Commit f9186b45 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

repair reset deadlock (due to gpio depending on clk_sys_62m5)

parent db083e7c
Pipeline #319 failed with stages
in 2 minutes and 2 seconds
......@@ -279,11 +279,10 @@ architecture struct of xwrc_board_spec7 is
signal pll_locked : std_logic;
signal clk_10m_ext : std_logic;
signal pll_clk_sel : std_logic;
signal pll_clk_select : std_logic;
-- Reset logic
signal areset_edge_ppulse : std_logic;
signal rst_62m5_n : std_logic;
signal rstlogic_arst_n : std_logic;
signal rstlogic_clk_in : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal rstlogic_rst_out : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
......@@ -383,13 +382,12 @@ begin -- architecture struct
-- Avoid a deadlock. The clk_dmtd is always present and is first used to bring alive
-- the LM32 that exectutes a PLL initialisation before switching to clk_pll_62m5.
cmp_bufgmux: BUFGMUX
port map (
O => clk_sys_62m5,
I0 => clk_dmtd,
I1 => clk_pll_62m5,
S => pll_clk_sel
S => pll_clk_select
clk_sys_62m5_o <= clk_sys_62m5;
......@@ -398,26 +396,12 @@ begin -- architecture struct
-- Reset logic
-- Detect when areset_edge_n_i goes high (end of reset) and use this edge to
-- generate rstlogic_arst_n. This is needed to connect optional reset like PCIe
-- reset. When baord runs standalone, we need to ignore PCIe reset being
-- constantly low.
cmp_arst_edge: gc_sync_ffs
generic map (
g_sync_edge => "positive")
port map (
clk_i => clk_sys_62m5,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => areset_edge_n_i,
ppulse_o => areset_edge_ppulse);
-- logic AND of all async reset sources (active low)
-- Note: pll_locked = pll_dmtd_locked and pll_sys_locked. SPEC7 uses
-- direct_dmtd thus pll_dmtd_locked is always '1'. SPEC7 initial clk_sys_62m5
-- is clk_dmtd (selected by BUFGMUX) and clk_pll_62m5 is not yet driven by the PLL
-- so pll_sys_locked = '0' and can't be used for synchronous reset generation.
--rstlogic_arst_n <= pll_locked and areset_n_i and (not areset_edge_ppulse);
rstlogic_arst_n <= areset_n_i and (not areset_edge_ppulse);
-- SPEC7 uses direct_dmtd thus pll_dmtd_locked is always '1'. SPEC7 initial clk_sys_62m5
-- is clk_dmtd (selected by BUFGMUX) and clk_pll_62m5 is not yet driven by the PLL.
-- Logic AND of async reset source (active low) with pll_clk_sel to ensure free running
-- bootstrap clk_dmtd at reset. Once reset is released and the PLL is configured using
-- clk_dmtd then pll_clk_sel is asserted to switch over to the reference clock.
pll_clk_select <= pll_clk_sel and areset_n_i;
-- concatenation of all clocks required to have synced resets
rstlogic_clk_in(0) <= clk_sys_62m5;
......@@ -430,7 +414,7 @@ begin -- architecture struct
g_syncdepth => 3) -- length of sync chains
port map (
free_clk_i => clk_125m_dmtd_buf,
locked_i => rstlogic_arst_n,
locked_i => areset_n_i,
clks_i => rstlogic_clk_in,
rstn_o => rstlogic_rst_out);
......@@ -590,7 +574,7 @@ begin -- architecture struct
pps_led_o => pps_led_o,
link_ok_o => link_ok_o);
WB_SPEC7_CON : xwb_crossbar
cmp_wb_spec7_con : xwb_crossbar
generic map (
g_num_masters => c_cnx_slave_ports,
g_num_slaves => c_cnx_master_ports,
......@@ -605,7 +589,7 @@ begin -- architecture struct
master_i => cnx_master_in,
master_o => cnx_master_out);
U_GPIO : xwb_gpio_port
cmp_spec7_gpio : xwb_gpio_port
generic map (
g_interface_mode => PIPELINED,
g_address_granularity => BYTE,
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