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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Page Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title[White Rabbit\hspace{3em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]{White Rabbit}
\author{Greg Daniluk}
\institute{CERN BE-CO\\Hardware and Timing section}
\date[30 June 2016]{European Frequency and Time Seminar\\Besançon, 30 June 2016}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Your Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{What is White Rabbit?}
\item Renovation of accelerator's control and timing
\item Based on well-known technologies
\item Open Hardware and Open Software with commercial support
\item International collaboration
\item Many users: CERN, GSI, KM3NET, cosmic ray detectors, metrology labs...
\begin{frame}{Why we use Open Hardware ?}
\item Get a design just the way we want it
\item Peer review and design re-use
\item Healthier relationship with companies
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: an \emph{extension} of Ethernet}
\item Standard Ethernet network
\item Ethernet features (VLAN) \& protocols (SNMP)
\item \color{Blue}{High accuracy synchronization}
\item \color{Red}{Reliable and low-latency Control Data}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit application examples}
\item<1-> \color<2->{black!50}{CERN and GSI}
\item<2-> \color<3->{black!50}{HiSCORE: Gamma\&Cosmic-Ray experiment}
\item<3-> \color<4->{black!50}{The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory}
\item<4-> \color<5->{black!50}{MIKES: Centre for metrology and accreditation}
\item<5-> {KM3NET: European deep-sea neutrino telescope}
{\small More WR collaborators: \url{}}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit technology}
\begin{block}{Based on}
\item Gigabit Ethernet over fiber
\item IEEE-1588 protocol
\begin{block}{Enhanced with}
\item Layer 1 syntonization
\item Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)
\item Link delay model
\begin{frame}{Open Systems Interconnection(OSI) network model}
\begin{frame}{Ethernet switches in a nutshell}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit in OSI model}
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\begin{frame}{White Rabbit technology}
\begin{block}{Based on}
\item Gigabit Ethernet over fiber
\item IEEE-1588 protocol
\begin{block}{Enhanced with}
\item Layer 1 syntonization
\item Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)
\item Link delay model
\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)}
\item Frame-based synchronization protocol.
\item Simple calculations:
\item link $delay_{ms}$ $\delta_{ms} = \frac{(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})}{2}$
\item clock $offset_{ms} = t_{2} - t_{1} + \delta_{ms}$
\item<2> Disadvantages
\item assumes symmetry of medium
\item all nodes have free-running oscillators
\item frequency drift compensation vs. message exchange traffic
\begin{frame}{Layer 1 Syntonization}
%\begin{block}{Common clock for the entire network}
\item All network devices use the same physical layer clock.
\item Clock is encoded in the Ethernet carrier and recovered by the receiver chip.
\item Phase detection allows sub-ns delay measurement.
\begin{frame}{Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference}{DDMTD}
\item Used for precise phase measurements
\item Implemented in FPGA and SoftPLL
\item 62.5MHz WR clock and N=14 results in 3.814kHz output signals
%\begin{frame}{Deglitching algorithm -- to backup slides?}
\begin{frame}{Link delay model}
\item static hardware delays: $\Delta_{TXM}$, $\Delta_{RXM}$, $\Delta_{TXS}$, $\Delta_{RXS}$
\item semi-static hardware delays: $\epsilon_M$, $\epsilon_S$
\item fiber asymmetry coefficient: $\alpha = \frac{\delta_{MS} - \delta_{SM}}{\delta_{SM}}$
Calibration procedure to find $\Delta_{TXM}$, $\Delta_{RXM}$,
$\Delta_{TXS}$, $\Delta_{RXS}$ and $\alpha$.
\begin{frame}{Typical WR network}
\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{White Rabbit Switch}
\item Central element of WR network
\item 18 port gigabit Ethernet switch with WR features
\item Optical transceivers: up to 10km, single-mode fiber
\item Fully open design, commercially available
\begin{frame}{Simplified block diagram of the hardware}
\begin{frame}{Simplified block diagram of the gateware}
\begin{frame}{WR Node: SPEC board}
\begin{block}{FMC-based Hardware Kit}
% \item Carrier boards in PCI-Express, VME, PXIe
\item All carrier cards are equipped with a White Rabbit port.
\item Mezzanines can use the accurate clock signal and ``TAI''
\\ (synchronous sampling clock, trigger time tag, ...).
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit PTP Core}
\begin{frame}{WR time transfer performance: basic test setup}
\begin{frame}{WR time transfer performance: test results}
\begin{frame}{WR Switch characteristics: test setup}
These are the latest measurements - first step to improve the jitter and
{\bf White Rabbit clock characteristics}, \emph{M.Rizzi et al.}\\
ISPCS2016, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016 (to be published)
\begin{frame}{Transfer function}
\item 30Hz bandwidth
\item 3.3dB phase gain at 16Hz
\begin{frame}{Allan deviation}
\item Measurement time: 30 minutes
\item Grandmaster switch $ADEV(\tau = 1s)=1.3\mathrm{e}{-11}$
\begin{frame}{Phase noise}
\item VCO noise leaking
\item PLL peaking
\item High frequency spurs
\section{Current developments}
\begin{frame}{Current developments}
\begin{block}{Switches and nodes are commercially available}
Work now revolves around better diagnostics and remote management of WR
networks as well as improving the phase noise.
IEEE 1588 revision process is ongoing and contains a sub-committee (High
Accuracy) dedicated to White Rabbit. Revised standard expected in mid-2018.
Based on redundant information and fast switch-over between
redundant fibers and switches.
\begin{frame}{Ethernet Clock distribution a.k.a. Distributed DDS}
\begin{block}{Distributed Direct Digital Synthesis}
\item Replaces dozens of cables with a single fiber.
\item Works over big distances without degrading signal quality.
\item Can provide various clocks (RF of many rings and linacs)
with a single, standard link.
\begin{frame}{Distributed oscilloscope}
\item Common clock in entire network: no skew between ADCs.
\item Ability to sample with different clocks via Distributed DDS.
\item External triggers can be time tagged with a TDC and used to reconstruct the original time base in the operator's
\item Scientific, open (H/W \& S/W), with commercial support
\item More applications than ever expected
\item A versatile solution for general control and data acquisition
\item Standard-compatible and standard-extending
\item Active participation in IEEE1588 revision process
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%For more information see
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