Commit caf2a3f1 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[WIP] version used for rehearsal

parent 3dae565c
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
\item \color{blue!90}{\textbf{Sub-ns synchronization}}
\item \color{red}{{\textbf{Deterministic data transfer}}}
\item<7-> Initial specs: links up to 10km, $\approx$1000 nodes
\item<7-> Initial specs: links up to 10km, $\approx$2000 nodes
\item<8-> Open Source with commercial support
\item<9-> Many users worldwide, inc. metrology labs...
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
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\item<1-> \color<2->{black!50}{CERN and GSI}
\item<2-> \color<3->{black!50}{The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory}
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item offset from master: $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms})$
\item<2-> Hierarchical network
\item<3-> Disadvantages
\item<3-> Shortcomings:
\item devices have free-running oscillators
\item frequency drift compensation vs. message exchange traffic
......@@ -270,8 +270,12 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item Used for precise phase measurements
\item Implemented in FPGA and SoftPLL
\item 62.5MHz WR clk \& N=14 results in 3.814kHz output clocks
\item Implemented in FPGA
\item 62.5MHz WR $clk_{in}$ \& N=14 results in
\item $f_{DDMTD}=62.496185MHz$
\item $clk_{out}~~=3.814kHz$
\item Theoretical resolution of 0.977ps
......@@ -282,11 +286,11 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
% \begin{frame}{SoftPLL}
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{protocol/dmpll_diagram-slides.pdf}
% \end{center}
% \end{frame}
......@@ -295,22 +299,24 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item <1->Previous tricks allow high precision of round trip (RTT) measurement: $RTT=(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})$
\item <1->Previous tricks allow high precision of round trip (RTT) measurement
\item <2->Accuracy requires mitigation of asymmetries
\item <3->Asymmetry sources: FPGA, PCB, SFP electrics/optics, chromatic dispersion [6,7]
\item <4->Link delay model:
\item \textbf{Fixed delays:} assumed constant, calibrated/measured
\item \textbf{Variable delays:} online evaluation with fiber asymmetry coefficient: $\alpha = \frac{\nu_g(\lambda_s)}{\nu_g(\lambda_s)} -1 = \frac{\delta_{MS} - \delta_{SM}}{\delta_{SM}}$
\item \textbf{Variable delays:} online evaluation with fiber asymmetry coefficient: $\alpha = \frac{\nu_g(\lambda_S)}{\nu_g(\lambda_M)} -1 = \frac{\delta_{MS} - \delta_{SM}}{\delta_{SM}}$
\item <5-> Correcting offset from master (OFM):\scriptsize \\
\item <5-> Accurate offset from master (OFM):\scriptsize \\
% $RTT=(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})$\\
$\delta_{ms}~ = \frac{1 + \alpha}{2 + \alpha} \, (RTT - \Delta - \epsilon)$
$OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms} + \Delta_{txm} + \Delta_{rxs} + \epsilon_S)$
\tiny See: \textit{WR Calibration} [8]
......@@ -375,12 +381,12 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit PTP Core [11]}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{White Rabbit PTP Core [11]}
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics[width=\textheight]{node/wrNode.jpg}
% \end{center}
% \end{frame}
......@@ -420,17 +426,10 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item<1-> \textbf{Bitslide} -- measurement uncertainty
\item Measured each time link goes up
\item Value provided by GTX of FPGA
\item Error: $\pm$35ps for GTX
\item Remedy: ensure bitslide is zero \\(ongoing work at CERN)
\item<2-> \textbf{PCB, FPGA, SFP} -- hardware delay uncertainty
\item<1-> \textbf{PCB, FPGA, SFP} -- hardware delay uncertainty
\item Calibration uncertiainty: sdev of 2ps [7]
\item Linear dependency on temperature\\ (700ps over $-10..55^oC$):
\item Calibration uncertainty: sdev of 2ps [7]
\item Linear dependency on temperature\\ (700ps over $-10..55^oC$ [6]):
\item CuteWR: tx $-8.4ps/K$, rx $13.3ps/K$ [6]
\item Switch: 8ps/K [7]
......@@ -439,14 +438,21 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item Remedy: active compensation \\(for LHASSO, 50ps over $-10..55^oC$ [6])
% \item SFP delay dependency on input power, error up to 30ps [2]
\item<2-> \textbf{Bitslide} -- measurement uncertainty
\item Measured each time link goes up
\item Value provided by GTX of FPGA
\item Error: $\pm$35ps for GTX
\item Remedy: ensure bitslide is zero \\(ongoing work at CERN)
Figure source: [6]
\textcolor<2>{white}{Figure source: [6]}
......@@ -487,7 +493,7 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item<5-> Significant for links $>10km$ [7]
\item<6-> Remedy: temp-stabilized SFP, closer wavelength \\(CH21\& CH23 @ 1560.61 \& 1558.98 in SKA [7])
\item<6-> Remedy: temp-stabilized SFP, closer wavelength \\(C21\& C23 @ 1560.61 \& 1558.98 in SKA [7])
......@@ -495,8 +501,9 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
% \includegraphics<5->[width=\textwidth]{applications/SKA-DWDM.jpg}
\textcolor<1-2,4->{white}{\tiny Figure source: [6]}\\
\textcolor<1-3>{white}{\tiny Figure source: [7]}
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% Figure source: [1]
......@@ -507,7 +514,7 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\begin{frame}{Frequency transfer}
......@@ -540,13 +547,14 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item Flicker PM noise: -97 dBc at 1 Hz
\item White PM noise: -106 dBc\\ MDEV at $\tau=1s$ to 4E-13
\item<4-> Remedy: none, inherent to technology
\tiny NOTE: Carrier is 10MHz\\
\tiny All above data is based on [13]
......@@ -561,18 +569,18 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item<1-> Accumulation of phase noise in lower frquencies
\item<2-> \textbf{VCXO}
\item<1-> Accumulation of phase noise in lower frequencies
\item<2-> \textbf{VCXO} - Boundary Clock Only
\item Phase noise leaking from the local oscillator
\item Instabilities induced by cooling airflow
\item Remedy: increase bandwidth (see [14]) or better oscillator (see daughterboard [15])
\item<3->\textbf{External reference input}
\item<3->\textbf{External reference input} - Grandmaster only
\item Noisy internal MMCM PLL
\item Large phase noise power at 10kHz to 2MHz
\item Remedy: external PLL to sythesize 62.5MHz from 10MHz (see daughterboard [15])
\item Remedy: external PLL to synthesize 62.5MHz from 10MHz (see daughterboard [15])
......@@ -680,10 +688,10 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item \textbf{Sub-ns} is achievable on links on \textbf{up to 80km}
\item \textbf{Ns on 137km} bidirectional \& \textbf{$\pm$2.5ns on 950km} unidirectional links
\item<3-> Absolute Calibration
\item<4-> WR-based applications
% \item<3-> Absolute Calibration
\item<3-> WR-based applications
\item Better diagnostics and remote management of WR networks
\item Diagnostics and remote management of WR networks
\item Radio-frequency over WR for RF cavities control
\item Distributed Oscilloscope
......@@ -716,7 +724,7 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item Replaces dozens of cables with a single fiber.
\item Works over big distances without degrading signal quality.
\item Can provide various clocks (RF of many rings and linacs) with a single, standard link.
\item At CERN, it requires distribution of 200 MHz RF with 0.25ps RM jitter and $\pm$10ps accuracy.
\item At CERN, ongoing work to distribute 200 MHz RF with 0.25ps RMS jitter and $\pm$10ps accuracy.
......@@ -739,23 +747,23 @@ INRIM & Italy & 70~km & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\ \hline
\item Scientific, open (H/W \& S/W), with commercial support
\item Open source (H/W \& S/W) with commercial support
\item Standard-compatible and standard-extending
\item More applications than ever expected
\item Active participation in IEEE1588 revision process
\item A versatile solution for general control and data acquisition
\item Substantial improvements in performance
\item More applications than ever expected
\item Active participation in IEEE1588 revision process
\item Substantial improvements in performance
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%For more information see
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