Commit 496b8c83 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 55c1f978 cc61049a
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
\graphicspath{ {../../figures/} }
\title[The WR Switch\hspace{2em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]
{The White Rabbit Switch}
\title[WR Switch and WR PTP Core\hspace{2em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]
{WR Switch and WR PTP Core}
\subtitle{status and plans}
\author[G. Daniluk, A. Wujek]{Greg Daniluk, Adam Wujek}
......@@ -84,14 +84,15 @@
\section{WR Switch}
\begin{frame}{WR Switch - overview}
\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{WR Switch - overview}
\item central element of WR network
\item 18 port gigabit Ethernet switch with WR features
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\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{Gateware release v4.2}
\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{Gateware release v4.2}
\item<1|only@1> Released on 28 August 2015
\item<2|only@2> 10MHz generation (only hardware v3.4)
\item<3|only@3> Improved Ethernet switching
\item<4|only@4> HDL watchdog module
\item<5|only@5> autogenerated SDB metadata for firmware information
\begin{frame}{Stress-testing Ethernet switching}
\item Smartbits 6000C network tester
\item 4 point-to-point streams
\item Snake test
\begin{frame}{Point-to-point streams}
WRS firmware v4.0\\[6pt]
\only<3>{WRS firmware v4.2\\[6pt]}
\begin{frame}{Snake test}
WRS firmware v4.0\\[6pt]
\only<4>{WRS firmware v4.2\\[6pt]}
\section {Software}
\subsection {Software}
\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{Software (since 4.1.2)}
\item<1-> 4.1.2 released on 12 December 2014
\item<2-> Monit to supervise processes
\item<3-> Setting system time from the WR time (in Slave mode)
\item<4-> Remote configuration (dot-config)
\item<5-> Download in runtime
\item<6-> Move runtime configuration to it (ppsi, ports, SFPs, fibers)
\item<7-> Configuration of management port (static, dhcp)
\item<8-> Make config on switch
\item<9-> Improved root password handling
\item<10-> Snmp
\item<11-> Redesigned MIB
\item<12-> Added about 150 new OIDs
\item<13-> Divide objects into Status and Expert groups
\begin{frame}{Software (since 4.1.2)}
\section{Plans for the future}
\begin{frame}{Software (since 4.1.2) (cont.)}
\item<1-> Improved LED signalization on the front panel
\item<1-> Disable status LED during clean reboot
\item<1-> Status port shows port configuration (master, slave, non-wr)
\item<2-> Documentation
\item<2-> New \textit{White Rabbit Switch: Failures and Diagnostics}
\item<3-> Code clean-up
\item<4-> Added shared memmory to reduce CPU usage (avoid context switching)
\item<5-> Improved boot scripts% - now you can manually start/stop services using \texttt{/etc/init.d/*} scripts
\begin{frame}{Software (since 4.2)}
\item<1-> 4.2 released on 28 August 2015
\item<2-> 64-bit frame counters (pstats)
\item<3-> Use common data format for wr{\_}mon (Tjeerd) \\
\texttt{Key1:Value Key2:Value}
\item<4-> Fixed bugs:
\item<4-> Snmp crashes
\item<4-> Timeout problems when the time jumps backwards
\item<5-> Remote configuration (dot-config)
\item<6-> Support retrieving path to the dot-config from DHCP
\item<7-> Use hostname provided by dhcp (or dot-config)
\item<8-> make menuconfig on switch (for dot-config)
\item<9-> use hysteresis to control fans' speed (for development)
\item<10-> print dot-config source and status after logon
\subsection{Plans for the future}
\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{Ongoing work and plans for the future}
\item<1-> Gateware
\item Get rid of HWIU module
\item Separate resources in the Switching Core for HP frames
\item Holdover and switchover
\item Caching for RTU decisions
\item<2-> Software
\item Change the names of the interfaces from wr0-17 to wri1-18
\item Include Vlans configuration into dot-config
\item Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
\item PPSi audit and compliance tests
\item Buildroot and Linux kernel uplift
\section{WR PTP Core}
\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\begin{frame}{WR PTP Core - overview}
\item HDL core
\item Ethernet MAC with WR features
\item WR implementation for the nodes
\subsection{Release v3.0}
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{What's new in release v3.0}
\item<1-> Bugfixes for synchronization under heavy traffic
\item<1-> Bugfixes to withstand heavy traffic
\item<2-> Lock helper PLL below reference frequency
\item<3-> Kintex-7 support
\item<4-> SDBFS and Flash support
\item<5-> Tx runt frames padding
\item<6-> Increased RAM size to 128kB
\subsection{Plans for the future}
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{Ongoing work and plans for the future}
\item<1-> HDL version and synthesis information like in the switch
\item<2-> improve synthesis time
\item<3-> replace LM32 with URV
\item<4-> SNMP support for diagnostics(see demo)\\[6pt]
\item<5-> VLANs support
\item<6-> Syslog for logging
\item<7-> Software cleanup
%\item See talk by Alessandro on WRPC software tomorrow.
Talk by Alessandro on WRPC software tomorrow.
\begin{frame}{Thank you}
\begin{frame}{Thank you! It's time for demo...}
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More information: \\\\\_core
\begin{frame}{Demo setup}
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