Commit 8552d093 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

sent for second review to the authors

parent 4a53d0eb
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ year={2018},
keywords = {{CERN}, high-energy physics, Large Hadron Collider, {LHC}, particles, physics, science},
author = "J.Serrano and et al.",
author = "J. Serrano and et al.",
title = "{Nanosecond} {Level} {UTC} {Timing} {Generation} and {Stamping} in {CERN}'s {LHC}",
booktitle = "ICALEPCS",
year = "2013",
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ year={2018},
title = {{CERN} {General} {Machine} {Timing} {System}: status and evolution},
author = {{J. Serrano}},
date = {2008-02-15},
note={CERN Presentation},
note= {{CERN Presentation}},
file = {CERN-GMT.pdf:/home/mlipinsk/.mozilla/firefox/64taeemp.default-1397950810482/zotero/storage/F3RGN3RC/CERN-GMT.pdf:application/pdf},
howpublished = {\url{}},
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ booktitle = "{ICALEPCS}",
year = "2015",
author = "T.Levens and et al.",
author = "T. Levens and et al.",
booktitle = "{Evian Workshop}",
year = "2015",
......@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ year={2012},
howpublished = {\url{}}
author = "D.Perrelet and et al.",
author = "D. Perrelet and et al.",
title = "{White-Rabbit Based Revolution Frequency Program for the Longitudinal Beam Control of the CERN PS}",
booktitle = "{ICALEPCS}",
year = "2015",
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ year = "2015",
author = "C.Prados and et al.",
author = "C. Prados and et al.",
title = "{A Reliable White Rabbit Network for the FAIR General Machine Timing}",
booktitle = "{ICALEPCS}",
year = "2017",
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ ISSN={},
author={M. Rizzi and M. Lipiñski and P. Ferrari and S. Rinaldi and A. Flammini},
author={M. Rizzi and M. Lipinski and P. Ferrari and S. Rinaldi and A. Flammini},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control},
title={White Rabbit clock synchronization: ultimate limits on close-in phase noise and short-term stability due to FPGA implementation},
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ booktitle = "{IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium 2018}",
year = "2018",
title = "{SFP} transceiver and fibre type to use for White Rabbit",
title = "{SFP transceiver and fibre type to use for White Rabbit}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ year = "2014",
author = "C.Prados and et al.",
author = "C. Prados and et al.",
booktitle = "{ICALEPCS}",
year = "2018",
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ year = "2018",
howpublished = {\url{}},
author = "M.Kreider and et al.",
author = "M. Kreider and et al.",
booktitle = "{ICALEPCS}",
year = "2018",
......@@ -419,12 +419,12 @@ year = "2018",
howpublished = {\url{\_WORKSHOP/02-PavelBastl/ELI-BL-4442-PRE-00000116-B.ppt}},
author = "D.Hamp and et al.",
author = "D. Hamp and et al.",
title = "{First successful satellite laser ranging with a fibre-based transmitter}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
author = "M.Bruckner and et al.",
author = "M. Bruckner and et al.",
booktitle = "ICALEPCS",
year = "2017",
......@@ -442,10 +442,11 @@ doi={10.1109/ISGTEurope.2017.8260178},
author = "Deghaye, S and et al.",
title = "{OASIS: A New System to Acquire and Display the Analog
Signals for LHC}",
booktitle = "ICALEPCS",
year = "2003",
......@@ -467,11 +468,11 @@ month={Sept},}
howpublished = {\url{}},
title = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility",
title = "{European Synchrotron Radiation Facility}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
author = "G.Goujon and et al.",
author = "G. Goujon and et al.",
booktitle = "ICALEPCS",
year = "2017",
......@@ -548,8 +549,8 @@ month={Sept},}
year = "2015",
title = "{{HAWC} and “{HAWC-S}outh”}",
howpublished = {\url{\_Stacex.pdf}},
title = "{{High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory}”}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
title = "{Meinberg LANTIME M1000-IMS /10003285}",
......@@ -572,3 +573,28 @@ month={Sept},}
title = "{Simple PCIe FMC carrier 7}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
title = "{High Precision Time (White Rabbit) Pilot}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
title = "{White Rabbit Absolute Calibration Procedure}",
author = "{P.P.M Jansweijer and et al.}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
author = {H. Z. Peek and et al.},
journal = {Opt. Express},
keywords = {Instrumentation, measurement, and metrology; Metrological instrumentation; Electrical to optical converters; Optical directional couplers; Polarization maintaining fibers; Power spectral density; Traveling wave devices; Variable optical attenuators},
number = {11},
pages = {14650--14660},
publisher = {OSA},
title = {Measurement of optical to electrical and electrical to optical delays with ps-level uncertainty},
volume = {26},
month = {May},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.1364/OE.26.014650},
abstract = {We present a new measurement principle to determine the absolute time delay of a waveform from an optical reference plane to an electrical reference plane and vice versa. We demonstrate a method based on this principle with 2 ps uncertainty. This method can be used to perform accurate time delay determinations of optical transceivers used in fiber-optic time-dissemination equipment. As a result the time scales in optical and electrical domain can be related to each other with the same uncertainty. We expect this method will be a new breakthrough in high-accuracy time transfer and absolute calibration of time-transfer equipment.},
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@ manner ensuring at most a single failure per year for a network of 2000 WR nodes
% \end{figure}
Since its conception in 2008, the number of WR applications has grown beyond
any expectations. The WR Users \cite{biblio:WRusers} website attempts to keep
any expectations. The \textcolor{blue}{WR Users website \cite{biblio:WRusers}} attempts to keep
track of WR applications. Apart from the suitable synchronization performance, the reasons for such a proliferation of WR applications
are the open nature of the WR project \textcolor{red}{and} the fact that the WR technology is based
on standards. The former encourages collaboration,
reuse of work and adaptations that also prevent vendor lock-in. The latter allows using
off-the-shelf solutions with WR networks and catalyzes
collaboration with companies.
% What started as a project to renovate one of the most critical systems at CERN,
% GMT \cite{biblio:GMT}\cite{biblio:GMTJavierPres}, is now a multilaboratory,
% multicompany and multinational collaboration developing a technology that is
% commercially available, used all over the world, and being incorporated into
% the original PTP standard \cite{biblio:P1588WG}\cite{P1588-HA-enhancements}.
collaboration with companies. \textcolor{blue}{
What started as a project to renovate one of the most critical systems at CERN,
GMT \cite{biblio:GMT}\cite{biblio:GMTJavierPres}, is now a multilaboratory,
multicompany and multinational collaboration developing a technology that is
commercially available, used all over the world, and being incorporated into
the original PTP standard \cite{biblio:P1588}\cite{P1588-HA-enhancements}.
% This article attempts at providing a snapshot of the various WR applications,
% the ongoing work on enhancing WR and evolution of WR into IEEE 1588.
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ KM3Net & Spain & TF,TS & 100~km & 18/1/1 &
% CHIPS & USA & & 1km & & 200/16/? & \\ \hline
DUNE & Switz/USA & TS,TD & 1~km & 14/5/2 & 36/5/2 & \\ \hline
SBN & USA & TS,TD & 1~km & 6/1/1 & 6/1/1 & \\ \hline
GVD & Russia & TS,TD & 1~km & 3/1/1 & 3/1/1 & \cite{biblio:GVD} \\ \hline
GVD & Russia & TS,TD & 1~km & 3/1/1 & 15/2/1 & \cite{biblio:GVD} \\ \hline
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ TAIGA & Russia & TS,TD & 1~km & 20/4/2 &
CTA & Spain/Chile & TF,TS & 10~km & 32/3/2 & 220/10/2 & \cite{biblio:CTA-WR-timestamps}\\ \hline
HAWC & Maxico & TS,TD & 1~km & & & \cite{biblio:GVD} \\ \hline
HAWC & Mexico & TF,TS, TD & 1~km & 6/1/1 & 6/1/1 & \cite{biblio:HAWK} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{\textbf{National Time Laboratories}} \\ \hline
......@@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ DLR & Germany & TD & 1~km & 1/1/1 &
ELI-ALPS & Hungry & TS & 1~km & & & \cite{biblio:ELI-ALP-WR} \\ \hline
ELI-BEAMS & Czech & TF,TS, TD,TC& 1~km & 70/16/2 & 70/16/2 & \cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR} \\ \hline
EPFL & Switzerland & TS & 1~km & 2/1/1 & 2/1/1 & \cite{biblio:EPFL-WR-PMU} \\ \hline
Deutsche Boerse & Germany & TS & 1~km & & & \cite{biblio:WR-EUREXCHANGE} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{Total number of WR nodes: }} & \textbf{456} & \textbf{17571} & \\
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{Total number of WR switches: }} & \textbf{78} & \textbf{1529} & \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{Total number of WR nodes: }} & \textbf{462} & \textbf{17592} & \\
\multicolumn{4}{|r|}{\textbf{Total number of WR switches: }} & \textbf{79} & \textbf{1532} & \\ \hline
% \multicolumn{7}{|l|}{\textbf{Abbreviations used}} \\
\multicolumn{7}{|l|}{TF= time and frequency transfer, TC= time-triggered control, TS= timestamping,} \\
\multicolumn{7}{|l|}{TD= trigger distribution, FL= Fixed-latency data transfer, RF= Radio-Freq. transfer} \\
......@@ -219,12 +219,12 @@ EPFL & Switzerland & TS & 1~km & 2/1/1 &
\section{WR Network Elements}
WR network elements, nodes and switches, are openly available on the Open Hardware Repository (OHWR)
WR network elements, \textcolor{blue}{WR} nodes and \textcolor{blue}{WR} switches, are openly available on the Open Hardware Repository (OHWR)
\cite{biblio:OHWR} and can be purchased from companies \cite{biblio:WRcompanies}. %, see Figure~\ref{fig:WRN}.
While all of the WR networks use the same design of
the WR switch \cite{biblio:wr-switch},
the design of WR nodes depends on the application. Therefore the WR node design is made available
as an open-source \textcolor{red}{intellectual property (IP)} core \cite{biblio:wr-node} that can be easily used in one of
as an open-source \textcolor{red}{intellectual property (IP)} Core \cite{biblio:wr-node} that can be easily used in one of
the supported boards or integrated into a custom design. WR-compatible boards
are available on OHWR in various form factors, including:
% Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) \cite{biblio:spec},
......@@ -272,7 +272,9 @@ realization of WR applications described in the following sections.
\section{Time and Frequency Transfer (TF)}
% \subsection{Basic Concept}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Basic Concept}}
The most basic application of WR is the transfer of time and frequency from the
Grandmaster WR switch/node (Grandmaster) to all other WR switches/nodes in
the WR network. WR ensures that the Pulse Per Second (PPS) outputs of all the
......@@ -295,7 +297,7 @@ the International Atomic Time (TAI).
% either integrated into WR nodes or provided by external devices (e.g. digitizers)
% synchronized using PPS \& 10MHz provided by WR.
% \subsection{Example Applications}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Example Applications}}
Time and frequency transfer is used by National Time Laboratories to
......@@ -347,8 +349,8 @@ link to the Metsähovi Observatory \cite{biblio:MIKES-50km} for applications in
% Very-long-baseline interferometry and satellite laser ranging)
400~km to the financial district of Millano. NIST and LNE-SYRTE use WR to distribute
within their campus UTC(NIST) and UTC(OP), respectively. All
laboratories are studying WR with different types and lengths of fiber links and attempt to
within their campus UTC(NIST) and UTC(OP), respectively. \textcolor{blue}{The National Time Laboratories}
are studying WR with different types and lengths of fiber links and attempt to
increase its performance, see Table~\ref{tab:timelabs}.
These studies have shown that the stability (at \textcolor{red}{$\tau=1s$}) of the off-the-shelf
WR switch is 1e-11
......@@ -357,11 +359,14 @@ Section~\ref{sec:JitterAndStability} and
Many of the National Time Laboratories are now working together with other WR users
and companies within the EU-funded project WRITE \cite{biblio:WRITE-2} to prepare WR for industrial applications.
% At CERN, the General Machine Timing controller of the Antiproton Decelerator (AD)
% is synchronized with WR link to a similar controller of the LHC Injection
% Chain (LHC) that provides the beam also for AD. Such a WR link provides traceability
% to UTC and it is used instead of a GPS receiver.
At CERN, the WR-based time and frequency transfer is used to synchronize
operation of different accelerators. The controller of
the Antiproton Decelerator is synchronized over a few kilometers WR link to a similar controller
of the LHC Injection Chain that provides proton beam to both, LHC and AD.
% Such a WR link ensures traceability to UTC and it is used instead of a GPS receiver.
% MIKES operates a 950km WR link \cite{} over unidirectional paths in a dark channel
% of active Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) network and and a 50km
......@@ -401,7 +406,7 @@ and companies within the EU-funded project WRITE \cite{biblio:WRITE-2} to prepar
\section{Time-Triggered Control (TC)}
% \subsection{Basic Concept}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Basic Concept}}
Many accelerators, synchrotrons and spallation sources are controlled by triggering
events in a pre-configured sequence of actions. In fact, it is a very convenient
......@@ -418,7 +423,7 @@ these devices and the controller. WR provides precise and accurate synchronizati
upper-bound in latency through the network to enable the implementation of a time-triggered control
for accelerators.
% \subsection{Example Applications}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Example Applications}}
WR is used at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) as the basis for a
......@@ -435,14 +440,14 @@ All these WR nodes are connected to a common WR network that provides synchroniz
delivers control-information from the Data Master to all subsystems as well as
between subsystems, and allows diagnostics.
When FAIR is completed in 2025, the WR network at GSI and FAIR will include
2000-3000 WR nodes connected to 300 WR switches in five layers. The WR-based
The WR-based
GMT has been operational at GSI since 2015. First, it was used to control
a small CRYRING accelerator built purposely to test the WR-based GMT
\cite{biblio:GSI-WR-GMT-CRYRING} and consisting of 30 WR nodes in three layers of
WR switches. Then, the GMT system that had been used so far was replaced with WR-based GMT
that consists of 35 WR switches and it is commissioned for operation, with a first beam in
June 2018.
June 2018. \textcolor{blue}{When FAIR is completed in 2025, the WR network at GSI and FAIR will include
2000-3000 WR nodes connected to 300 WR switches in five layers.}
Despite being the main reason behind WR’s conception, a WR-based GMT to control CERN
accelerators is yet to be implemented.
......@@ -459,7 +464,9 @@ accelerators is yet to be implemented.
% \newpage
\section{Precise Timestamping (TS)}
% \subsection{Basic Concept}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Basic Concept}}
In a great number of applications, time and frequency are transferred in order
to timestamp accurately and/or precisely incoming signals. Such incoming signals
can be either discrete pulses that are timestamped with time-to-digital converters
......@@ -477,18 +484,18 @@ analysis proves to be an extermely convenient solution to many otherwise
challenging distributed measurements.
% \subsection{Example Applications}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Example Applications}}
% \textcolor{gray}{
% The first application of WR was in the second run of the CERN Neutrinos to Gran
% Sasso (CNGS) experiment \cite{biblio:wr-cngs} and required timestamping of
% events at the extraction and detection of neutrinos. Two WR
% networks were installed in parallel with the initial timing system: one at CERN and one in Gran Sasso. Each WR network consisted of a Grandmaster
% WR switch connected to the time reference \cite{biblio:PolaRx4e}\cite{biblio:CS4000},
% a WR switch in the underground cavern and a number of WR nodes timestamping
% input signals. The measured performance of the deployed system over 1 month of
% operation was 0.517 ns accuracy and 0.119 ns precision.
% }
The first application of WR was in the second run of the CERN Neutrinos to Gran
Sasso (CNGS) experiment \cite{biblio:wr-cngs} and required timestamping of
events at the extraction and detection of neutrinos. Two WR
networks were installed in parallel with the initial timing system: one at CERN and one in Gran Sasso. Each WR network consisted of a Grandmaster
WR switch connected to the time reference \cite{biblio:PolaRx4e}\cite{biblio:CS4000},
a WR switch in the underground cavern and a number of WR nodes timestamping
input signals. The measured timestamping performance of the deployed system over 1 month of
operation was 0.517 ns accuracy and 0.119 ns precision.
The most demanding WR applications in terms of timestamping are cosmic ray and
neutrino detectors that record the time of arrival of particles in individual
......@@ -508,16 +515,29 @@ calibrated using a portable calibrator \cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-calibrator}.
These methods have proved to work in a prototype installation that has been running
since 2014 (50 WR nodes, 4 WR switches in 4 layers, \cite{biblio:LHAASO-WR-prototype}).
Other applications of WR that use timestamping include the
Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT)
located at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, the
Tunka Advanced Instrument for \textcolor{red}{Gamma} ray and cosmic ray Astrophysics (TAIGA) project in Siberia
The Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT)\cite{biblio:KM3NeT} is a research
infrastructure housing the next generation neutrino telescopes located at the
bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, off-shore France and Italy. The needed angular
resolution of 0.1 degree means that the submerged \textit{digital optical modules} (DOMs),
which constitute KM3NeT, must be synchronized with 1~ns accuracy and a
few 100~ps precision. 4140 DOMs at 3500~m depth 100~km off-shore of Italy and
2070 DOMs at 2475~m depth 40~km off-shore France will be synchronized with an on-shore
reference using WR network \cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation}.
Initial tests have been successfully performed with 18 DOMs off-shore France and Italy to validate the system.
Other applications of WR that use timestamping include
% the Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT)
% \cite{biblio:KM3NeT}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-Letter}\cite{biblio:WR-KM3NeT-presentation}
% located at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea,
the Tunka Advanced Instrument for \textcolor{blue}{cosmic ray physics and} \textcolor{red}{Gamma} \textcolor{blue}{Astronomy} (TAIGA) in Siberia
Cherenkov Telescope Array to be built in Chile and Spain \cite{biblio:CTA-WR-timestamps},
the Extreme Light Infrastructures in Hungary \cite{biblio:ELI-ALP-WR} and Czech Republic
\cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR}, Satellite Laser Ranging at German Aerospace Center
or Power Industry and Smart Grid studied at Swiss Federal
\cite{biblio:ELI-BEAMS-WR}, Satellite Laser Ranging at German Aerospace Center,
\textcolor{blue}{High Precision Timestamps Daily File Service at German Stock Exchange (Deutsche Boerse) \cite{biblio:WR-EUREXCHANGE}}
or Power Industry and Smart Grid studied at Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) \cite{biblio:EPFL-WR-PMU}.
......@@ -544,7 +564,9 @@ Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) \cite{biblio:EPFL-WR-PMU}.
\section{Trigger Distribution (TD)}
% \subsection{Basic Concept}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Basic Concept}}
Trigger distribution combines, to some extend, the time-triggered control and precise timestamping
described before. In this application, an input trigger signal is timestamped by a WR node and sent over the
WR network to many WR nodes that act upon the received message simultaneously, at
......@@ -558,7 +580,7 @@ In order to make sure that all the "interested" nodes act upon the trigger
simultaneously, the delay between the input trigger and the time of execution
is set to be greater than the upper-bound latency.
% \subsection{Example Applications}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Example Applications}}
The trigger distribution schema has been used at CERN since 2015 in the
WR Trigger Distribution (WRTD) system for instability
......@@ -611,7 +633,9 @@ for OASIS is meant to be operational in 2019.
\section{Fixed-Latency Data Transfer (FL)}
% \subsection{Basic Concept}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Basic Concept}}
Fixed-latency data transfer provides a well-known and precise latency of data
transmitted between WR nodes in the WR network. It uses very similar
principles to the trigger distribution described in Section~\ref{sec:triggers-distribution}.
......@@ -627,7 +651,7 @@ WR nodes in the WR network will execute the same action at the same time. In
order to take advantage of the precise fixed-latency data transfer, the
application needs to be integrated with a WR node.
% \subsection{Example Applications}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Example Applications}}
The fixed-latency data transfer is used in the BTrain-over-WhiteRabbit (WR-BTrain)
\cite{biblio:WR-Btrain} system that distributes in real-time the value of the magnetic field in CERN accelerators.
......@@ -659,23 +683,27 @@ that are integrated with RF cavities, power converters and beam instrumentation.
demanding accelerator, SPS, the data must be delivered over 2 hops (WR switches)
with latency of $10\mu s\pm 8ns$.
The WR-BTtrain has been successfully evaluated in the PS accelerators where it has
The WR-BTtrain has been successfully evaluated in the PS accelerator where it has
been running operationally since 2017 \cite{biblio:WR-BTrain-RF}. By 2021, all
the CERN accelerators, except LHC, should be running WR-BTrain operationally \cite{biblio:WR-Btrain-status}.
% For each accelerator, a separated WR-BTrian system is installed consisting of 1-2
% \textcolor{blue}{
% For each accelerator, a separated WR-BTrian network is installed consisting of 1-2
% WR switches and 2-5 WR nodes.
% \textcolor{gray}{
% Fixed-latency data transfer is considered for the operation of the
% Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICE) at the Joint Institute for Nuclear
% Research (JINR) \cite{biblio:JINR} that already uses WR as the main clock
% and time distribution system \cite{biblio:JINR-WR}.
% }
Fixed-latency data transfer is considered for the operation of the
Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICE) at the Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research (JINR) \cite{biblio:JINR} that already uses WR as the main clock
and time distribution system \cite{biblio:JINR-WR}.
\section{Radio-Frequency Transfer (RF)}
% \subsection{Basic Concept}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Basic Concept}}
Radio-frequency (RF) transfer \textcolor{red}{over WR network} allows \textcolor{red}{the digitization of} periodic input signals in a WR master node,
\textcolor{red}{the sending of}
their digital form over a WR network, and \textcolor{red}{the subsequent regeneration of the} signal coherently with a fixed delay in many
......@@ -708,7 +736,7 @@ all with \textcolor{red}{sub-nanosecond} accuracy and \textcolor{red}{tens of} p
the RF signal are much lower than the required characteristics
of the digital RF signal transmission, thus negligible.}
% \subsection{Example Applications}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Example Applications}}
The WR-based radio-frequency transfer is being implemented in the European Synchrotron Radiation
......@@ -725,7 +753,7 @@ to the RF signal, such as
"Gun trigger" initiates generation of an electron bunch at the LINAC input,
"injection trigger" initiates transfer of the bunch from the LINAC into the Booster,
"extraction trigger" initiates extraction of the bunch from the Booster into the
Storage Ring at the end of acceleration. Detailed description is provided in \cite{biblio:ESRF-WR}.
Storage Ring at the end of acceleration, see \cite{biblio:ESRF-WR} for details.
The jitter of the output RF signal is required to be below 50~ps. The RF signal is continuously
trimmed around the 352~MHz value as the tuning parameter in the "fast orbit feedback"
......@@ -1158,10 +1186,10 @@ The frequency transfer over WR network was characterized in
studied in \cite{biblio:WR-ultimate-limits}. The studies
have shown that the performance of a WR switch currently commercially available can be
improved \textcolor{blue}{as follows}:
\item ADEV clock stability (tau=1s) from 1e-11 to 1e-12,
\item Random jitter from 11 to 1.1~ps RMS \textcolor{red}{(integration bandwidth from} 1Hz to 100kHz\textcolor{red}{)}.
\item ADEV clock stability (tau=1s) \textbf{from 1e-11 to 1e-12},
\item Random jitter \textbf{from 11 to 1.1~ps RMS} \textcolor{red}{(integration bandwidth from} 1Hz to 100kHz\textcolor{red}{)}.
This prompted the development of the Low-Jitter Daughterboard
\cite{biblio:WR-LJD}\textcolor{red}{, which} improves the performance of the WR switch to 1e-12 without any
......@@ -1172,7 +1200,7 @@ The improved WR Switches are now commercially available \cite{biblio:WR-LJD-swit
A high performance low-jitter WR node is developed for the SPS's RF transmission
achieving jitter of sub-100fs RMS from 100Hz to 20MHz \cite{biblio:SPS-WR-LLRF}.
A WR node \cite{biblio:SPEV7} to achieve stability of 1e-13 over 100 s is designed
within the WRITE project.
within the WRITE project \textcolor{blue}{\cite{biblio:WRITE-2}}.
\subsection{Temperature Compensation}
......@@ -1193,7 +1221,7 @@ peak-to-peak variation from 700~ps to $<$150~ps with a standard deviation $<$50~
% This online compensation
% is used in LHAASO to ensure 500ps (rms)
% synchronization of 7000 WR nodes exposed to harsh environmental conditions
% synchronization of 7000 WR nodes exposed to harsh environmental conditions.
\subsection{Long-haul Link}
......@@ -1223,9 +1251,9 @@ parameter, is calibrated at room temperature and assumed constant.
However, the variation of fiber temperature results in changes of the actual
\textit{alpha} (e.g -0.12~ps/km/K for 1310/1490~nm)
while the variation of WR nodes/switches temperature result in laser wavelength
variation( e.g. 17~ps/nm km for 1550 nm). These and other
variation (e.g. 17~ps/nm km for 1550 nm). These and other
effects analyzed in \cite{biblio:SKA-80km} are significant on long links and
can amount to over 5~ns inaccuracy for bidirectional link using 1490/1550~nm
can amount to over \textcolor{blue}{3~ns} inaccuracy for \textcolor{blue}{80 km} bidirectional link using 1490/1550~nm
and exposed to 50 degrees Celsius temperature variation. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) \cite{biblio:SKA}
radio telescope mitigates these effects to achieve $<$1~ns accuracy on 80~km links
by using DWDM SFP on ITU channels C21/C22 (1560.61/1558.98~nm) and combining them
......@@ -1246,7 +1274,8 @@ on a single fiber via a simple DWDM channel filter, as described in \cite{biblio
\subsection{Absolute Calibration}
The accuracy of WR depends greatly on the calibration of hardware delays. WR uses
The accuracy of WR depends greatly on the calibration of hardware delays.
\textcolor{blue}{WR has been using}
procedures for relative calibration of these delays \cite{biblio:wrCalibration}.
With relative calibration, \textcolor{red}{sub-nanosecond} accuracy can be achieved provided that the
synchronized WR devices are calibrated against the same "golden calibrator".
......@@ -1255,7 +1284,9 @@ synchronized WR devices are calibrated against the same "golden calibrator".
% cancels out only when WR devices calibrated to the same calibrator are connected.
% Relative calibration is performed for a complete WR device (e.g. a given version of WR switch and SFPs)
% and needs to be repeated each time a composing elements changes.
An ongoing work on absolute calibration \cite{biblio:WR-calibration} allows
\textcolor{blue}{The recently completed work on absolute calibration \cite{biblio:WR-calibration}\cite{biblio:WR-CALIB-ABSOLUTE}\cite{biblio:WR-CALIB-ABSOLUTE-2}} allows
\textcolor{red}{the precise measurement of the} actual value of hardware delays and their different contributors.
With such calibration, a "golden calibrator" will not be required and adding a new type of component
(e.g. SFP) to a WR network will not necessitate a time-consuming calibration of all
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