Commit 4587c77f authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

revised argparse, small python 2/3 issues, typo's

parent b54104ca
......@@ -26,24 +26,23 @@ Ch 4: SFP+ Calibartion SMA "N"
For a first run with one measurement using either: <IP#> <IP#> [--bitwidth=<20>] [--timebase=<float>] <IP#> [-timebase <float>]
Next look at the correlation plot and find the sample numbers for the pulse
and SFD maximum.
Redo measurement, now with the proper estimated max edge and sfd sample values. <IP#> [--edge=<i>] [--sfd=<i>] [--bitwidth=<20>] [--timebase=<float>] <IP#> [-edge <i>] [-sfd <i>] [-timebase <float>]
Record the actual (mean) delay found and use this as a parameter for the estimated
delay. The default tolerance will automatically be narrowed to 10 ns (unless
otherwise specified)
Now a number of measurments (-m,--meas) can be taken to gather statistics <IP#> [--edge=<i>] [--sfd=<i>] [--del=<f>] [--bitwidth=<20>] [--timebase=<float>] [--meas=<i>]
delay. Narrow the tolerance to 1 ns
Now a number of measurments (-m) can be taken to gather statistics <IP#> [-edge <i>] [-sfd <i>][-timebase <float>] [-del <f>] [-meas <i>]
Usage: IP# IP# [-bitwidth=<20>] [-timebase=<float>] IP# [-edge=<i>] [-sfd=<i>] [-del=<f>] [-tol=50.0e-8] [-bitwidth=<20>] [-timebase=<float>] [-meas=<i>] IP# [-bitwidth <20>] [-timebase <float>] IP# [-edge <sample_no>] [-sfd <sample_no>] [-del <float>] [-tol <tolerance>] [-bitwidth <number>] [-timebase <float>] [-m <number>] -h | --help
IP IP number of the instrument [default]
IP IP number of the oscilloscope [default]
-edge <int> expect_max_edge [default: 0]
......@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ Options:
scypi array sample number where the correlation maximum
is expected (may be a negative number)
-delay <float> estimated_delay [default: 0]
-tol <float> tolerance [default: 10.0e-9] specifies how far the
-tol <float> tolerance [default: 1] specifies how far the
measured delay may be off target. Tolerance helps you to
skip outliers in your measurements.
-bitwidth <int> bit width [default: 20] timestamp pulse width in number
......@@ -71,6 +70,9 @@ import vxi11
import scipy
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1
import pdb
# Add parent directory (containing 'lib') to the module search path
lib_path = (os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
......@@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ def correlate_mathematical_eth_sfd():
delay values for the time between the SFD and Edge.
scope -- instance of python-vxi connected to scope625Zi oscilloscope
num_meas -- nuber of measurement to be taken.
num_meas -- number of measurement to be taken.
expect_max_edge -- edge correlation result sample number maximum is expected
expect_max_sfd -- edge correlation result sample number maximum is expected
......@@ -163,21 +165,20 @@ def average_edge_to_sfd(scope, num_meas, bit_width, expect_max_edge, expect_max_
delay values for the time between the SFD and Edge.
scope -- instance of python-vxi connected to scope625Zi oscilloscope
num_meas -- nuber of measurement to be taken.
num_meas -- number of measurement to be taken.
bit_width -- the number of bits for a pulse (20 bits for 16 ns, 10 bits for 8 ns)
expect_max_edge -- edge correlation result sample number maximum is expected
expect_max_sfd -- edge correlation result sample number maximum is expected
estimate -- a delay estimate, used to verify proper measurements and enable
to skip outliers (due to wrong automatic correlation maximum
tollerance -- delay measurements outside tollerance are skiped (default 1 ns)
tollerance -- delay measurements outside tollerance are skiped (default 1 ns)
tolerance -- delay measurements outside tolerance are skipped (default 1 ns)
returns: <type 'numpy.ndarray'> -- an array of measured delay values
samples -- amount of samples in one waveform
sample_period -- the timebase used
firts_filename -- name of the first wavform file that contributed
last_filename -- name of the last wavform file that contributed
firts_filename -- name of the first waveform file that contributed
last_filename -- name of the last waveform file that contributed
bit_rate = 1.25e+9 # fixed for 1 Gbps to 1250 MHz (i.e. one bit = 800 ps)
......@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ def average_edge_to_sfd(scope, num_meas, bit_width, expect_max_edge, expect_max_
once = True
for i in range(num_meas):
d,filename = DSO.get_waveforms(scope, '1,3,4')
d,filename = DSO.get_waveforms(scope, [1,3,4])
wf_data = DSO.file_to_waveform(filename)
samples = DSO.check_waveforms(wf_data)
# Make sure the buffer holds an even number of samples
......@@ -196,7 +197,9 @@ def average_edge_to_sfd(scope, num_meas, bit_width, expect_max_edge, expect_max_
if once == True:
#once = False
# extract the sample frequency from the preamble of the first enabled channel
first_channel = wf_data.keys()[0]
#first_channel = wf_data.keys()[0] # Worked for Python 2...
channel_list = list(wf_data.keys())
first_channel = channel_list[0]
sample_period = wf_data[first_channel]["preamble"]["x_increment"]
first_filename = filename
......@@ -257,8 +260,8 @@ def average_edge_to_sfd(scope, num_meas, bit_width, expect_max_edge, expect_max_
Usage: IP# IP# [-bitwidth=<20>] [-timebase=<float>] IP# [-edge=<i>] [-sfd=<i>] [-del=<f>] [-tol=50.0e-8] [-bitwidth=<20>] [-timebase=<float>] [-meas=<i>] IP# [-bitwidth <20>] [-timebase <float>] IP# [-edge <sample_no>] [-sfd <sample_no>] [-del <float>] [-tol <tolerance>] [-bitwidth <number>] [-timebase <float>] [-meas <number>] -h | --help
IP IP number of the instrument [default]
......@@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ Options:
scypi array sample number where the correlation maximum
is expected (may be a negative number)
-delay <float> estimated_delay [default: 0]
-tol <float> tolerance [default: 10.0e-9] specifies how far the
-tol <float> tolerance [default: 1] specifies how far the
measured delay may be off target. Tolerance helps you to
skip outliers in your measurements.
-bitwidth <int> bit width [default: 20] timestamp pulse width in number
......@@ -287,41 +290,32 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("IP", help="IP number of the instrument", default="")
parser.add_argument("-edge", help="expected sample number for edge peak", default=0)
parser.add_argument("-sfd", help="expected sample number for SFD peak", default=0)
parser.add_argument("-delay", help="estimated delay", default=0)
parser.add_argument("-tol", help="outliers tolerance", default=10.0e-9)
parser.add_argument("-bitwidth", help="abscal_txts pulse width", default=20)
parser.add_argument("-timebase", help="DSO timbase", default=50.0e-9)
parser.add_argument("-m", help="number of measurements", default=1)
parser.add_argument("scope", type=str, help="IP number of the oscilloscope", default="")
parser.add_argument("-edge", type=int, help="expected sample number for edge peak", default=0)
parser.add_argument("-sfd", type=int, help="expected sample number for SFD peak", default=0)
parser.add_argument("-delay", type=float, help="estimated delay", default=0.0)
parser.add_argument("-tol", type=float, help="outliers tolerance", default=1.0)
parser.add_argument("-bitwidth", type=int, help="abscal_txts pulse width", default=20)
parser.add_argument("-timebase", type=float, help="DSO timebase", default=50.0e-9)
parser.add_argument("-m", type=int, help="number of measurements", default=1)
args = parser.parse_args()
IP = str(args.IP)
expect_max_edge = int(args.edge)
expect_max_sfd = int(args.sfd)
estimated_delay = float(args.delay)
tolerance = float(args.tol)
bit_width = int(args.bitwidth)
time_base = float(args.timebase)
num_meas = int(args.m)
print("expected sample number for edge peak: ", expect_max_edge)
print("expected sample number for SDF peak: ", expect_max_sfd)
print("estimated delay: ", estimated_delay)
print("outlier tolerance: ", tolerance)
print("abscal_txts pulse width: ",bit_width)
print("DSO timbase: ",time_base)
print("number of measurements: ", num_meas)
scope = vxi11.Instrument(IP)
print("expected sample number for edge peak: ", args.edge)
print("expected sample number for SDF peak: ", args.sfd)
print("estimated delay: ", args.delay)
print("outlier tolerance: ", args.tol)
print("abscal_txts pulse width: ",args.bitwidth)
print("DSO timbase: ",args.timebase)
print("number of measurements: ", args.m)
scope = vxi11.Instrument(args.scope)
# Initialize oscilloscope
# Use Channel 1 pulse input
# use Channel 3-4 Ethernet Frame input
DSO.osc_init(scope, time_base)
DSO.osc_init(scope, args.timebase)
edge_to_sfd, samples, sample_period, first_filename, last_filename = average_edge_to_sfd(scope, num_meas, bit_width, expect_max_edge, expect_max_sfd, estimated_delay, tolerance)
edge_to_sfd, samples, sample_period, first_filename, last_filename = average_edge_to_sfd(scope, num_meas=args.m, bit_width=args.bitwidth, expect_max_edge=args.edge, expect_max_sfd=args.sfd, estimate=args.delay, tolerance=args.tol)
print("Sample Period:",sample_period)
......@@ -335,7 +329,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in edge_to_sfd:
file.write("# Above are measured delays values exracted from the following range\n")
file.write("# Above are measured delays values extracted from the following range\n")
file.write("# of waveform files:\n")
file.write("# First file: "+first_filename+"\n")
file.write("# Last file: "+last_filename+"\n")
......@@ -347,23 +341,23 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
stdev_delay = numpy.std(edge_to_sfd, ddof = 1)
print("Input parameters used:")
print(" expect_max_edge",expect_max_edge)
print(" expect_max_sfd",expect_max_sfd)
print(" estimated_delay",estimated_delay)
print(" tolerance",tolerance)
print(" bit_width",bit_width)
print(" time_base",time_base)
print(" num_meas",num_meas)
print(" expect_max_edge",args.edge)
print(" expect_max_sfd",args.sfd)
print(" estimated_delay",args.delay)
print(" tolerance",args.tol)
print(" bit_width",args.bitwidth)
print(" time_base",args.timebase)
print(" num_meas",args.m)
print("Delay between edge and Start Of Frame delimiter:")
print(" number of measurements:", num_meas)
print(" number of measurements:", args.m)
print(" mean:", mean_delay)
print(" max:", max_delay)
print(" min:", min_delay)
print(" width:",max_delay-min_delay)
print(" st-dev:", stdev_delay)
hist_edge_sfd = plt.figure("Historam delay pulse to SFD")
hist_edge_sfd = plt.figure("Histogram delay pulse to SFD")
ax = hist_edge_sfd.add_subplot(111)
......@@ -371,7 +365,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
ax.text(0.01,0.90,'std = {0:.6g}'.format(stdev_delay), transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.text(0.01,0.85,'max = {0:.6g}'.format(max_delay), transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.text(0.01,0.80,'min = {0:.6g}'.format(min_delay), transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.text(0.01,0.75,'n = {0:d}'.format(num_meas), transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.text(0.01,0.75,'n = {0:d}'.format(args.m), transform=ax.transAxes)
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