Commit 9af53fe5 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

added comment on group_delay

parent 641b11a7
......@@ -450,10 +450,15 @@ def group_delay(l, A, B, C, D, E):
delay -- <float> group delay value based on selm5 and l
# l = lambda is in [nm]. convert to [m] before executing sellmeier fit
# l = lambda is in [nm]. convert to [m] before executing sellmeier fit.
# Note that Sellmeier is an empirical relationship
#( where dispersion is
# expressed in ps/ so converting l to [m] is a divide by 10e9 in the
# numerator as well as the denominator. The result has to be converted back
# to [ps] by multiplying numerator as well as the denominator by 10e9.
l = l/1e9
sellmeier_5 = A + B * l**2 + C * l**-2 + D * l**4 + E * l**-4
# and convert fitted value back to [nm]
# and convert fitted value back to [ps]
return sellmeier_5 * 1e9
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