Commit 73531de1 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

[streamers/review] cosmetic fixes as suggested in the review feedback

parent c28ef0a3
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ package streamers_pkg is
timeout : integer;
-- DO NOT USE unless you know what you are doing
-- legacy stuff: the streamers initially used in Btrain did not check/insert the escape
-- legacy: the streamers initially used in Btrain did not check/insert the escape
-- code. This is justified if only one block of a known number of words is sent/expected
escape_code_disable : boolean;
end record;
......@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ package streamers_pkg is
buffer_size : integer;
-- DO NOT USE unless you know what you are doing
-- legacy stuff: the streamers that were initially used in Btrain did not check/insert
-- legacy: the streamers that were initially used in Btrain did not check/insert
-- the escape code. This is justified if only one block of a known number of words is
-- sent/expected.
escape_code_disable : boolean;
-- DO NOT USE unless you know what you are doing
-- legacy stuff: the streamers that were initially used in Btrain accepted only a fixed
-- legacy: the streamers that were initially used in Btrain accepted only a fixed
-- number of words, regardless of the frame content. If this generic is set to number
-- other than zero, only a fixed number of words is accepted.
-- In combination with the g_escape_code_disable generic set to TRUE, the behaviour of
-- Title : WR Streamers Private Packages
-- Project : WR Streamers
-- URL :
-- File : streamers_priv_pkg.vhd
-- Author : Maciej Lipinski
......@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ architecture rtl of xrtx_streamers_stats is
signal snapshot_ena_d1 : std_logic;
-- for code cleanness
constant cw : integer := g_cnt_width;
constant aw : integer := g_acc_width;
constant c_cw : integer := g_cnt_width;
constant c_aw : integer := g_acc_width;
-- reset statistics when receiving signal from SNMP or Wishbone
......@@ -185,14 +185,8 @@ begin
reset_stats_p <= '0';
reset_stats_d1 <= '0';
if(reset_stats = '0' and reset_stats_d1 = '1') then
reset_stats_p <='1';
elsif(reset_stats = '1' and reset_stats_d1 = '0') then
reset_stats_p <='1';
reset_stats_p <='0';
end if;
reset_stats_d1 <= reset_stats;
reset_stats_p <= reset_stats xor reset_stats_d1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
......@@ -295,51 +289,50 @@ begin
-- SNMP remote output
-- Generic communication with WRPC that allows SNMP access via generic array of 32-bits
-- std_logic_vectors
assert (cw <= 32)
-- std_logic_vectors. The mapping of the generic vectors to meaningful information needs
-- to be made available to the user of SNMP
-- check sanity of values
assert (c_cw <= 32)
report "g_cnt_width value not suppported by f_pack_streamers_statistics" severity error;
assert (aw <= 64)
assert (c_aw <= 64)
report "g_cnt_width value not suppported by f_pack_streamers_statistics" severity error;
reset_stats_remote <= snmp_array_i(0)(0);
snapshot_remote_ena <= snmp_array_i(0)(1);
-- translate generic input vectors to meaningful signals
reset_stats_remote <= snmp_array_i(0)(0);
snapshot_remote_ena <= snmp_array_i(0)(1);
snmp_array_o(0)( 0) <= reset_stats; -- loop back for diagnostics
snmp_array_o(0)( 1) <= latency_acc_overflow_out;
snmp_array_o(1)( 31 downto 0) <= x"0" & reset_time_cycles( 27 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(2)( 31 downto 0) <= reset_time_tai( 31 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(3)( 31 downto 0) <= x"000000" & reset_time_tai( 39 downto 32);
snmp_array_o(0)( 0) <= reset_stats; -- loop back for diagnostics
snmp_array_o(0)( 1) <= latency_acc_overflow_out;
snmp_array_o(1)( 31 downto 0) <= x"0" & reset_time_cycles( 27 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(2)( 31 downto 0) <= reset_time_tai( 31 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(3)( 31 downto 0) <= x"000000" & reset_time_tai( 39 downto 32);
-- output to the
snmp_array_o(4 )(cw-1 downto 0) <= sent_frame_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(5 )(cw-1 downto 0) <= rcvd_frame_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(6 )(cw-1 downto 0) <= lost_frame_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(7 )(cw-1 downto 0) <= lost_block_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(8 )(cw-1 downto 0) <= latency_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(9 )(31 downto 0) <= x"0" & latency_max_out(27 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(10)(31 downto 0) <= x"0" & latency_min_out(27 downto 0);
-- translate meaningful signals (statistics values) to generic output vectors
snmp_array_o(4 )(c_cw-1 downto 0) <= sent_frame_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(5 )(c_cw-1 downto 0) <= rcvd_frame_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(6 )(c_cw-1 downto 0) <= lost_frame_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(7 )(c_cw-1 downto 0) <= lost_block_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(8 )(c_cw-1 downto 0) <= latency_cnt_out;
snmp_array_o(9 )(31 downto 0) <= x"0" & latency_max_out(27 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(10)(31 downto 0) <= x"0" & latency_min_out(27 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(0) (31 downto 2) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(4 )(31 downto cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(5 )(31 downto cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(6 )(31 downto cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(7 )(31 downto cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(8 )(31 downto cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(0) (31 downto 2) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(4 )(31 downto c_cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(5 )(31 downto c_cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(6 )(31 downto c_cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(7 )(31 downto c_cw) <= (others => '0');
snmp_array_o(8 )(31 downto c_cw) <= (others => '0');
CNT_SINGLE_WORD_gen: if(aw < 33) generate
snmp_array_o(11)(aw-1 downto 0) <= latency_acc_out;
snmp_array_o(11)(31 downto aw) <= (others => '0');
CNT_SINGLE_WORD_gen: if(c_aw < 33) generate
snmp_array_o(11)(c_aw-1 downto 0) <= latency_acc_out;
snmp_array_o(11)(31 downto c_aw) <= (others => '0');
end generate;
CNT_TWO_WORDs_gen: if(aw > 32) generate
snmp_array_o(11)(31 downto 0) <= latency_acc_out(31 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(12)(aw-32-1 downto 0) <= latency_acc_out(aw-1 downto 32) ;
snmp_array_o(12)(31 downto aw-32) <= (others => '0');
CNT_TWO_WORDs_gen: if(c_aw > 32) generate
snmp_array_o(11)(31 downto 0) <= latency_acc_out(31 downto 0);
snmp_array_o(12)(c_aw-32-1 downto 0) <= latency_acc_out(c_aw-1 downto 32) ;
snmp_array_o(12)(31 downto c_aw-32) <= (others => '0');
end generate;
-- tmp debug
snmp_array_o(13)(31 downto 0) <= snmp_array_i(0)(31 downto 0);
end rtl;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ entity xrx_streamer is
g_buffer_size : integer := 256;
-- DO NOT USE unless you know what you are doing
-- legacy stuff: the streamers that were initially used in Btrain did not check/insert
-- legacy: the streamers that were initially used in Btrain did not check/insert
-- the escape code. This is justified if only one block of a known number of words is
-- sent/expected.
g_escape_code_disable : boolean := FALSE;
-- DO NOT USE unless you know what you are doing
-- legacy stuff: the streamers that were initially used in Btrain accepted only a fixed
-- legacy: the streamers that were initially used in Btrain accepted only a fixed
-- number of words, regardless of the frame content. If this generic is set to number
-- other than zero, only a fixed number of words is accepted.
-- In combination with the g_escape_code_disable generic set to TRUE, the behaviour of
-- Title : WR Recpetion Streamers statistics
-- Project : White Rabbit Streamers
-- URL :
-- File : xrx_streamers_stats.vhd
-- Author : Maciej Lipinski
......@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ begin
-- frame/block statistics, i.e. lost, sent, received
-- process that counts stuff: receved/lost frames
-- process that counts: receved/lost frames
p_cnts: process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ begin
-- frame/block statistics, i.e. lost, sent, received
-- process that counts stuff: receved/send/lost frames
-- process that counts
p_cnts: process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
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