Commit a8eaa213 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

update submodules to include preamble shrinkage support

parent 0c92d64c
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ entity wrsw_nic is
wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(c_wishbone_data_width-1 downto 0);
wb_ack_o : out std_logic;
wb_stall_o : out std_logic;
wb_int_o : out std_logic
int_o : out std_logic
......@@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ architecture rtl of wrsw_nic is
rtu_rsp_valid_o : out std_logic;
rtu_rsp_ack_i : in std_logic;
wb_i : in t_wishbone_slave_in;
wb_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out);
wb_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out;
int_o : out std_logic);
end component;
signal snk_out : t_wrf_sink_out;
......@@ -171,7 +172,8 @@ begin
rtu_rsp_valid_o => rtu_rsp_valid_o,
rtu_rsp_ack_i => rtu_rsp_ack_i,
wb_i => wb_in,
wb_o => wb_out);
wb_o => wb_out,
int_o => int_o);
-- WBP Master (TX)
src_dat_o <= src_out.dat;
......@@ -204,6 +206,5 @@ begin
wb_dat_o <= wb_out.dat;
wb_ack_o <= wb_out.ack;
wb_stall_o <= wb_out.stall;
wb_int_o <=;
end rtl;
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ entity xwrsw_nic is
wb_i : in t_wishbone_slave_in;
wb_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out;
int_o: out std_logic;
-- RMON events
......@@ -363,7 +364,7 @@ begin -- rtl
wb_we_i => wb_in.we,
wb_ack_o => wb_ack_slave,
wb_stall_o=> wb_out.stall,
wb_int_o =>,
wb_int_o => int_o,
regs_o => regs_fromwb,
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