Commit db159f12 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

wrc_code/wbp_mux: bugfixes

parent e184f44d
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Grzegorz Daniluk
-- Company : Elproma
-- Created : 2011-08-11
-- Last update: 2011-08-11
-- Last update: 2011-10-27
-- Platform : FPGA-generics
-- Standard : VHDL
......@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.wr_fabric_pkg.all;
entity wbp_mux is
g_aw : integer := 2;
......@@ -93,7 +95,9 @@ entity wbp_mux is
ext_wbm_stb_o : out std_logic;
ext_wbm_ack_i : in std_logic;
ext_wbm_err_i : in std_logic;
ext_wbm_stall_i: in std_logic
ext_wbm_stall_i: in std_logic;
class_core_i: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end wbp_mux;
......@@ -103,20 +107,16 @@ architecture behaviour of wbp_mux is
-- WBP fabtic interface definitions --
-- WBP available addresses
constant c_WBP_STATUS : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "11";
constant c_WBP_DATA : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
constant c_WBP_OOB : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "01";
constant c_WBP_USER : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10";
-- WBP available packet classes (PTP and Etherbone)
constant c_CLASS_PTP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000001";
constant c_CLASS_EB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000010";
-- Masters to Slave mux signals --
constant c_LAST_EXT : std_logic := '0';
constant c_LAST_PTP : std_logic := '1';
type t_mux is (MUX_SEL, MUX_EXT, MUX_PTP);
type t_mux is (MUX_SEL, MUX_EXT, MUX_PTP,MUX_END);
signal mux : t_mux;
signal mux_last : std_logic;
......@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ architecture behaviour of wbp_mux is
signal mux_pend_ext : std_logic;
signal mux_pend_ptp : std_logic;
signal force_stall : std_logic;
signal ep_wbs_stall_out : std_logic;
-- Master to Slaves demux signals --
......@@ -141,13 +143,16 @@ architecture behaviour of wbp_mux is
signal demux : t_demux;
signal dmux_stall_mask : std_logic;
signal dmux_status_reg : std_logic_vector(g_dw-1 downto 0);
alias dmux_status_class is dmux_status_reg(7 downto 0);
signal dmux_status_class : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal ep_stall_mask : std_logic;
signal ptp_select,ext_select : std_logic;
signal ptp_send_status, ext_send_status : std_logic;
signal ep_wbm_stall_d0 : std_logic;
dmux_status_class <= f_unmarshall_wrf_status(dmux_status_reg).match_class;
-- --
-- Two WBP Masters talking to a single WBP Slave --
......@@ -161,8 +166,10 @@ begin
mux_pend_ptp <= '0';
mux_last <= '1';
mux <= MUX_SEL;
mux <= MUX_SEL;
ep_wbm_stall_d0 <= '0';
case(mux) is
when MUX_SEL =>
if( ext_wbs_cyc_i='1' and ptp_wbs_cyc_i='0' ) then
......@@ -197,7 +204,7 @@ begin
mux_pend_ptp <= '0';
end if;
if( ext_wbs_cyc_i='0' ) then
if( ext_wbs_cyc_i = '0' and ep_wbm_stall_i = '0' and ep_wbm_stall_d0 ='0') then
mux <= MUX_SEL;
end if;
......@@ -210,10 +217,13 @@ begin
elsif( ext_wbs_cyc_i='0' ) then
mux_pend_ext <= '0';
end if;
if( ptp_wbs_cyc_i='0' ) then
if( ptp_wbs_cyc_i='0' and ep_wbm_stall_i = '0' and ep_wbm_stall_d0= '0') then
mux <= MUX_SEL;
end if;
when MUX_END =>
mux <= MUX_SEL;
--Just in case
when others=>
mux <= MUX_SEL;
......@@ -287,6 +297,7 @@ begin
'1' when(mux=MUX_PTP) else
'1' when(force_stall='1') else
ptp_wbs_stall_o <= ep_wbm_stall_i when(mux=MUX_PTP) else
'1' when(mux=MUX_EXT) else
'1' when(force_stall='1') else
......@@ -302,8 +313,6 @@ begin
if rising_edge(clk_sys_i) then
if( rst_n_i='0' ) then
ep_wbs_ack_o <= '0';
ep_wbs_err_o <= '0';
dmux_stall_mask <= '0';
ptp_select <= '0';
ptp_send_status <= '0';
......@@ -323,11 +332,12 @@ begin
ptp_send_status <= '0';
ext_select <= '0';
ext_send_status <= '0';
if( ep_wbs_cyc_i='1' and ep_wbs_stb_i='1' and ep_wbs_adr_i=c_WBP_STATUS ) then
if( ep_wbs_cyc_i='1' and ep_wbs_stb_i='1' and ep_wbs_adr_i=c_WRF_STATUS ) then
ep_stall_mask <= '1';
dmux_status_reg <= ep_wbs_dat_i;
demux <= DMUX_STATUS;
dmux_status_reg<=(others => '0');
ep_stall_mask <= '0';
end if;
......@@ -338,7 +348,7 @@ begin
ep_stall_mask <= '1';
if( dmux_status_class=c_CLASS_PTP ) then
if(( dmux_status_class = x"00") or ((dmux_status_class and class_core_i) /= "00000000")) then
ptp_select <= '1';
ptp_send_status <= '1';
if( ptp_wbm_stall_i='0' ) then
......@@ -378,7 +388,7 @@ begin
ptp_wbm_stb_o <= '1' when(ptp_send_status = '1') else
ep_wbs_stb_i when(ptp_select = '1') else
ptp_wbm_adr_o <= c_WBP_STATUS when(ptp_send_status = '1') else
ptp_wbm_adr_o <= c_WRF_STATUS when(ptp_send_status = '1') else
ep_wbs_adr_i when(ptp_select = '1') else
ptp_wbm_dat_o <= dmux_status_reg when(ptp_send_status = '1') else
......@@ -391,23 +401,26 @@ begin
ep_wbs_ack_o <= ptp_wbm_ack_i when(ptp_select = '1') else
ext_wbm_ack_i when(ext_select = '1') else
(ep_wbs_cyc_i and ep_wbs_stb_i and not ep_wbs_stall_out);
ep_wbs_err_o <= ptp_wbm_err_i when(ptp_select = '1') else
ext_wbm_err_i when(ext_select = '1') else
ep_wbs_stall_o <= '1' when(ep_stall_mask = '1') else
ep_wbs_stall_out <= '1' when(ep_stall_mask = '1') else
ptp_wbm_stall_i when(ptp_select = '1') else
ext_wbm_stall_i when(ext_select = '1') else
ep_wbs_stall_o <= ep_wbs_stall_out;
ext_wbm_cyc_o <= ep_wbs_cyc_i when(ext_select = '1') else
ext_wbm_stb_o <= '1' when(ext_send_status = '1') else
ep_wbs_stb_i when(ext_select = '1') else
ext_wbm_adr_o <= c_WBP_STATUS when(ext_send_status = '1') else
ext_wbm_adr_o <= c_WRF_STATUS when(ext_send_status = '1') else
ep_wbs_adr_i when(ext_select = '1') else
ext_wbm_dat_o <= dmux_status_reg when(ext_send_status = '1') else
......@@ -430,30 +443,31 @@ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.wr_fabric_pkg.all;
entity wbp_mux_rec is
entity xwbp_mux is
clk_sys_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
ep_wbm_o : out t_wrf_source_out;
ep_wbm_i : in t_wrf_source_in;
ep_wbs_o : out t_wrf_sink_out;
ep_wbs_i : in t_wrf_sink_in;
ep_src_o : out t_wrf_source_out;
ep_src_i : in t_wrf_source_in;
ep_snk_o : out t_wrf_sink_out;
ep_snk_i : in t_wrf_sink_in;
--PTP packets eg. from Mini-NIC
ptp_wbm_o : out t_wrf_source_out;
ptp_wbm_i : in t_wrf_source_in;
ptp_wbs_o : out t_wrf_sink_out;
ptp_wbs_i : in t_wrf_sink_in;
ptp_src_o : out t_wrf_source_out;
ptp_src_i : in t_wrf_source_in;
ptp_snk_o : out t_wrf_sink_out;
ptp_snk_i : in t_wrf_sink_in;
--External WBP port
ext_wbm_o : out t_wrf_source_out;
ext_wbm_i : in t_wrf_source_in;
ext_wbs_o : out t_wrf_sink_out;
ext_wbs_i : in t_wrf_sink_in
ext_src_o : out t_wrf_source_out;
ext_src_i : in t_wrf_source_in;
ext_snk_o : out t_wrf_sink_out;
ext_snk_i : in t_wrf_sink_in;
class_core_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end wbp_mux_rec;
end xwbp_mux;
architecture behaviour of wbp_mux_rec is
architecture behaviour of xwbp_mux is
component wbp_mux
......@@ -520,7 +534,8 @@ architecture behaviour of wbp_mux_rec is
ext_wbm_stb_o : out std_logic;
ext_wbm_ack_i : in std_logic;
ext_wbm_err_i : in std_logic;
ext_wbm_stall_i: in std_logic
ext_wbm_stall_i: in std_logic;
class_core_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end component;
......@@ -536,59 +551,64 @@ begin
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n_i,
ep_wbs_adr_i => ep_wbs_i.adr,
ep_wbs_dat_i => ep_wbs_i.dat,
ep_wbs_sel_i => ep_wbs_i.sel,
ep_wbs_cyc_i => ep_wbs_i.cyc,
ep_wbs_stb_i => ep_wbs_i.stb,
ep_wbs_ack_o => ep_wbs_o.ack,
ep_wbs_err_o => ep_wbs_o.err,
ep_wbs_stall_o => ep_wbs_o.stall,
ep_wbs_adr_i => ep_snk_i.adr,
ep_wbs_dat_i => ep_snk_i.dat,
ep_wbs_sel_i => ep_snk_i.sel,
ep_wbs_cyc_i => ep_snk_i.cyc,
ep_wbs_stb_i => ep_snk_i.stb,
ep_wbs_ack_o => ep_snk_o.ack,
ep_wbs_err_o => ep_snk_o.err,
ep_wbs_stall_o => ep_snk_o.stall,
ep_wbm_adr_o => ep_wbm_o.adr,
ep_wbm_dat_o => ep_wbm_o.dat,
ep_wbm_sel_o => ep_wbm_o.sel,
ep_wbm_cyc_o => ep_wbm_o.cyc,
ep_wbm_stb_o => ep_wbm_o.stb,
ep_wbm_ack_i => ep_wbm_i.ack,
ep_wbm_err_i => ep_wbm_i.err,
ep_wbm_stall_i => ep_wbm_i.stall,
ep_wbm_adr_o => ep_src_o.adr,
ep_wbm_dat_o => ep_src_o.dat,
ep_wbm_sel_o => ep_src_o.sel,
ep_wbm_cyc_o => ep_src_o.cyc,
ep_wbm_stb_o => ep_src_o.stb,
ep_wbm_ack_i => ep_src_i.ack,
ep_wbm_err_i => ep_src_i.err,
ep_wbm_stall_i => ep_src_i.stall,
ptp_wbs_adr_i => ptp_wbs_i.adr,
ptp_wbs_dat_i => ptp_wbs_i.dat,
ptp_wbs_sel_i => ptp_wbs_i.sel,
ptp_wbs_cyc_i => ptp_wbs_i.cyc,
ptp_wbs_stb_i => ptp_wbs_i.stb,
ptp_wbs_ack_o => ptp_wbs_o.ack,
ptp_wbs_err_o => ptp_wbs_o.err,
ptp_wbs_stall_o => ptp_wbs_o.stall,
ptp_wbs_adr_i => ptp_snk_i.adr,
ptp_wbs_dat_i => ptp_snk_i.dat,
ptp_wbs_sel_i => ptp_snk_i.sel,
ptp_wbs_cyc_i => ptp_snk_i.cyc,
ptp_wbs_stb_i => ptp_snk_i.stb,
ptp_wbs_ack_o => ptp_snk_o.ack,
ptp_wbs_err_o => ptp_snk_o.err,
ptp_wbs_stall_o => ptp_snk_o.stall,
ptp_wbm_adr_o => ptp_wbm_o.adr,
ptp_wbm_dat_o => ptp_wbm_o.dat,
ptp_wbm_sel_o => ptp_wbm_o.sel,
ptp_wbm_cyc_o => ptp_wbm_o.cyc,
ptp_wbm_stb_o => ptp_wbm_o.stb,
ptp_wbm_ack_i => ptp_wbm_i.ack,
ptp_wbm_err_i => ptp_wbm_i.err,
ptp_wbm_stall_i => ptp_wbm_i.stall,
ptp_wbm_adr_o => ptp_src_o.adr,
ptp_wbm_dat_o => ptp_src_o.dat,
ptp_wbm_sel_o => ptp_src_o.sel,
ptp_wbm_cyc_o => ptp_src_o.cyc,
ptp_wbm_stb_o => ptp_src_o.stb,
ptp_wbm_ack_i => ptp_src_i.ack,
ptp_wbm_err_i => ptp_src_i.err,
ptp_wbm_stall_i => ptp_src_i.stall,
ext_wbs_adr_i => ext_wbs_i.adr,
ext_wbs_dat_i => ext_wbs_i.dat,
ext_wbs_sel_i => ext_wbs_i.sel,
ext_wbs_cyc_i => ext_wbs_i.cyc,
ext_wbs_stb_i => ext_wbs_i.stb,
ext_wbs_ack_o => ext_wbs_o.ack,
ext_wbs_err_o => ext_wbs_o.err,
ext_wbs_stall_o => ext_wbs_o.stall,
ext_wbs_adr_i => ext_snk_i.adr,
ext_wbs_dat_i => ext_snk_i.dat,
ext_wbs_sel_i => ext_snk_i.sel,
ext_wbs_cyc_i => ext_snk_i.cyc,
ext_wbs_stb_i => ext_snk_i.stb,
ext_wbs_ack_o => ext_snk_o.ack,
ext_wbs_err_o => ext_snk_o.err,
ext_wbs_stall_o => ext_snk_o.stall,
ext_wbm_adr_o => ext_wbm_o.adr,
ext_wbm_dat_o => ext_wbm_o.dat,
ext_wbm_sel_o => ext_wbm_o.sel,
ext_wbm_cyc_o => ext_wbm_o.cyc,
ext_wbm_stb_o => ext_wbm_o.stb,
ext_wbm_ack_i => ext_wbm_i.ack,
ext_wbm_err_i => ext_wbm_i.err,
ext_wbm_stall_i => ext_wbm_i.stall
ext_wbm_adr_o => ext_src_o.adr,
ext_wbm_dat_o => ext_src_o.dat,
ext_wbm_sel_o => ext_src_o.sel,
ext_wbm_cyc_o => ext_src_o.cyc,
ext_wbm_stb_o => ext_src_o.stb,
ext_wbm_ack_i => ext_src_i.ack,
ext_wbm_err_i => ext_src_i.err,
ext_wbm_stall_i => ext_src_i.stall,
class_core_i=> class_core_i
ext_src_o.we <= '1';
ptp_src_o.we <= '1';
ep_src_o.we <= '1';
end behaviour;
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