / S / L & N / S / L & \\ \hline
\textbf{Facility}&\textbf{Location}&\textbf{Type}&\textbf{Link} & \textbf{2018}& \textbf{$>$2020} &\textbf{Reference} \\
& & &\textbf{len.} & N/S/L & N/S/L & \\ \hline
% & & & (max) & & & \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{Accelerators, synchrotrons and spallation sources}} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TF & 10~km & 0/2/1 & 0/2/1 & \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & FL & 1~km & 6/2/1 & 20/8/1 & \cite{biblio:wr-streamers}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-MM} \cite{biblio:WR-BTrain-RF}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-status}\\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TD & 10~km & 8/2/1 & 65/31/2 & \cite{biblio:WR-LIST}\cite{biblio:WR-LIST-2}\cite{biblio:WRXI} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & RF & 10~km & -/-/- & 13/1/1 & \cite{biblio:WR-LIST} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TC & 10~km & -/-/ & 500/40/4 & \\ \hline
CERN & Switzerland & TF & 10~km & 0/2/1 & 0/2/1 & \\ \hline
CERN & Switzerland & FL & 1~km & 6/2/1 & 20/8/1 & \cite{biblio:wr-streamers}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-MM} \cite{biblio:WR-BTrain-RF}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-status}\\ \hline
CERN & Switzerland & TD & 10~km & 8/2/1 & 65/31/2 & \cite{biblio:WR-LIST}\cite{biblio:WR-LIST-2}\cite{biblio:WRXI} \\ \hline
CERN & Switzerland & RF & 10~km & -/-/- & 13/1/1 & \cite{biblio:WR-LIST} \\ \hline
CERN & Switzerland & TC & 10~km & -/-/ & 500/40/4 & \\ \hline
GSI & Germany & TC & 1~km & 35/4/4 & 2000/300/4& \cite{biblio:WR-GSI} \\ \hline
JINR & Russia & TS,TD & 1~km & 50/15/3 & 250/30/3 & \cite{biblio:JINR-WR} \\ \hline
ESRF & France & RF,TS & 1~km & 7/1/1 & 40/5/2 & \cite{biblio:ESRF-WR} \\\hline
CSNS & Chine & TF,TS, TD & 1~km & 50/4/2 & 50/4/2 &\cite{biblio:CSNS-WR} \\ \hline
CSNS & China & TF,TS, TD & 1~km & 50/4/2 & 50/4/2 &\cite{biblio:CSNS-WR} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{Neutrino Detectors}} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TS & 10~km & 10/4/2 & & \cite{biblio:wr-cngs} \\ \hline
CERN & Switzerland & TS & 10~km & 10/4/2 & & \cite{biblio:wr-cngs} \\ \hline
KM3Net & France & TF,TS & 40~km & 18/1/1 & 4140/270/3 & \cite{biblio:KM3NeT}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation} \\ \hline
KM3Net & Spain & TF,TS & 100~km & 18/1/1 & 2070/130/2 & \cite{biblio:KM3NeT}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation} \\ \hline
% CHIPS & USA & & 1km & & 200/16/? & \\ \hline
......@@ -188,9 +187,9 @@ HAWC & Mexico & TF,TS, TD & 1~km & 6/1/1 & 6/
MIKES & Finland & TF & 950~km & 10/few/2 & 10/few/2 & \cite{biblio:MIKES-50km}\cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
LNE-SYRTE & France & TF & 125~km & 4/2/4 & 4/2/4 & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-25km}\cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-500km} \\ \hline
VLS & Nederland & TF & 137~km & 4/2/1 & 4/2/1 & \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
VLS & Netherlands & TF & 137~km & 4/2/1 & 4/2/1 & \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
NIST & USA & TF & 10~km & 2/-/1 & expanding & \cite{biblio:WR-NIST} \\ \hline
NLP & UK & TF & & & & \\ \hline
NLP & UK & TF & 80~km & 2/3/2 & expanding & \cite{biblio:NPL} \\ \hline
INRIM & Italy & TF,TS & 400~km & 8/1/1 & expanding & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM}\cite{biblio:WR-INRIM-400km} \\ \hline
......@@ -198,23 +197,27 @@ INRIM & Italy & TF,TS & 400~km & 8/1/1
SKA & Australia/ Africa& TF & 80~km & 2/1/1 & 233/15/3 & \cite{biblio:SKA-80km} \\ \hline
DLR & Germany & TD & 1~km & 1/1/1 & 1/1/1 & \cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR} \\ \hline
ELI-ALPS & Hungry & TS & 1~km & & & \cite{biblio:ELI-ALP-WR} \\ \hline
ELI-BEAMS & Czech & TF,TS, TD,TC& 1~km & 70/16/2 & 70/16/2 & \cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR} \\ \hline
ELI-BEAMS & Czech Republic & TF,TS, TD,TC& 1~km & 70/16/2 & 70/16/2 & \cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR} \\ \hline
EPFL & Switzerland & TS & 1~km & 2/1/1 & 2/1/1 & \cite{biblio:EPFL-WR-PMU} \\ \hline
Deutsche Boerse & Germany & TS & 1~km & & & \cite{biblio:WR-EUREXCHANGE} \\ \hline
Deutsche B{\"o}rse & Germany & TS & 1~km & & & \cite{biblio:WR-EUREXCHANGE} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{Total number of WR nodes: }} & \textbf{462} & \textbf{17592} & \\
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{Total number of WR switches: }} & \textbf{79} & \textbf{1532} & \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{Total number of WR network elements in the applications listed above }} \\ \hline
% \multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{(out of few hundred WR Switches and few thousands WR Nodes sold as of 2018) }} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{WR nodes} (few thousands sold till 2018): } & \textbf{464} & \textbf{17592} & \\
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{WR switches} (few hundreds sold till 2018): } & \textbf{82} & \textbf{1532} & \\ \hline
% \multicolumn{7}{|l|}{\textbf{Abbreviations used}} \\
\multicolumn{7}{|l|}{TF= time and frequency transfer, TC= time-triggered control, TS= timestamping,} \\
\multicolumn{7}{|l|}{TD= trigger distribution, FL= Fixed-latency data transfer, RF= Radio-Freq. transfer} \\
\multicolumn{7}{|l|}{N= number of WR nodes, S= number of WR switches, L= number of layers} \\ \hline
% \multicolumn{7}{|l|}{A: accuracy, P: precision, Link len. - it is the lenght of link between devices in the network, Tot. distance = the total distance that the networks spans } \\
% \multicolumn{7}{|l|}{} \\ \hline
Application-triggered enhancements are described in
Section~\ref{sec:WRenhancements}. Finally, in Section~\ref{sec:WRin1588} we
briefly describe the integration of WR into the
IEEE 1588 standard and we conclude in Section~\ref{sec:conclusions}.
\section{WR Network Elements}
......@@ -224,9 +227,9 @@ WR network elements, WR nodes and WR switches, are openly available on the Open
While all of the WR networks use the same design of
the WR switch \cite{biblio:wr-switch},
the design of WR nodes depends on the application. Therefore the WR node design is made available
as an open-source intellectual property (IP) Core \cite{biblio:wr-node} that can be easily used in one of
as an open-source intellectual property (IP) core \cite{biblio:wr-node} that can be easily used in one of
the supported boards or integrated into a custom design. WR-compatible boards
are available on OHWR in various form factors, including:
are available on OHWR in various form factors, including
% Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) \cite{biblio:spec},
% Versa Module Europa bus (VME) \cite{biblio:svec},
% Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC)\cite{biblio:AFC}\cite{biblio:AFCK},
......@@ -279,14 +282,16 @@ The most basic application of WR is the transfer of time and frequency from the
Grandmaster WR switch/node (Grandmaster) to all other WR switches/nodes in
the WR network. WR ensures that the Pulse Per Second (PPS) outputs of all the
WR switches/nodes in the WR network are aligned to the PPS output of the
Grandmaster with a sub-nanosecond accuracy and tens of picoseconds precision. WR switches and
Grandmaster with a sub-nanosecond accuracy and tens of picoseconds precision, mean offset and standard deviation respectively.
% The accuracy is the mean offset between the PPS outputs while precision is the standard deviation of this offset.
WR switches and
nodes use and can output a clock signal (e.g. 10MHz, 125MHz) that is traceable to that
of the Grandmaster.
In most applications, the Grandmaster is connected to a clock reference. Typically,
this is a Cesium or Rubidium oscillator disciplined by a global
In most applications the Grandmaster is connected to a clock reference.
This typically is a Cesium or a Rubidium oscillator disciplined by a global
navigation satellite system (GNSS) \cite{biblio:PolaRx4e}\cite{biblio:CS4000}\cite{biblio:GM-Meinberg}.
In such case, the time and frequency transferred by WR are traceable to
In such cases, the time and frequency transferred by WR are traceable to
the International Atomic Time (TAI).
% Although all of WR applications are based on precise transfer of time and
......@@ -311,25 +316,26 @@ USA (NIST) and Italy (INRIM) have WR installations, see Table~\ref{tab:timelabs}
% The improved WR Switches are now commercially available \cite{biblio:WR-LJD-switch}.
% The results from time laboratories studies are summarized in Table~\ref{tab:timelabs}.
\caption{White Rabbit installations in national time laboratories}
| p{0.7cm} | p{0.75cm} | p{2.3cm} | p{0.5cm} | p{1.5cm} | c | } \hline
\textbf{Time} & \textbf{Link} & \textbf{Link } & \textbf{Time } & \textbf{Time} & \textbf{Ref} \\
\textbf{Lab} & \textbf{Length } & \textbf{Type } & \textbf{Error} & \textbf{Stability} & \textbf{} \\ \hline
VTT & 950km & unidir. in DWDM & $\pm$2ns & 20ps@1000s & \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \cline{2-6}
MIKES & 50km & bidir. on adjacent ITU DWDM channels & $<$1ns & ~2e-12@1s (*) & \cite{biblio:MIKES-50km} \\ \hline
VSL & 2x137km & bidir. on CWDM (1470\&1490nm)(\#) & $<$8ns & 10ps@1000s & \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
& 25km & unidir. at 1541nm & 150ps & 1-2ps@1000s & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-25km} \\ \cline{2-6}
LNE- & 25km & bidir. at 1310\&1490nm & 150ps & 1-2ps@1000s & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-25km} \\ \cline{2-6}
SYRTE & 125km & unidir. in the C-band or close OSC channel & 2.5ns & 1ps@1s (**) & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-500km} \\ \cline{2-6}
& 4x125km & unidir. in the C-band or close OSC channel & 2.5ns & 5.5ps@1s (**) & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-500km} \\ \hline
NIST & $<$10km & bidir. standard WR (1310\&1490nm \cite{biblio:wr-sfps}) & below 200ps & 20ps@1s & \cite{biblio:WR-NIST} \\ \hline
NPL & & & & & \\ \hline
& 50km & bidir. in WDM & 800ps $\pm$56ps& & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM} \\ \cline{2-6}
INRIM & 70k m & bidir. in WDM & 610ps $\pm$47ps& & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM} \\ \cline{2-6}
& 400km & unidir. in DWDM & & & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM-400km} \\ \hline
VTT & 950~km & unidir. in DWDM & $\pm$2ns & 20ps@1000s & \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \cline{2-6}
MIKES & 50~km & bidir. on adjacent ITU DWDM channels & $<$1ns & ~2e-12@1s (*) & \cite{biblio:MIKES-50km} \\ \hline
VSL & 2x137~km & bidir. on CWDM (1470\&1490nm)(\#) & $<$8ns & 10ps@1000s & \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
& 25~km & unidir. at 1541nm & 150ps & 1-2ps@1000s & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-25km} \\ \cline{2-6}
LNE- & 25~km & bidir. at 1310\&1490nm & 150ps & 1-2ps@1000s & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-25km} \\ \cline{2-6}
SYRTE & 125~km & unidir. in the C-band or close OSC channel & 2.5ns & 1ps@1s (**) & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-500km} \\ \cline{2-6}
& 4x125~km & unidir. in the C-band or close OSC channel & 2.5ns & 5.5ps@1s (**) & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-500km} \\ \hline
NIST & $<$10~km & bidir. standard WR (1310\&1490nm \cite{biblio:wr-sfps})& below 200ps & 20ps@1s & \cite{biblio:WR-NIST} \\ \hline
NPL & 2x80~km & unidir. in DWDM & $<$1ns & & \cite{biblio:NPL}\\ \cline{2-5}
& $<$10~km & bidir. standard WR & $<$1ns & & \\ \hline
& 50~km & bidir. in WDM & 800ps $\pm$56ps& & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM} \\ \cline{2-6}
INRIM & 70~km & bidir. in WDM & 610ps $\pm$47ps& & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM} \\ \cline{2-6}
& 400~km & unidir. in DWDM & & & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM-400km} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{6}{|l|}{(D/C)WDM = (Dense/Coarse) Wavelength Division Multiplexing} \\
% \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{DWDM = Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing} \\
......@@ -344,11 +350,11 @@ INRIM & 70k m & bidir. in WDM
use WR to provide their realization of UTC to clients, e.g. UTC(MIKE) over a 50~km
link to the Metsähovi Observatory \cite{biblio:MIKES-50km} for applications in geodesy,
link to the Metsähovi Observatory \cite{biblio:MIKES-50km} for applications in geodesy and
% (International GNSS Service,
% Very-long-baseline interferometry and satellite laser ranging)
400~km to the financial district of Millano. NIST and LNE-SYRTE use WR to distribute
400~km to the financial district of Milano. NIST and LNE-SYRTE use WR to distribute
within their campus UTC(NIST) and UTC(OP), respectively. The National Time Laboratories
are studying WR with different types and lengths of fiber links and attempt to
increase its performance, see Table~\ref{tab:timelabs}.
......@@ -361,9 +367,9 @@ Many of the National Time Laboratories are now working together with other WR us
and companies within the EU-funded project WRITE \cite{biblio:WRITE-2} to prepare WR for industrial applications.
At CERN, the WR-based time and frequency transfer is used to synchronize
At CERN, the WR-based time and frequency transfer is used to synchronize the
operation of different accelerators. The controller of
the Antiproton Decelerator is synchronized over a few kilometers WR link to a similar controller
the Antiproton Decelerator is synchronized over a few kilometer long WR link to a similar controller
of the LHC Injection Chain that provides proton beam to both, LHC and AD.
% Such a WR link ensures traceability to UTC and it is used instead of a GPS receiver.
......@@ -431,10 +437,10 @@ time-triggered control system of accelerators, called General Machine Timing (GM
WR-based GMT has replaced the previously used system for the existing GSI
accelerators and will control GSI's new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
(FAIR) \cite{biblio:GSI-WR-GMT}. Control of GSI and FAIR requires that the
(FAIR) \cite{biblio:GSI-WR-GMT}. Control of the GSI and FAIR accelerators requires that the
control-information is delivered from a common controller to any of the controlled
subsystems in any of the accelerators within 500~$\mu$s. The most demanding of
these subsystems require an accuracy of 1-5~ns. The controller, called Data Master,
these subsystems requires an accuracy of 1-5~ns. The controller, called Data Master,
is a WR node. The subsystems are either WR nodes or have a direct interface with WR Nodes.
All these WR nodes are connected to a common WR network that provides synchronization,
delivers control-information from the Data Master to all subsystems as well as
......@@ -444,13 +450,16 @@ The WR-based
GMT has been operational at GSI since 2015. First, it was used to control
a small CRYRING accelerator built purposely to test the WR-based GMT
\cite{biblio:GSI-WR-GMT-CRYRING} and consisting of 30 WR nodes in three layers of
WR switches. Then, the GMT system that had been used so far was replaced with WR-based GMT
WR switches. Then, the GMT system that had been used so far was replaced with a WR-based GMT
that consists of 35 WR switches and it is commissioned for operation, with a first beam in
June 2018. When FAIR is completed in 2025, the WR network at GSI and FAIR will include
2000-3000 WR nodes connected to 300 WR switches in five layers.
Despite being the main reason behind WR’s conception, a WR-based GMT to control CERN
accelerators is yet to be implemented.
% \textcolor{gray}{
% Despite it being the main reason behind WR’s conception, a WR-based GMT to control CERN
% accelerators is yet to be implemented.
% }
% Both, at CERN and GSI, the same WR network that is used for time-triggered control
% can provide to subsystems precise time and frequency which can be used,
% for example, to timestamp input signals, an application described in the following
......@@ -472,7 +481,7 @@ to timestamp accurately and/or precisely incoming signals. Such incoming signals
can be either discrete pulses that are timestamped with time-to-digital converters
or analogue signals that are sampled (digitized) with the distributed frequency
and associated with the distributed time. Timestamps are usually produced to
measure the time of flight (ToF) or correlate events between distributed systems.
measure the time of flight (ToF) or to correlate events between distributed systems.
% In
% such cases, accurate and precise synchronization between these systems is required.
% If timestamps are used to measure the duration of events detected by distributed subsystems,
......@@ -500,12 +509,12 @@ The most demanding WR applications in terms of timestamping are cosmic ray and
neutrino detectors that record the time of arrival of particles in individual
detector units distributed over distances up to several kilometers.
Based on the difference
in the times of arrival of the same particles detected by different unit, the trajectories of these particles are calculated. For these
in the times of arrival of the same particles detected by different units, the trajectories of these particles are calculated. For these
applications, a high precision and accuracy is required in harsh
environmental conditions due to their locations \cite{biblio:TAIGA-WR-harsh-env}.
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), located at 4410~m above
sea level in China (Tibert), requires a 500~ps RMS \cite{biblio:LHAASO} alignment
sea level in China (Tibetan Plateau), requires a 500~ps RMS \cite{biblio:LHAASO} alignment
of timestamps produced by 7000 WR nodes distributed over 1~km$^2$ and exposed to
day-night variation of -10 to +55 degrees Celsius. To meet such requirements, active
compensation of temperature-related hardware delays has been implemented
......@@ -514,15 +523,15 @@ calibrated using a portable calibrator \cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-calibrator}.
These methods have proved to work in a prototype installation that has been running
since 2014 (50 WR nodes, 4 WR switches in 4 layers, \cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-prototype}).
The Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT)\cite{biblio:KM3NeT} is a research
The Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT \cite{biblio:KM3NeT}) is a research
infrastructure housing the next generation neutrino telescopes located at the
bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, off-shore France and Italy. The needed angular
resolution of 0.1 degree means that the submerged \textit{digital optical modules} (DOMs),
bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. The needed angular
resolution of 0.1 degree means that the submerged Digital Optical Modules (DOMs),
which constitute KM3NeT, must be synchronized with 1~ns accuracy and a
few 100~ps precision. 4140 DOMs at 3500~m depth 100~km off-shore of Italy and
2070 DOMs at 2475~m depth 40~km off-shore France will be synchronized with an on-shore
reference using WR network \cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation}.
Initial tests have been successfully performed with 18 DOMs off-shore France and Italy to validate the system.
2070 DOMs at 2475~m depth 40~km off-shore of France will be synchronized with an on-shore
reference using a WR network \cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation}.
Initial tests have been successfully performed with 18 DOMs to validate the system.
Other applications of WR that use timestamping include
% the Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT)
......@@ -530,11 +539,11 @@ Other applications of WR that use timestamping include
% located at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea,
the Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy (TAIGA) in Siberia
Cherenkov Telescope Array to be built in Chile and Spain \cite{biblio:CTA-WR-timestamps},
the Extreme Light Infrastructures in Hungary \cite{biblio:ELI-ALP-WR} and Czech Republic
\cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR}, Satellite Laser Ranging at German Aerospace Center,
High Precision Timestamps Daily File Service at German Stock Exchange (Deutsche Boerse) \cite{biblio:WR-EUREXCHANGE}
or Power Industry and Smart Grid studied at Swiss Federal
Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to be built in Chile and Spain \cite{biblio:CTA-WR-timestamps},
the Extreme Light Infrastructures (ELI) in Hungary \cite{biblio:ELI-ALP-WR} and Czech Republic
\cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR}, Satellite Laser Ranging at German Aerospace Center (DLR),
High Precision Timestamps Daily File Service at German Stock Exchange (Deutsche B{\"o}rse) \cite{biblio:WR-EUREXCHANGE}
or Phasor Measurement Units synchronization for Power Industry and Smart Grid studied at Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) \cite{biblio:EPFL-WR-PMU}.
......@@ -564,7 +573,7 @@ Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) \cite{biblio:EPFL-WR-PMU}.
\subsection{Basic Concept}
Trigger distribution combines, to some extend, the time-triggered control and precise timestamping
Trigger distribution combines, to some extent, the time-triggered control and precise timestamping
described before. In this application, an input trigger signal is timestamped by a WR node and sent over the
WR network to many WR nodes that act upon the received message simultaneously, at
a precise delay with respect to the input signal.
......@@ -610,8 +619,8 @@ their actions.
The concept that has been proven to work in WRTD is now being generalized to
provide trigger distribution for CERN's Open Analog Signals Information System
(OASIS) \cite{biblio:OASIS}. OASIS is a gigantic distributed oscilloscope that
provides $\approx$6000 input channels and spans all CERN's accelerators except LHC.
Triggers in this system are currently distributed via coax cables that may be 1~km long without
provides over 6000 input channels and spans all CERN's accelerators except LHC.
Triggers in this system are currently distributed via coax cables that may be one kilometer long without
delay compensation and multiplexed using analogue multiplexers. In order to use
OASIS to diagnose LHC and to improve its performance, the distribution of triggers
is being upgraded to use WR. The WR-based trigger distribution in OASIS is meant
......@@ -640,7 +649,7 @@ The time of data transmission is timestamped and this timestamp
is sent in the Ethernet frame with the data. When the data is received, a programmable
delay is added to the transmission timestamp and the associated data is provided
to an application precisely at the delayed time. Such a functionality is implemented
by the so-called "WR Streamers" IP Core \cite{biblio:wr-streamers} which adds a
by the so-called "WR Streamers" IP core \cite{biblio:wr-streamers} which adds a
data transmission layer on top of WR and acts as a fixed-latency FIFO over Ethernet.
By providing such functionality to the application, the application does not need
to be aware of time but rather processes data as it comes, knowing that all the
......@@ -662,7 +671,7 @@ While the RF cavities
simply follow the ramp of the magnetic field, the power converters adjust the current
of the magnets such that the intended B-value is obtained, closing a control
loop. BTrain is essential to the operation of most of CERN accelerators, i.e.
Booster, PS, SPS, LEIR, AD, and ELENA.
Booster, PS, SPS, LEIR, AD and ELENA.
% \begin{figure}[!ht]
% \centering
% \vspace{0.5cm}
......@@ -678,7 +687,7 @@ WR-based distribution of the absolute B-value and additional information
at 250~kHz (every $4\mu$s) from the measurement WR node to all the other WR nodes
that are integrated with RF cavities, power converters and beam instrumentation. In the most
demanding accelerator, SPS, the data must be delivered over 2 hops (WR switches)
with latency of $10\mu s\pm 8ns$.
with a latency of $10\mu s\pm 8ns$.
The WR-BTtrain has been successfully evaluated in the PS accelerator where it has
been running operationally since 2017 \cite{biblio:WR-BTrain-RF}. By 2021, all
......@@ -688,7 +697,7 @@ the CERN accelerators, except LHC, should be running WR-BTrain operationally \ci
% WR switches and 2-5 WR nodes.
% }
Fixed-latency data transfer is considered for the operation of the
Fixed-latency data transfer is also considered for the operation of the
Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICE) at the Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research (JINR) \cite{biblio:JINR} that already uses WR as the main clock
and time distribution system \cite{biblio:JINR-WR}.
......@@ -704,9 +713,10 @@ Radio-frequency (RF) transfer over WR network allows the digitization of periodi
the sending of
their digital form over a WR network, and the subsequent regeneration of the signal coherently with a fixed delay in many
WR slave nodes. Such a digital RF transfer provides a number of advantages over an analogue transmission of RF signals. For example, it is
scalable and allows transmission of multiple RF signals from multiple sources over a single WR network
whereas analogue transmission typically requires dedicated network per source and signal. It also allows easy and automatic phase-alignment of the output
RF signals with compensation for temperature changes of transmission cables whereas such alignment and compensation in analogue transmission is very challenging.
scalable and allows the transmission of multiple RF signals from multiple sources over a single WR network,
whereas analogue transmission typically requires a dedicated network per source and signal. It also allows easy and automatic phase-alignment of the output
RF signals with compensation for temperature changes of transmission cables, whereas such alignment and compensation in analogue transmission is very challenging.
% Lastly, the digital RF transfer over WR network minimizes bandwidth of transmitted data allowing to use WR network also for other purposes.
In the RF transfer over WR Network schema, depicted in Figure~\ref{fig:RFoverWR} and detailed in \cite{biblio:WR-LIST},
......@@ -723,7 +733,7 @@ input RF signal. The error measured by the phase detector is an input to a
loop filter (e.g. Integral-Proportional controller) that steers the DDS to produce a signal identical to the RF input -
effectively locking the DDS to the input signal.
The tuning words of the DDS are the digital form of the RF input
that is sent over WR network. Each of the receiving WR slave nodes recreates the RF input signal
that is sent over the WR network. Each of the receiving WR slave nodes recreates the RF input signal
by using the received tuning words to control the local DDS with a fixed delay.
In such way, the WR slave nodes produce RF outputs that are syntonized with
the RF input, phase-aligned among each other, and delayed with respect to the RF input --
......@@ -738,16 +748,16 @@ of the digital RF signal transmission, thus negligible.
The WR-based radio-frequency transfer is being implemented in the European Synchrotron Radiation
Facility (ESRF) \cite{biblio:ESRF}\cite{biblio:ESRF-WR}. The operation of the ESRF accelerator facility
is controlled by a "Bunch Clock" system\footnote{
Bunch Clock is a clock signal that is synchronous with particle bunches
circulating in a synchrotron or an accelerator. The "Bunch Clock" system generates such a clock signal.}
A "Bunch Clock" system generates a clock signal that is synchronous with particle bunches
circulating in a synchrotron or an accelerator.}
that delivers to accelerator subsystems a
$\approx$352 MHz RF signal and triggers initiating sequential actions synchronous
to the RF signal, such as
"gun trigger", "injection trigger" or "extraction trigger"\footnote{
"Gun trigger" initiates generation of an electron bunch at the LINAC input,
"injection trigger" initiates transfer of the bunch from the LINAC into the Booster,
"extraction trigger" initiates extraction of the bunch from the Booster into the
Storage Ring at the end of acceleration, see \cite{biblio:ESRF-WR} for details.
"injection trigger" initiates the transfer of the bunch from the LINAC into the Booster,
"extraction trigger" initiates the extraction of the bunch from the Booster into the
Storage Ring at the end of acceleration \cite{biblio:ESRF-WR}.
The jitter of the output RF signal is required to be below 50~ps. The RF signal is continuously
trimmed around the 352~MHz value as the tuning parameter in the "fast orbit feedback"
......@@ -755,7 +765,7 @@ process. Apart from the 352~MHz signal, other frequencies are distributed, such
355~kHz Storage Ring revolution frequency or the 10~Hz Injection sequence.
The current ESRF "Bunch Clock" system is being refurbished to use WR \cite{biblio:ESRF-WR}.
The solution has passed a 6-months validation tests in 2015. In 2016, a prototype system
The solution has passed a 6-months validation test in 2015. In 2016, a prototype system
successfully injected
bunches in the storage ring providing $<$10ps jitter. A system consisting
of a WR switch and eight WR nodes is expected to be operational in July 2018. It
......@@ -1175,15 +1185,15 @@ of WR performance that are summarized in this section.
The applications of WR for time and frequency transfer in National Time Laboratories
as well as for RF transfer in CERN's SPS require improvement of jitter and clock
The frequency transfer over WR network was characterized in
\cite{biblio:WR-characteristics} and its ultimate performance limits
The frequency transfer over a WR network was characterized in
\cite{biblio:WR-characteristics} and its ultimate performance limits were
studied in \cite{biblio:WR-ultimate-limits}. The studies
have shown that the performance of a WR switch currently commercially available can be
improved as follows:
\item ADEV clock stability (tau=1s) \textbf{from 1e-11 to 1e-12},
\item Random jitter \textbf{from 11 to 1.1~ps RMS} (integration bandwidth from 1Hz to 100kHz).
\item Allan deviation (ADEV) \textbf{from 1e-11 to 1e-12} ($\tau=1s$),
\item Random jitter \textbf{from 11 to 1.1~ps RMS} (1~Hz to 100~kHz). %(integration bandwidth from 1~Hz to 100~kHz).
This prompted the development of the Low-Jitter Daughterboard
\cite{biblio:WR-LJD}, which improves the performance of the WR switch to 1e-12 without any
......@@ -1198,7 +1208,7 @@ within the WRITE project \cite{biblio:WRITE-2}.
\subsection{Temperature Compensation}
The studies \cite{biblio:wr-cngs} have shown that the temperature variation
Studies \cite{biblio:wr-cngs} have shown that the temperature variation
of WR nodes and switches degrades synchronization performance, still
maintaining sub-nanosecond accuracy.
This degradation and its sources have been carefully characterized
......@@ -1208,9 +1218,9 @@ These delays are usually calibrated for WR devices
\cite{biblio:wrCalibration} at a room temperature and assumed constant throughout
operation. Their variation however is linear with temperature and so an online
correction can be applied. Such correction was developed for the LHAASO
experiment \cite{biblio:wr-cngs}, which requires 500ps RMS
synchronization of 7000 WR nodes in a harsh environmental. For temperatures between
-10 and 50 degrees Celsius, the developed correction reduces the
experiment \cite{biblio:wr-cngs}, which requires 500~ps RMS
synchronization of 7000 WR nodes in a harsh environment. For temperatures between
-10 and +50 degrees Celsius, the developed correction reduces the
peak-to-peak variation from 700~ps to $<$150~ps with a standard deviation $<$50~ps \cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-temp}.
% This online compensation
......@@ -1221,7 +1231,7 @@ peak-to-peak variation from 700~ps to $<$150~ps with a standard deviation $<$50~
Experiments have shown that WR can successfully provide sub-nanosecond accuracy on bidirectional links up to 80~km
taking care for the effects described in the next section.
Links longer than 80~km require active amplifiers and/or unidirectional fibers.
This deteriorates accuracy due to an unknown asymmetry.
......@@ -1229,7 +1239,7 @@ On the 137~km bidirectional link in the Netherlands \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL},
dedicated optical amplifiers that work with bidirectional fibers are used in
an attempt to overcome these limitation. The tests so far have shown $<$8~ns accuracy
while a new "in-site" calibration under development at VLS is expected to calibrate
out this asymmetry (over a 2x 137km link) to a few 0.1~ns or less \cite{biblio:VLS-WR-insite-calib}.
out this asymmetry (over a 2x 137~km link) to a few hundred picoseconds or less \cite{biblio:VLS-WR-insite-calib}.
On the 950~km unidirectional link in Finland \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL}, GPS precise point positioning
(PPP) was used to calibrate asymmetry and achieve $\pm$2~ns accuracy. This
method requires re-calibration after any disruption of the network. Laboratory
......@@ -1247,10 +1257,10 @@ However, the variation of fiber temperature results in changes of the actual
while the variation of WR nodes/switches temperature result in laser wavelength
variation (e.g. 17~ps/nm km for 1550 nm). These and other
effects analyzed in \cite{biblio:SKA-80km} are significant on long links and
can amount to over 3~ns inaccuracy for 80 km bidirectional link using 1490/1550~nm
and exposed to 50 degrees Celsius temperature variation. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) \cite{biblio:SKA}
can amount to over 3~ns inaccuracy for 80 km bidirectional links using 1490/1550~nm
and exposed to a 50 degrees Celsius temperature variation. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) \cite{biblio:SKA}
radio telescope mitigates these effects to achieve $<$1~ns accuracy on 80~km links
by using DWDM SFP on ITU channels C21/C22 (1560.61/1558.98~nm) and combining them
by using a DWDM SFP on ITU channels C21/C22 (1560.61/1558.98~nm) and combining them
on a single fiber via a simple DWDM channel filter, as described in \cite{biblio:SKA-80km}.
% To meet its $<$2ns accuracy requirement on 173~km WR
......@@ -1300,8 +1310,8 @@ that mandates a number of IEEE 1588's new optional features. All together, these
additions are functionally equivalent to WR and allow the support of WR hardware.
Along with the new features, informative annexes are added with a "standardized"
description of the WR calibration procedures \cite{biblio:wrCalibration} and
an example implementation of the High Accuracy profile that achieves
sub-nanosecond synchronization, a.k.a White Rabbit. The mapping between WR and High Accuracy
an example implementation of the High Accuracy profile, a.k.a White Rabbit, that achieves
sub-nanosecond synchronization. The mapping between WR and High Accuracy
is described in \cite{biblio:WRin1588}.
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