Commit 53807e02 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

Partially revert cc5a5c00.

Some of the signals dropped in commit cc5a5c00 were actually being used when generating RAMs.

They have been reintroduced, but this time only when generating RAMs.
parent 307440ab
......@@ -47,8 +47,14 @@ local width = math.max(1, address_bus_width);
local wb_sigs = { signal(SLV, MAX_ACK_LENGTH, "ack_sreg"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "rddata_reg"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "wrdata_reg"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH/8 , "bwsel_reg"),
signal(SLV, width, "rwaddr_reg"),
signal(BIT, 0, "ack_in_progress")
signal(BIT, 0, "ack_in_progress"),
signal(BIT, 0, "wr_int"),
signal(BIT, 0, "rd_int"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "allones"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "allzeros")
......@@ -207,6 +213,17 @@ function gen_bus_logic_pipelined_wb(mode)
-- we have some RAMs in our slave?
if(periph.ramcount > 0) then
local ram_signals_code = {
vcomment("Some internal signals assignments used by RAMs.");
va("bwsel_reg", "wb_sel_i");
va("rd_int", vand("wb_cyc_i", vand("wb_stb_i", vnot("wb_we_i"))));
va("wr_int", vand("wb_cyc_i", vand("wb_stb_i", "wb_we_i")));
va("allones", vothers(1));
va("allzeros", vothers(0));
table_join(code, ram_signals_code);
-- the data output is muxed between RAMs and register bank. Here we generate a combinatorial mux if we don't want the output to be registered. This gives us
-- memory access time of 2 clock cycles. Otherwise the ram output is handled by the main process.
if(not options.register_data_output) then
......@@ -39,9 +39,15 @@ local width = math.max(1, address_bus_width);
local wb_sigs = { signal(SLV, MAX_ACK_LENGTH, "ack_sreg"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "rddata_reg"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "wrdata_reg"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH/8 , "bwsel_reg"),
signal(SLV, width, "rwaddr_reg"),
signal(BIT, 0, "ack_in_progress"),
signal(BIT, 0, "bus_clock_int")
signal(BIT, 0, "wr_int"),
signal(BIT, 0, "rd_int"),
signal(BIT, 0, "bus_clock_int"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "allones"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "allzeros")
......@@ -201,6 +207,17 @@ function gen_bus_logic_wishbone()
-- we have some RAMs in our slave?
if(periph.ramcount > 0) then
local ram_signals_code = {
vcomment("Some internal signals assignments used by RAMs.");
va("bwsel_reg", "wb_sel_i");
va("rd_int", vand("wb_cyc_i", vand("wb_stb_i", vnot("wb_we_i"))));
va("wr_int", vand("wb_cyc_i", vand("wb_stb_i", "wb_we_i")));
va("allones", vothers(1));
va("allzeros", vothers(0));
table_join(code, ram_signals_code);
-- the data output is muxed between RAMs and register bank. Here we generate a combinatorial mux if we don't want the output to be registered. This gives us
-- memory access time of 2 clock cycles. Otherwise the ram output is handled by the main process.
if(not options.register_data_output) then
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