Commit 67c9acf6 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

enamed histogram titles

parent 0d531f41
......@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
t_hist_t1 = tic_data[1][:num] - gui_data["t1"][:num]
hist_tic_t1 = plt.figure("Historam TIC(pps->abscal_txts) - t1")
hist_tic_t1 = plt.figure("Historam TICt1")
t_hist_t4p = tic_data[1][:num] - gui_data["t4"][:num]
hist_tic_t4p = plt.figure("Historam TIC(pps->abscal_txts) - t4p")
hist_tic_t4p = plt.figure("Historam TICt4p")
plot_hist(t_hist_t1, hist_tic_t1)
plot_hist(t_hist_t4p, hist_tic_t4p)
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