• Peter Jansweijer's avatar
    clbv2 reference design files · d2f24245
    Peter Jansweijer authored
    added clbv2_ref_design files
    added initial clbv2_ref_design ucf file
    removed external wishbone busses (not used for clbv2_ref_design), free running clk_125m_pllref needed for reset synchronization
    removed external wishbone busses (not used for clbv2_ref_design), free running clk_125m_pllref needed for reset synchronization, phy16
    Merge branch 'peter_clbv2_ref_design' of ohwr.org:hdl-core-lib/wr-cores into peter_clbv2_ref_design
    clk_20m_vcxo_i free running clock for reset gen. (thus no need for separate 125 MHz fpga input; remove clk_125m_pllref_p/n_i)
    updates kintex7 phy name to reflect new peter_xilinx_phys convention
    last commit also needs artix7 support in xwrc_platform_xilinx.vhd
    CLBv2: reference clock is 62.5 MHz for 16 bit PHYs. Changed naming convention accordingly.
    CLBv2: point proper bram file
    CLBv2: implementation (including bmm)
    CLBv2 reference design cleaned
    CLBv2: updated (hdlmake made) Xilinx ISE project file
xwrc_board_clbv2.vhd 21.4 KB