Commit 4bb4dd1e authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

WRS_workshop_2016: adding WRPC and demo slides

parent 8a2a5723
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
\graphicspath{ {../../figures/} }
\title[The WR Switch\hspace{2em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]
{The White Rabbit Switch}
\title[WR Switch and WR PTP Core\hspace{2em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]
{WR Switch and WR PTP Core}
\subtitle{status and plans}
\author[G. Daniluk, A. Wujek]{Greg Daniluk, Adam Wujek}
......@@ -84,14 +84,15 @@
\section{WR Switch}
\begin{frame}{WR Switch - overview}
\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{WR Switch - overview}
\item central element of WR network
\item 18 port gigabit Ethernet switch with WR features
......@@ -111,11 +112,11 @@
\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
......@@ -178,11 +179,11 @@
\section {Software}
\subsection {Software}
\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
......@@ -259,10 +260,10 @@
\section{Plans for the future}
\subsection{Plans for the future}
\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{Ongoing work and plans for the future}
......@@ -285,10 +286,75 @@
\section{WR PTP Core}
\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\begin{frame}{WR PTP Core - overview}
\item HDL core
\item Ethernet MAC with WR features
\item WR implementation for the nodes
\subsection{Release v3.0}
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{What's new in release v3.0}
\item<1-> Bugfixes for synchronization under heavy traffic
\item<1-> Bugfixes to withstand heavy traffic
\item<2-> Lock helper PLL below reference frequency
\item<3-> Kintex-7 support
\item<4-> SDBFS and Flash support
\item<5-> Tx runt frames padding
\item<6-> Increased RAM size to 128kB
\subsection{Plans for the future}
\tableofcontents [currentsubsection]
\begin{frame}{Ongoing work and plans for the future}
\item<1-> HDL version and synthesis information like in the switch
\item<2-> improve synthesis time
\item<3-> replace LM32 with URV
\item<4-> SNMP support for diagnostics(see demo)\\[6pt]
\item<5-> VLANs support
\item<6-> Syslog for logging
\item<7-> Software cleanup
%\item See talk by Alessandro on WRPC software tomorrow.
Talk by Alessandro on WRPC software tomorrow.
\begin{frame}{Thank you}
\begin{frame}{Thank you! It's time for demo...}
......@@ -297,11 +363,18 @@
More information: \\\\\_core
\begin{frame}{Demo setup}
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