Commit 48045180 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

Presentation did at NI headquarters in Austin, Sept 2014

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Page Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title[White Rabbit \hspace{2em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]{White Rabbit}
%\subtitle{A short introduction}
\author[M. Lipinski] % (optional, use only with lots of authors)
{Maciej Lipinski}
\institute{CERN BE-CO\\Hardware and Timing section}
\date[29 September 2014]{National Instruments, Austin\\ 29 September 2014}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Your Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
%\hfill {\footnotesize With help from Steve Smith (SLAC)}
% \section[Outline]{}
% this puts the outline before EACH section automatically & will
% highlight the section you're about to talk about
% Structuring a talk is a difficult task and the following structure
% may not be suitable. Here are some rules that apply for this
% solution:
% - Exactly two or three sections (other than the summary).
% - At *most* three subsections per section.
% - Talk about 30s to 2min per frame. So there should be between about
% 15 and 30 frames, all told.
% - A conference audience is likely to know very little of what you
% are going to talk about. So *simplify*!
% - In a 20min talk, getting the main ideas across is hard
% enough. Leave out details, even if it means being less precise than
% you think necessary.
% - If you omit details that are vital to the proof/implementation,
% just say so once. Everybody will be happy with that.
\begin{frame}{European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)}
\begin{frame}{CERN Accelerator Complex}
\begin{frame}{Beams -- Controls -- Hardware \& Timing }
% \section[WR Intro]{Introduction to White Rabbit}
% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{What is White Rabbit?}
\item Renovation of accelerator's control and timing
\item Based on well-known technologies
\item Open Hardware and Open Software
\item International collaboration
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: an \emph{extension} of Ethernet}
% \item Few thousands nodes
\item Bandwidth: 1 Gbps
\item Single fiber medium
\item Up to 10 km links
\item WR Switch: 18 ports
\item Allows non-WR Devices
\item Ethernet features (VLAN) \& protocols (SNMP)
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: an \emph{extension} of Ethernet}
Two separate services provided by WR:
\item \color{blue!90}{Synchronization:}
\item \textbf{accuracy:} $<$ 1 ns
\item \textbf{precision:} tens of ps
\item \color{red}{Deterministic, reliable and low-latency Control Data delivery}
% \section{Applications}
% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit application }
\item<1-> Particle accelerators
\item<2-> \textbf<2>{CERN (Switzerland/France)}
\item<3-> \textbf<3>{GSI (Germany)}
\item<1-> Cosmic ray \& neutrinos detectors
\item<4-> \textbf<4>{LHAASO (China)}
\item<5-> \textbf<5>{HiSCORE (Siberia)}
\item<6-> \textbf<6>{KM3NET (Mediterranean)}
\item<1-> Metrology laboratories
\item<7-> \textbf<7>{MIKES (Finland)}
\item<8-> \textbf<8>{VSL (Netherlands)}
\only<1>{\color{white}{First application:\\ CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso}}
\only<2>{European Organization for Nuclear Research}
\only<3>{GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH}
\only<4>{The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observation}
% \only<6>{Hundred*i Square-km Cosmic ORigin Explorer} % Gamma-Ray and Cosmic Ray Detector
\only<5>{Gamma-Ray and Cosmic Ray Detector}
\only<6>{European deep-sea research infrastructure }
\only<7>{Centre for metrology and accreditation}
\only<8>{Dutch Metrology Institute\\ \color{white}{ble}}
% \includegraphics<1>[height=0.3\textheight]{applications/cngs-general.pdf}
\textbf{All users:} \url{}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{White Rabbit application }
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{columns}[c]
% \column{0.65\textwidth}
% \begin{itemize}
% \setlength{\itemindent}{-0.3em}
% \item<1-> \textbf{Particle accelerators}
% \begin{itemize}
% \setlength{\itemindent}{-1.3em}
% \small
% \item<2-> \color<3->{black!50}{CERN (Switzerland/France)}
% \item<3-> \color<4->{black!50}{GSI (Germany)}
% \end{itemize}
% \item<1-> \textbf{Cosmic ray \& neutrinos detectors}
% \begin{itemize}
% \setlength{\itemindent}{-1.3em}
% \small
% \item<4-> \color<5->{black!50}{LHAASO (China)}
% \item<5-> \color<6->{black!50}{HiSCORE (Siberia)}
% \item<6-> \color<7->{black!50}{KM3NET (Mediterranean)}
% \end{itemize}
% \item<1-> \textbf{Metrology laboratories}
% \begin{itemize}
% \setlength{\itemindent}{-1.3em}
% \small
% \item<7-> \color<8->{black!50}{MIKES (Finland)}
% \item<8-> VSL (Holland)
% \end{itemize}
% \end{itemize}
% \column{0.5\textwidth}
% \begin{center}
% \only<1>{First application:\\ CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso}
% \only<2>{European Organization for Nuclear Research}
% \only<3>{GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH}
% \only<4>{The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observation}
% % \only<6>{Hundred*i Square-km Cosmic ORigin Explorer} % Gamma-Ray and Cosmic Ray Detector
% \only<5>{Gamma-Ray and Cosmic Ray Detector}
% \only<6>{European deep-sea research infrastructure }
% \only<7>{Centre for metrology and accreditation}
% \only<8>{Dutch Metrology Institute\\ \color{white}{ble}}
% \end{center}
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics<1>[height=0.3\textheight]{applications/cngs-general.pdf}
% \includegraphics<2>[height=0.5\textheight]{applications/CERN/accelerators-stripped.jpg}
% \includegraphics<3>[height=0.45\textheight]{applications/gsi.pdf}
% \includegraphics<4>[height=0.5\textheight]{applications/lhaaso.pdf}
% \includegraphics<5>[height=0.5\textheight]{applications/HiSCORE.jpg}
% \includegraphics<6>[height=0.5\textheight]{applications/KM3NeT.pdf}
% \includegraphics<7>[height=0.5\textheight]{applications/mikes.pdf}
% \includegraphics<8>[height=0.5\textheight]{applications/netherlands.jpg}
% \end{center}
% \column{0.6\textwidth}
% \end{columns}
% \begin{center}
% \small
% \textbf{All users:} \url{}
% \end{center}
% \end{frame}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section{WR Network}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit Network -- Ethernet-based}
\item \color{Blue}{High accuracy/precision synchronization}
\item \color{Red}{Deterministic, reliable and low-latency Control Data delivery}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit Switch }
\item Central element of WR network
\item Original design optimized for timing, designed from scratch
\item 18 ports
\item 1000BASE-BX10 SFPs: up to 10 km, single-mode fiber
\item Open design (H/W and S/W)
% \item 200 ps synchronization accuracy
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit Node }
\item<1->Ethernet MAC with White Rabbit%: \textbf{WR PTP Core (WRPC)}
\item Open IP Core
\item Easily integrated into custom FPGA-based designs
\item<2-> WR Node: universal carrier board
\section{Time Distribution}
\begin{frame}{Time Distribution in White Rabbit Network}
\item Synchronization with {\bf sub-ns} accuracy {\bf tens-ps} precision
\item Combination of
\item Precision Time Protocol ({\bf IEEE1588}) synchronization
\item Layer 1 syntonization
\item Digital Dual-Mixer Time Difference ({\bf DDMTD}) phase detection
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{fig/phase_tracking.eps}
% \end{center}
\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)}
\item Packet-based synchronization protocol
\item Link delay and offset from master evaluated by exchanging and timestamping messages
\item Assumption: medium symmetry
\begin{frame}{Layer 1 Syntonization}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{Phase Measurement (DDMTD)}
\item Monitor phase of bounced-back clock
\item Enhance PTP timestamps with phase measurement
\item Phase-locked loop in the slave follows the phase changes
\begin{frame}{Link delay model}
Calibration and compensation:
\item Fixed Tx/rx delays: PCB traces, PHY, FPGA delays
\item Medium asymmetry: light propagation delay
% \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{protocol/link-model-cropped.jpg}
\begin{frame}{WR time transfer performance}
%\section{Why not standard PTP?}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{WR Standardization under IEEE1588}
\item <1->P1588 Project Authorization Request
\item <2->High Accuracy sub-committee
\item <3->Aspects of WR defined as Options
\item L1 Syntonization
\item Calibration
\item Explicit Port State Configuration
\item <4->White Rabbit defined as:
\item High Accuracy Profile, using
\item High Accuracy Options
\section{Data Distribution~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
\begin{frame}{Data Distribution in a White Rabbit Network }
% \section{Determinism and Latency (Switch)}
% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Determinism and Latency (Switch)}
\item <1->Deterministic by design and openness
\item White-box: we know the VHDL of the switch FPGA
\item 802.1Q priority + some tricks
\item <2->Cut-through design: $\sim$3\textmu s latency
\item <3->Time-aware shaping
\item <4->Time-triggered reconfiguration
\begin{frame}{Data Redundancy}
\item {\bf Forward Error Correction (FEC)} -- transparent layer:
\item One message encoded into N Ethernet frames
\item Recovery of message from any M (M$<$N) frames
\item <2->FEC can prevent data loss due to:
\item<3-> {\bf bit error}
\item<4-> {\bf network reconfiguration}
\begin{frame}{Topology Redundancy (Switch)}
\item Hardware-supported:
\item Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (WR RSTP)
\item Shortest Path Bridging (WR SPB)
\item Seamless redundancy = FEC + WR RSTP/SPB
\item Redundant data received in end stations
%\subsection{Data Distribution in White Rabbit}
\begin{frame}{Topology reconfiguration performance}
\section{WR at CERN}
\begin{frame}{Anti-proton Decelerator (AD)}
\item WR installation deployed for \\AD control and timing
\item Used for time transfer:\\ CERN Control Room $\rightarrow$ AD
\item Synchronization of beam injection to AD
% \begin{rotate}{270}
% \end{rotate}
\item Test installation in Proton Synchrotron
\item Used for real-time dipole field value distribution
\item Takes advantage of fixed and low latency of WR switches
% \begin{rotate}{270}
% \end{rotate}
\begin{frame}{LHC Instability Trigger Distribution System (LIST)}
\begin{block}{Purpose of LIST}
Distribution of a received trigger to all relevant devices to freeze their acquisition
buffers upon detection of the onset of an instability, with low and fixed latency.
\begin{block}{In Layman terms}
The LIST is like a fixed latency coaxial cable linking every possible pair of
trigger inputs and outputs.
% \begin{rotate}{270}
% \hspace{-1cm}
% \end{rotate}
\begin{frame}{Ethernet Clock distribution a.k.a. Distributed DDS}
\begin{block}{Distributed Direct Digital Synthesis}
\item Replaces dozens of cables with a single fiber.
\item Works over big distances without degrading signal quality.
\item Can provide various clocks (RF of many rings and linacs)
with a single, standard link.
\begin{frame}{Distributed oscilloscope}
\item Common clock in entire network: no skew between ADCs.
\item Ability to sample with different clocks via Distributed DDS.
\item External triggers can be time tagged with a TDC and used to reconstruct the original time base in the operator's
% \item<1-> Scientific, fully open (H/W \& S/W) and commercial \pause
\item<1-> Scientific, open (H/W \& S/W), with companies \pause
\item<2-> More applications than ever expected \pause
\item<3-> A versatile solution for general control and data acquisition \pause
\item<4-> Fulfilling all our needs in synchronization and determinism \pause
\item<5-> Standard-compatible and standard-extending \pause
\item<6-> Active participation in IEEE1588 revision process\pause
% \item<7-> Eager to collaborate with IEEE802
% \begin{itemize}
% \pause
% \item A novel networking technology allowing precise synchronization
% and deterministic data transfer.
% \pause
% \item A collaborative distributed effort based on open source hardware
% and software, with an active, enthusiastic community. Everybody is
% welcome to join! \pause
% \item A versatile working solution for general control and data
% acquisition systems.
% \end{itemize}
% \pause
% For more information see
% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Simplified block diagram of WR switch}
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