Commit edd3bd31 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

platform/xilinx: aux clocks from PLL_BASE can go through BUFG or not

parent 2e037cba
......@@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ architecture struct of xwrc_board_cute is
constant c_AUX_500M_CFG : t_auxpll_cfg := (
enabled => TRUE,
bufg_en => FALSE,
divide => 2);
constant c_AUX_CFG_ARRAY : t_auxpll_cfg_array := (0=>c_AUX_500M_CFG, others=>c_AUXPLL_CFG_DEFAULT);
......@@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ package wr_xilinx_pkg is
-- Configuration of used-defined aux PLL clocks
type t_auxpll_cfg is record
enabled : boolean;
bufg_en : boolean;
divide : integer;
end record t_auxpll_cfg;
type t_auxpll_cfg_array is array (0 to 3) of t_auxpll_cfg;
constant c_AUXPLL_CFG_DEFAULT : t_auxpll_cfg := (FALSE, 1);
constant c_AUXPLL_CFG_DEFAULT : t_auxpll_cfg := (FALSE, FALSE, 1);
constant c_AUXPLL_CFG_ARRAY_DEFAULT : t_auxpll_cfg_array := (others=>c_AUXPLL_CFG_DEFAULT);
component xwrc_platform_xilinx is
......@@ -267,13 +267,14 @@ begin -- architecture rtl
CLKOUT0_PHASE => 0.000,
-- 1st aux user clock parameters
CLKOUT1_DIVIDE => g_aux_pll_cfg(0).divide,
CLKOUT1_PHASE => 0.000,
-- Aux user clocks parameters
CLKOUT2_PHASE => 0.000,
-- The rest of aux user clocks parameters
CLKOUT3_DIVIDE => g_aux_pll_cfg(1).divide,
CLKOUT3_PHASE => 0.000,
......@@ -289,7 +290,9 @@ begin -- architecture rtl
port map (
CLKFBOUT => clk_sys_fb,
CLKOUT0 => clk_sys,
CLKOUT1 => clk_pll_aux(0),
CLKOUT1 => clk_pll_aux(0), -- required for 500MHz generation for
-- Cute-WR. This is because 500MHz goes then to BUFPLL which can input
-- only CLKOUT0/1 from PLL_BASE.
CLKOUT2 => clk_125m_pllref_buf_int2,
CLKOUT3 => clk_pll_aux(1),
CLKOUT4 => clk_pll_aux(2),
......@@ -305,17 +308,20 @@ begin -- architecture rtl
O => clk_125m_pllref_buf_int1,
I => clk_125m_pllref_i);
-- direct output
clk_pll_aux_o(0) <= clk_pll_aux(0);
-- DDR PLL global clock buffers
gen_auxclk_bufs: for I in 1 to 3 generate
gen_auxclk_enabled: if g_aux_pll_cfg(I).enabled = TRUE generate
-- PLL aux clocks buffers
gen_auxclk_bufs: for I in 0 to 3 generate
-- Aux PLL_BASE clocks with BUFG enabled
gen_auxclk_bufg_en: if g_aux_pll_cfg(I).enabled = TRUE and g_aux_pll_cfg(I).bufg_en = TRUE generate
cmp_auxclk_bufg : BUFG
port map (
O => clk_pll_aux_o(I),
I => clk_pll_aux(I));
end generate;
-- Aux PLL_BASE clocks with BUFG disabled
gen_auxclk_no_bufg: if g_aux_pll_cfg(I).enabled = TRUE and g_aux_pll_cfg(I).bufg_en = FALSE generate
clk_pll_aux_o(I) <= clk_pll_aux(I);
end generate;
-- Disabled aux PLL_BASE clocks
gen_auxclk_disabled: if g_aux_pll_cfg(I).enabled = FALSE generate
clk_pll_aux_o(I) <= '0';
end generate;
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