Commit 2157bfb1 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

xwrc_board_sis8300ku: fix reset to the LEDs controller

parent dd7afa34
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ entity xwrc_board_sis8300ku is
g_tx_streamer_params : t_tx_streamer_params := c_tx_streamer_params_defaut;
g_rx_streamer_params : t_rx_streamer_params := c_rx_streamer_params_defaut;
-- memory initialisation file for embedded CPU
g_dpram_initf : string := "../../bin/wrpc/wrc_sis8300ku.bram";
g_dpram_initf : string := "../../bin/wrpc/wrc_phy16.bram";
-- identification (id and ver) of the layout of words in the generic diag interface
g_diag_id : integer := 0;
g_diag_ver : integer := 0;
......@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ architecture struct of xwrc_board_sis8300ku is
-- Reset logic
signal areset_edge_ppulse : std_logic;
signal rst_62m5_n : std_logic;
signal rst_62m5 : std_logic;
signal rstlogic_arst_n : std_logic;
signal rstlogic_clk_in : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal rstlogic_rst_out : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
......@@ -544,6 +545,7 @@ begin -- architecture struct
axi_int_o <= '0';
rst_62m5 <= not rst_62m5_n;
U_Leds : entity work.sis8300ku_led_interface
generic map (
......@@ -551,7 +553,7 @@ begin -- architecture struct
BLINK_MS => 400)
port map (
clk_i => clk_pll_62m5,
rst_i => rst_62m5_n,
rst_i => rst_62m5,
frontpanel_a_i => led_frontpanel_a,
frontpanel_u_i => led_frontpanel_u,
frontpanel_l1_i => led_frontpanel_l1,
......@@ -564,7 +566,5 @@ begin -- architecture struct
led_frontpanel_l1 <= '0' & led_link;
led_frontpanel_u <= '0' & pps_led;
led_frontpanel_l2 <= "00";
end architecture struct;
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