Commit c8750570 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

doc: correct small errors

parent 568c0b73
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
The [SPEC] and [FMC-DIO] has been released under the **CERN OHL** licence.
The [SPEC] and [FMC-DIO] have been released under the **CERN OHL** licence.
Copyright CERN 2011.
......@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ in the package[^standardssk] :
[^standardssk]: Only with the standard version of starting kit.
Physical configurations
Physical setup
* Plug the [SPEC+FMCDIO] into your `PCIe x{4,8,16}` port.
* You should also connect a micro-USB cable to the UART of the board.
* You should also connect a mini-USB cable to the UART of the board.
(A Virtual UART is also available, but it is safer to use the physical
* Connect the two [SPEC+FMCDIO] boards using the SFPs and the optical fiber cable (LC-LC)
......@@ -228,8 +228,7 @@ but it requires more physical space to implement it.
![Connecting SFPs and fiber](ssk_sfp.jpg)
![The UART use a micro-USB cable to communicate](ssk_usb.jpg)
![The UART use a mini-USB cable to communicate](ssk_usb.jpg)
Installation of WR-NIC
......@@ -1665,7 +1664,7 @@ Known Bugs
The following command: `sudo tools/spec-vuart -b <dev_id>` does not show anything?
Virtual UART is not enabled on the current release but will be available on the next one.
Until the next release you should stick with the Physical UART: micro USB cable and minicom.
Until the next release you should stick with the Physical UART: mini-USB cable and minicom.
### No SFP in EEPROM database
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