Commit 8d431e7f authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga Committed by Tomasz Wlostowski

Use kernel headers when our headers are included within it

Signed-off-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <>
Signed-off-by: Tomasz Wlostowski's avatarTomasz Włostowski <>
parent ff1f5a98
...@@ -97,7 +97,11 @@ function cgen_c_fileheader() ...@@ -97,7 +97,11 @@ function cgen_c_fileheader()
emit("#ifndef __WBGEN2_REGDEFS_"..string.upper(string.gsub(input_wb_file,"%.","_"))) emit("#ifndef __WBGEN2_REGDEFS_"..string.upper(string.gsub(input_wb_file,"%.","_")))
emit("#define __WBGEN2_REGDEFS_"..string.upper(string.gsub(input_wb_file,"%.","_"))) emit("#define __WBGEN2_REGDEFS_"..string.upper(string.gsub(input_wb_file,"%.","_")))
emit(""); emit("");
emit("#include <inttypes.h>"); emit("#ifdef __KERNEL__")
emit("#include <linux/types.h>")
emit("#include <inttypes.h>")
emit(""); emit("");
emit("#if defined( __GNUC__)"); emit("#if defined( __GNUC__)");
emit("#define PACKED __attribute__ ((packed))"); emit("#define PACKED __attribute__ ((packed))");
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