Commit f6f098bd authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

presentations/WR_Switch_TC_2015: minor updates in management/configuration after the TC rehearsal

Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent becf81df
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\tableofcontents [currentsection]
\begin{frame}{Remote management}
\item<+-> Why do we need management?
\item<+-> check switch status
\item<+-> explore network status
\item<+-> notify about faults
\item<+-> diagnostics
\item<+-> reconfigure it
\item<+->Problem is getting bigger when number of devices increase.
\item<+-> How to manage WRS?
\item<+-> console
\item<+-> web-interface
\item<+-> SNMP
\item<+-> .config
\begin{frame}[t]{SNMP in a nutshell}
\item<+->[] Simple Network Management Protocol
\item<+-> Designed for managing network devices (switches, routers)
\item<+-> Widely used
\item<+-> Client (manager) -- server (agent) architecture\\
\item<+-> Poll and interrupt modes\\
\item<+-> Objects described in hierarchical tree (MIB)\\
\item[]<+-> Configuration possibilities:
\item<+-> console\\
\item<+-> web-interface\\
\item<+-> .config\\
CONFIG_SFP00_PARAMS="vn=Axcen Photonics,pn=AXGE-1254-0531,tx=10,rx=10,wl_txrx=1310+1490"
CONFIG_SFP01_PARAMS="vn=Axcen Photonics,pn=AXGE-3454-0531,tx=10,rx=10,wl_txrx=1490+1310"
\begin{frame}[fragile]{.config overview}
\item<+-> Kconfig file format
\item<+-> applied at runtime
\item<+-> stored locally or retrieved from network
......@@ -244,6 +237,42 @@
\begin{frame}{Remote management}
\item<+-> Why do we need management?
\item<+-> check switch status
\item<.-> explore network status
\item<.-> notify about faults
\item<.-> diagnostics
\item<.-> reconfigure it
\item<+->Problem is getting bigger when number of devices increase.
\item<+-> How to manage WRS?
\item<+-> console
\item<.-> web-interface
\item<.-> SNMP
\item<.-> .config
\begin{frame}[t]{SNMP in a nutshell}
\item<+->[] Simple Network Management Protocol
\item<+-> Designed for managing network devices (switches, routers)
\item<+-> RFC standard, widely used
\item<+-> Client (manager) -- server (agent) architecture\\
\item<+-> Poll and interrupt modes\\
\item<+-> Objects described in hierarchical tree (MIB)\\
\section{Plans for the future}
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