Commit 51e9d4fe authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

Eriks feedback

parent 45f6b337
......@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
This article provides a non-exhaustive overview of applications and
enhancements to the White Rabbit (WR) extension of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP).
enhancements to the White Rabbit (WR) extension of the IEEE1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP).
Initially developed to serve accelerators at the European Organization for
Nuclear Research (CERN), WR has become widely-used synchronization solution
Nuclear Research (CERN), WR has become a widely-used synchronization solution
in scientific installations. This article classifies WR applications
into five types, briefly explains each and describes its example
installations. The article then summarizes WR enhancements that have been triggered by
different applications and outlines WR's integration into the PTP standard.
Based on the presented variety of WR applications and enhancements, it concludes
that WR will continue to proliferate in scientific applications and should soon find its way into the industry.
that WR will continue to proliferate in scientific applications and should soon find its way into industry.
......@@ -139,64 +139,64 @@ IEEE1588 standard and we conclude in Section~\ref{sec:conclusions}.
{| p{0.9cm} | p{1cm} | p{0.6cm} | c | p{0.9cm} | p{0.99cm} | p{1.1cm} |} \hline
& & & \textbf{Link} & \multicolumn{2}{c |}{\textbf{ Network Size}} & \\
\textbf{Facility}&\textbf{Location}&\textbf{Type}&\textbf{len.} & \textbf{in 2018}& \textbf{$>$2020} &\textbf{Reference} \\
& & & [km] & N / S / L & N / S / L & \\ \hline
{| p{0.9cm} | p{1cm} | p{0.6cm} | p{0.7cm} | p{0.7cm} | p{0.99cm} | p{1.1cm} |} \hline
& & & & \multicolumn{2}{c |}{\textbf{ Network Size}} & \\
\textbf{Facility}&\textbf{Location}&\textbf{Type}&\textbf{Link} & \textbf{in 2018}& \textbf{$>$2020} &\textbf{Reference} \\
& & &\textbf{len.} & N / S / L & N / S / L & \\ \hline
% & & & (max) & & & \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{Accelerators, synchrotrons and spallation sources}} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TF & 10 & 0/2/1 & 0/2/1 & \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & FL & 1 & 6/2/1 & 20/8/1 & \cite{biblio:wr-streamers}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-MM} \cite{biblio:WR-BTrain-RF}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-status}\\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TD & 10 & 8/2/1 & 65/31/2 & \cite{biblio:WR-LIST}\cite{biblio:WR-LIST-2}\cite{biblio:WRXI} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & RF & 10 & -/-/- & 13/1/1 & \cite{biblio:WR-LIST} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TC & 10 & -/-/ & 500/40/4 & \\ \hline
GSI & Germany & TC & 1 & 35/4/4 & 2000/300/4& \cite{biblio:WR-GSI}\cite{biblio:FAIRtimingSystem} \\ \hline
JINR & Russia & TS,TD & 1 & 50/15/3 & 250/30/3 & \cite{biblio:JINR-WR} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TF & 10~km & 0/2/1 & 0/2/1 & \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & FL & 1~km & 6/2/1 & 20/8/1 & \cite{biblio:wr-streamers}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-MM} \cite{biblio:WR-BTrain-RF}\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-status}\\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TD & 10~km & 8/2/1 & 65/31/2 & \cite{biblio:WR-LIST}\cite{biblio:WR-LIST-2}\cite{biblio:WRXI} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & RF & 10~km & -/-/- & 13/1/1 & \cite{biblio:WR-LIST} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TC & 10~km & -/-/ & 500/40/4 & \\ \hline
GSI & Germany & TC & 1~km & 35/4/4 & 2000/300/4& \cite{biblio:WR-GSI}\cite{biblio:FAIRtimingSystem} \\ \hline
JINR & Russia & TS,TD & 1~km & 50/15/3 & 250/30/3 & \cite{biblio:JINR-WR} \\ \hline
ESRF & France & RF,TS & 1 & 7/1/1 & 40/5/2 & \cite{biblio:ESRF-WR} \\\hline
CSNS & Chine & TF,TS, TD & 1 & 50/4/2 & 50/4/2 &\cite{biblio:CSNS-WR} \\ \hline
ESRF & France & RF,TS & 1~km & 7/1/1 & 40/5/2 & \cite{biblio:ESRF-WR} \\\hline
CSNS & Chine & TF,TS, TD & 1~km & 50/4/2 & 50/4/2 &\cite{biblio:CSNS-WR} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{Neutrino Detectors}} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TS & 10 & 10/4/2 & & \cite{biblio:wr-cngs} \\ \hline
KM3Net & France & TF,TS & 40 & 18/1/1 & 4140/270/3 & \cite{biblio:KM3NeT}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation} \\ \hline
KM3Net & Spain & TF,TS & 100 & 18/1/1 & 2070/130/2 & \cite{biblio:KM3NeT}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation} \\ \hline
CERN & Switz. & TS & 10~km & 10/4/2 & & \cite{biblio:wr-cngs} \\ \hline
KM3Net & France & TF,TS & 40~km & 18/1/1 & 4140/270/3 & \cite{biblio:KM3NeT}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation} \\ \hline
KM3Net & Spain & TF,TS & 100~km & 18/1/1 & 2070/130/2 & \cite{biblio:KM3NeT}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation} \\ \hline
% CHIPS & USA & & 1km & & 200/16/? & \\ \hline
DUNE & Switz/USA & TS,TD & 1 & 14/5/2 & 36/5/2 & \\ \hline
SBN & USA & TS,TD & 1 & 6/1/1 & 6/1/1 & \\ \hline
GVD & Russia & TS,TD & 1 & 3/1/1 & 3/1/1 & \cite{biblio:GVD} \\ \hline
DUNE & Switz/USA & TS,TD & 1~km & 14/5/2 & 36/5/2 & \\ \hline
SBN & USA & TS,TD & 1~km & 6/1/1 & 6/1/1 & \\ \hline
GVD & Russia & TS,TD & 1~km & 3/1/1 & 3/1/1 & \cite{biblio:GVD} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{Cosmic Ray Detectors}} \\ \hline
LHAASO & China & TF,TS & 1 & 40/4/4 & 6734/564/4 & \cite{biblio:LHAASO}\cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-temp}\cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-calibrator} \cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-prototype}\\ \hline
LHAASO & China & TF,TS & 1~km & 40/4/4 & 6734/564/4 & \cite{biblio:LHAASO}\cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-temp}\cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-calibrator} \cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-prototype}\\ \hline
% HiSCORE & Russia & TS,TD & & & & \\ \hline
TAIGA & Russia & TS,TD & 1 & 20/4/2 & 1100/90/3 & \cite{biblio:TAIGA-WR-1}\cite{biblio:TAIGA-WR-2}\cite{biblio:TAIGA-WR-harsh-env} \\ \hline
TAIGA & Russia & TS,TD & 1~km & 20/4/2 & 1100/90/3 & \cite{biblio:TAIGA-WR-1}\cite{biblio:TAIGA-WR-2}\cite{biblio:TAIGA-WR-harsh-env} \\ \hline
CTA & Spain/Chile & TF,TS & 10 & 32/3/2 & 220/10/2 & \cite{biblio:CTA-WR-timestamps}\\ \hline
CTA & Spain/Chile & TF,TS & 10~km & 32/3/2 & 220/10/2 & \cite{biblio:CTA-WR-timestamps}\\ \hline
HAWC & Maxico & TS,TD & 1 & & & \cite{biblio:GVD} \\ \hline
HAWC & Maxico & TS,TD & 1~km & & & \cite{biblio:GVD} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{National Time Laboratories}} \\ \hline
MIKES & Finland & TF & 950 & 10/few/2 & 10/few/2 & \cite{biblio:MIKES-50km}\cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
LNE-SYRTE & France & TF & 125 & 4/2/4 & 4/2/4 & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-25km}\cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-500km} \\ \hline
VLS & Nederland & TF & 137 & 4/2/1 & 4/2/1 & \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
NIST & USA & TF & 10 & 2/-/1 & expanding & \cite{biblio:WR-NIST} \\ \hline
MIKES & Finland & TF & 950~km & 10/few/2 & 10/few/2 & \cite{biblio:MIKES-50km}\cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
LNE-SYRTE & France & TF & 125~km & 4/2/4 & 4/2/4 & \cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-25km}\cite{biblio:SYRTE-LNE-500km} \\ \hline
VLS & Nederland & TF & 137~km & 4/2/1 & 4/2/1 & \cite{biblio:MIKES+VSL} \\ \hline
NIST & USA & TF & 10~km & 2/-/1 & expanding & \cite{biblio:WR-NIST} \\ \hline
NLP & UK & TF & & & & \\ \hline
INRIM & Italy & TF,TS & 400 & 8/1/1 & expanding & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM}\cite{biblio:WR-INRIM-400km} \\ \hline
INRIM & Italy & TF,TS & 400~km & 8/1/1 & expanding & \cite{biblio:WR-INRIM}\cite{biblio:WR-INRIM-400km} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{Other Applications}} \\ \hline
SKA & Australia/ Africa& TF & 80 & 2/1/1 & 233/15/3 & \cite{biblio:SKA-80km} \\ \hline
DLR & Germany & TD & 1 & 1/1/1 & 1/1/1 & \cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR} \\ \hline
ELI-ALPS & Hungry & TS & 1 & & & \cite{biblio:ELI-ALP-WR} \\ \hline
ELI-BEAMS & Czech & TF,TS, TD,TC& 1 & 70/16/2 & 70/16/2 & \cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR} \\ \hline
EPFL & Switzerland & TS & 1 & 2/1/1 & 2/1/1 & \cite{biblio:EPFL-WR-PMU} \\ \hline
SKA & Australia/ Africa& TF & 80~km & 2/1/1 & 233/15/3 & \cite{biblio:SKA-80km} \\ \hline
DLR & Germany & TD & 1~km & 1/1/1 & 1/1/1 & \cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR} \\ \hline
ELI-ALPS & Hungry & TS & 1~km & & & \cite{biblio:ELI-ALP-WR} \\ \hline
ELI-BEAMS & Czech & TF,TS, TD,TC& 1~km & 70/16/2 & 70/16/2 & \cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR} \\ \hline
EPFL & Switzerland & TS & 1~km & 2/1/1 & 2/1/1 & \cite{biblio:EPFL-WR-PMU} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{Total number of WR nodes: }} & \textbf{456} & \textbf{17571} & \\
......@@ -1259,19 +1259,24 @@ is described in \cite{biblio:WRin1588}.
WR is an innovative solution to provide sub-ns accuracy and picoseconds
precision of synchronization over large distances.
The number of WR applications and their specifications have exceeded the original
assumptions of the project.
This proliferation can be attributed to the fact that WR is based
on standards and it is openly as well as commercially available while meeting
very stringent synchronization requirements. The open nature of WR allows its users to contribute to the
expectations of the project.
This proliferation can be attributed to the fact that WR is standard, open and
commercially available. The open nature of WR allows its users to contribute to the
project with their
specific expertise and new developments, opening WR to more applications.
WR has become a \textit{de facto} for synchronization in scientific installations
and it is now becoming an industry standard within the IEEE1588.
With its wide adaptation in science, commercial support, up-coming
standardization and EU-funded project to catalyze applications in the
industry, WR applications will continue to proliferate in
science and should soon find its way into industry.
specific expertise and new developments.
% , making it find its way in more applications.
WR has become a \textit{de facto} standard for synchronization in scientific installations
and it is now becoming an industry standard within IEEE1588.
With its wide adaptation in science, commercial support, upcoming
standardization and EU-funded projects to catalyze applications in
industry, WR will
continue to proliferate in scientific applications and should soon find its way into industry.
% continue to proliferate in
% science and should soon find its way into industry.
% \\
% \\
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