Commit 89ffb606 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

prepared files for spec_ref_design_abscal (to create mcs file for kalle)

parent 75e8b1db
[submodule "hdl/wr-cores"]
path = hdl/wr-cores
url =
branch = proposed_master
[submodule "sw/wrpc-sw"]
path = sw/wrpc-sw
url =
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
addConfigDevice -name "spec_wr_ref_top_elf.bin" -path .
setSubmode -pffparallel
setAttribute -configdevice -attr multibootBpiType -value ""
addDesign -version 0 -name "0"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr compressed -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr compressed -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr autoSize -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr fileFormat -value "bin"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr fillValue -value "FF"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr swapBit -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr dir -value "UP"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr multiboot -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr multiboot -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr spiSelected -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr spiSelected -value "FALSE"
addPromDevice -p 1 -size 32768 -name 32M
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
setSubmode -pffparallel
setMode -pff
addDeviceChain -index 0
setMode -pff
addDeviceChain -index 0
setMode -pff
setSubmode -pffparallel
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
addDeviceChain -index 0
addDevice -p 1 -file "spec_wr_ref_top_elf.bit"
setAttribute -design -attr endAddress -value "16abdc"
setAttribute -design -attr endAddress -value "16abdc"
setMode -pff
setSubmode -pffparallel
setAttribute -configdevice -attr swapBit -value "FALSE"
setCurrentDesign -version 0
\ No newline at end of file
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
addConfigDevice -name "spec_wr_ref_top_elf.mcs" -path .
setSubmode -pffspi
setAttribute -configdevice -attr multibootBpiType -value ""
addDesign -version 0 -name "0"
setMode -pff
addDeviceChain -index 0
setMode -pff
addDeviceChain -index 0
setAttribute -configdevice -attr compressed -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr compressed -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr autoSize -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr fileFormat -value "mcs"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr fillValue -value "FF"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr swapBit -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr dir -value "UP"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr multiboot -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr multiboot -value "FALSE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr spiSelected -value "TRUE"
setAttribute -configdevice -attr spiSelected -value "TRUE"
addPromDevice -p 1 -size 4096 -name 4M
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
setMode -pff
addDeviceChain -index 0
setMode -pff
addDeviceChain -index 0
setSubmode -pffspi
setMode -pff
setAttribute -design -attr name -value "0000"
addDevice -p 1 -file "spec_wr_ref_top_elf.bit"
setMode -pff
setSubmode -pffspi
setCurrentDesign -version 0
\ No newline at end of file
rem impact.cmd, 27-Oct-2014.
@prompt $$$s
set DesName=spec_top
set LogName=%DesName%-impact_gen_bin.log
impact -batch _gen_bin.imp
move /Y _impactbatch.log %LogName%
rem impact.cmd, 27-Oct-2014.
@prompt $$$s
set DesName=spec_top
set LogName=%DesName%-impact_gen_mcs.log
impact -batch _gen_mcs.imp
move /Y _impactbatch.log %LogName%
rem impact.cmd, 30-Jun-2011.
@prompt $$$s
set DesName=spec_wr_ref_top
set LogName=%DesName%-promgen.log
rem HowTo Get Stand Alone SDB File System:
rem wget
promgen -w -spi -p mcs -c FF -s 32768 -u 0 %DesName%.bit -bd sdbfs-standalone-160812.bin start 0x170000 -o %DesName%.mcs >> %LogName%
\ No newline at end of file
Subproject commit 616344b23fbca5d4aad0a2eb094bac2fa09f48b6
Subproject commit 4e39ff0f35c9bd81e0b2e06778da7274da563d80
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