Commit c2996fd7 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski Committed by Maciej Lipinski

wr_streamers: don't start new frame when TX FIFO is empty

parent 598d2241
......@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ entity xtx_streamer is
-- status of the link, in principle the tx can be done only if link is oK
link_ok_i : in std_logic := '1';
-- User interface
......@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ begin -- rtl
g_with_rd_almost_empty => true,
g_almost_empty_threshold => g_tx_threshold,
g_almost_full_threshold => g_tx_buffer_size - 2,
g_show_ahead => true)
g_show_ahead => false)
port map (
rst_n_i => rst_n_i,
clk_wr_i => clk_ref_i,
......@@ -352,35 +353,20 @@ begin -- rtl
-- emulate show-ahead mode, not supported by async fifos in the
-- general-cores library.
tx_fifo_rd_int <= not tx_fifo_empty_int when tx_fifo_q_valid = '0' else tx_fifo_rd;
tx_fifo_q <= tx_fifo_q_int when tx_fifo_rd_int_d = '1' else tx_fifo_q_reg;
p_show_ahead : process(clk_sys_i)
if rising_edge(clk_sys_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0' then
tx_fifo_empty <= '0';
tx_fifo_q_valid <= '0';
U_ShowAheadAdapter : entity work.fifo_showahead_adapter
generic map (
g_width => g_data_width + 1)
port map (
clk_i => clk_sys_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n_i,
fifo_q_i => tx_fifo_q_int,
fifo_empty_i => tx_fifo_empty_int,
fifo_rd_o => tx_fifo_rd_int,
q_o => tx_fifo_q,
valid_o => tx_fifo_q_valid,
rd_i => tx_fifo_rd);
if tx_fifo_rd_int = '1' then
tx_fifo_q_valid <= '1';
tx_fifo_empty <= '0';
elsif tx_fifo_rd = '1' then
tx_fifo_q_valid <= not tx_fifo_empty_int;
tx_fifo_empty <= not tx_fifo_q_valid;
end if;
if tx_fifo_rd_int_d = '1' then
tx_fifo_q_reg <= tx_fifo_q;
end if;
tx_fifo_rd_int_d <= tx_fifo_rd_int;
end if;
end if;
end process;
clk_data <= clk_ref_i;
......@@ -494,7 +480,6 @@ begin -- rtl
crc_en <= '0';
crc_reset <= '1';
tx_frame_p1_o <= '0';
tag_valid_latched <= '0';
tx_flush_latched <= '0';
fsm_escape_enable <= '0';
fsm_escape <= '0';
......@@ -504,14 +489,12 @@ begin -- rtl
seq_no <= (others => '0');
end if;
if(tag_valid = '1') then
tag_valid_latched <= '1'; -- overriden in IDLE
end if;
tx_flush_latched <= '0';-- overriden in IDLE
case state is
when IDLE =>
tag_valid_latched <= '0';
tx_flush_latched <= tx_flush_p1_i or tx_timeout_hit;
tx_flush_latched <= (tx_flush_p1_i or tx_timeout_hit) and not tx_fifo_empty;
crc_en <= '0';
crc_reset <= '0';
fsm_out.eof <= '0';
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