Commit eef93632 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

Merge branch 'proposed_master' into 'master'

Tests: docker & compilation

See merge request !1
parents e6fbc7b4 dfee04e2
# .gitignore file
# OS generated files #
[submodule "spec-sw"]
path = spec-sw
url = git://
[submodule "etherbone"]
path = etherbone
url = git://
url =
[submodule "wr-nic"]
path = wr-nic
url =
[submodule "fmc-dio"]
path = fmc-dio
url =
[submodule "wrpc-sw"]
path = wrpc-sw
url =
[submodule "coht-vic"]
path = coht-vic
url =
......@@ -14,16 +14,20 @@
## will be met:
SUBMOD_DIRS=spec-sw etherbone
MAKE_DIRS = spec-sw etherbone/api #tools
SUBMOD_DIRS=spec-sw wr-nic fmc-dio coht-vic
MAKE_DIRS = spec-sw wr-nic fmc-dio coht-vic #tools
#RUNME := $(shell test -d $(FMC_DRV) || git submodule update --init)
#RUNME := $(shell test -d $(FMC_DRV) || git submodule update --init)
## Call the sub folder Makefiles
all clean install: init
@for d in $(MAKE_DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d $@ || exit 1; done
@if [ "x$@" = "xinstall" ]; then ./scripts/wr-ssk-get -i; fi
@if [ "x$@" = "xinstall" ]; then ./scripts/wr-ssk-get -i; cp wrpc-sw/tools/wrpc-vuart /usr/local/sbin; fi
## Init repo and create the .INIT file to not do it again
init: .INIT
......@@ -31,13 +35,19 @@ init: .INIT
git submodule init
@ $(MAKE) update
@ $(MAKE) patch
@touch .INIT; \
## Force updating the submodules and fetch new gateware
./scripts/wr-ssk-get -f
git submodule update
cd spec-sw
git submodule update
@rm -rf $(XCOMPILER_DIR)
mkdir -p $(XCOMPILER_DIR)
&& tar xvf $(LM32_XCOMPILER_NAME)
cd wrpc-sw && make spec_defconfig && \
CROSS_COMPILE="$(shell pwd)/$(XCOMPILER_DIR)/$(LM32_XCOMPILER_NAME_DIR)/bin/lm32-elf-" make
coht-vic @ b4431e73
Subproject commit b4431e739bbc5a4ed1701ab7f4a372fbb4f33cf8
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ PDF=$(addprefix pdf/, $(
## Pandoc arguments
OPTIONS=-f markdown --toc --number-sections --smart
OPTIONS?=-s --from markdown+yaml_metadata_block --toc --number-sections --smart
......@@ -42,11 +42,19 @@ DATE = $(shell date +"%d %b. %Y")
all: $(PDF)
tex: $(TEX)
pdf: $(PDF)
make OPTIONS="-s --from markdown+yaml_metadata_block --toc --number-sections --smart --verbose" -C . pdf
## Special targets to create directory
mkdir -p $(subst DIR_,,$@)
pdf/wr-starting-kit.pdf: Makefile $(TEMPLATE) DIR_pdf
pandoc $(OPTIONS) --latex-engine=xelatex --listings --highlight-style=haddock $(TEMPLATEARG) \
-V title="WR Starting Kit" -V subtitle="User Guide" -V author="Seven Solutions" \
-V lang=english -V fontsize=11pt -V documentclass=article -V bg-color=238,245,240 -V date="$(DATE) - $(VERSION)" -o $@ $<
pdf/%.pdf: Makefile $(TEMPLATE) DIR_pdf
pandoc $(OPTIONS) --latex-engine=xelatex --listings --highlight-style=haddock $(TEMPLATEARG) \
-V lang=english -V fontsize=11pt -V documentclass=article -V bg-color=238,245,240 -V date="$(DATE) - $(VERSION)" -o $@ $<
title: 'Generate WR Starting Kit Documentation'
subtitle: "How to generate starting kit pdf from markdown using pandoc"
author: Seven Solutions
The document has been written in markdown format and can be directly
read from github, gitlab or bitbucket
PDF Generation
You might need to install `pandoc` software to generate `.pdf` from `.md`.
sudo apt-get install pandoc
To generate a specific document you should enter its own directory and execute
If you have some Latex compilation error please install the following packages
sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-latex-extra
### pandoc.latex
The file pandoc.latex is a latex template in order to add all special latex customization
to the markdown file. In case some of latex package are not working properly, the user
should try to modify this file.
> ***NOTES:*** The syntax used in this document is Markdown. We recommand to follow the strict
markdown syntax explained on [bitbucket](
Dirty tags
During compilation of `fmc-bus` kernel, the Make generated files that should be .gitignore.
If you want to clean the tags of the repos you can use the following command to manually clean
### Find dirty files:
git submodule foreach --recursive git status
### Remove them
find ./ -wholename "*fmc-bus/kernel/" -delete
find ./ -wholename "*fmc-bus/kernel/fmc-chardev.o.ur-safe" -delete
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......@@ -13,9 +13,13 @@
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......@@ -364,6 +437,8 @@ $endif$
% WR SPEC Starting Kit
% Benoit RAT, Javier Diaz (Seven Solutions) & Miguel Jimenez (UGR)
### Copyright
This document is copyrighted (under the Berne Convention) by Seven
Solutions company and is formally licensed to the public under **GPL v2.0** license.
......@@ -11,11 +10,12 @@ Report content can be copied, modified, and redistributed.
The Seven Solutions Logo can not be modified in any form, or by any means without prior
written permission by Seven Solutions.
### Licenses
The "WR SPEC Starting Kit" (as defined above) is provided under the terms of GPL v2.0
Copyright (C) 2013 - Seven Solutions
Copyright (C) 2019 - Seven Solutions
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
......@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ conditions
### Revision table
Revision table
......@@ -66,12 +67,74 @@ conditions
2.0 15/05/2014 Benoit Rat\ Updating for v2.0 release
[Seven Solutions]
3.0 06/11/2019 Manuel Castilla\ Updating for v3.0 release
Benoit Rat\
Francesco Colella\
[Seven Solutions]
You can also check the [Changelog section](#changelog) for more information.
: Network Interface Card
: Digital Input/Output
: Precise Time Protocol, a time synchronization protocol
: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory, a non-volatile memory
: FPGA Mezzanine Card, an ANSI standard for mezzanine card form factor.
: LEMO is the name of a push-pull connectors made by the LEMO company.
: Small form-factor pluggable transceiver, a hot-pluggable transceiver for optical fiber
: Peripheral Component Interconnect Express, a high-speed serial computer expansion bus standard
: LatticeMico32 is a 32-bit microprocessor soft core optimized for field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).
: Hardware description language
: Simple PCIe FMC carrier
: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
: Whishbone Bus, an open system bus interconnect architecture designed for reuse
: White Rabbit (PTP) Core, the main funcionality shared by all WR elements.
: White Rabbit
: White Rabbit Switch
......@@ -88,45 +151,46 @@ Time Precision
: The [WR] technology provides a common clock for physical layer in the entire network, allowing synchronization at sub-nanosecond accuracy with picoseconds precision.
: The [WR] network is designed to be highly scalable up to thousands of nodes. It also intends to be as modular as possible and compatible with non-[WR] devices. Finally, all products related to this technology available at the Open Hardware Repository ([OHWR]) represent “open developments”, i.e. all the hardware designs, firmware and software and documentation are fully available. This shall facilitate the new incremental developments and customization of the available designs and products.
: The [WR] network is designed to be highly scalable up to thousands of nodes. It also intends to be as modular as possible and compatible with non-[WR] standard Ethernet devices. Finally, all products related to this technology available at the Open Hardware Repository ([OHWR]) represent “open developments”, i.e. all the hardware designs, firmware and software and documentation are fully available. This shall facilitate the new incremental developments and customization of the available designs and products.
Distance Range
: Taking into account the size and ranges of the majority of industrial and scientific facilities, the [WR] network specifications have been chosen to support distance ranges of 10 km between nodes using fiber cables.\
: Taking into account the size and ranges of the majority of industrial and scientific facilities, the [WR] network specifications have been chosen to support distance ranges of 10 km between [WR] network elements(nodes or switches) using fiber cables.
The **Starting Kit** has been designed to test and check if the White
The **WR Starting Kit** has been designed to test and check if the White
Rabbit technology meets your requirements. It shall also facilitate the
understanding on the technology capabilities and possibilities.
WR starting kit can also be used to evaluate what can be done with it
WR Starting kit can also be used to evaluate what can be done with it
and how to integrate it on your own project.
You can find more information on other components and use cases on:
* Our webpage <>
* Our webpage <>
* The official wiki page <>
About the Starting Kit
About the WR Starting Kit
This starting kit uses two nodes, each one composed of a [SPEC] and one
This WR Starting Kit uses two nodes, each one composed of a [SPEC] and one
[FMC-DIO] card.
A node makes basic operations such as input timestamping or programmable output pulse generation.
A node makes basic operations such as input time-stamping or programmable output pulse generation.
Additionally, specific software and gateware layers allow to use it as a standard network
interface card implementing the White Rabbit technology functionalities.
Network packages with accurate time-stamping information are generated/timestamped at
the hardware level to achieve the highest accuracy.
It is based on different projects:
This WR Starting Kit is based on different projects:
* [spec-sw]: driver to communicate to the [SPEC] card through PCIe. It
* [spec-sw], driver to communicate to the [SPEC] card through PCIe. It
also includes a set of tools to experiments.
* [wr-nic]: gateware that includes the NIC & DIO capabilities.
* [wrpc-sw]: white rabbit PTP firmware for the synchronization.
* [wr-nic], gateware/software that includes the Network Interface Card(NIC) capabilities.
* [fmc-dio-5chttla], gateware/software that includes the support for FMC-DIO 5ch TTL
* [wrpc-sw], White Rabbit PTP firmware for the synchronization.
About this document:
About this document
This document is intended to be a step by step user friendly tutorial
......@@ -134,11 +198,7 @@ to start with the White Rabbit technology. It includes the description
of some simple experiments to illustrate [WR] capabilities. Some
concepts are deliberately avoided to ease the comprehension of this document.
If you want to know more about these concepts, please access to the
related documents in the [Reference section](#references)
and especially to the following ones:
* [spec-sw.pdf]
* [wrpc.pdf]
related documents in the [Reference section](#references).
The rest of the document provides an explanation about the system setup, software driver, FPGA configuration and
some application examples.
......@@ -153,19 +213,41 @@ the different source projects and how to compile them.
In this section, we resume the main changes that happens at each release of the starting-kit
### wr-starting-kit-v3.0
This release has been focused to update all different modules constituting WR Starting Kit to use their newer release versions. This release does not provide specific updates to the features or functionalities of the WR Starting Kit.
* Update spec-sw with new VIC core to support kernels (v4.15-v4.18)
* Use new wr-core v4.2 with their update tools (see changelog of wrc-v4.2)
* Separate NIC, FMC-DIO, SPEC-SW into different modules
* Update submodules to work with new ohwr gitlab URL
* Remove etherbone support to avoid conflict in epfilters
A detailed changelog can be found on the wiki page of each submodules:
* [wr-nic-v2.0.1-1](
* [fmc-bus-v2017-06](
* [spec-sw-v2017-10-19](
* [coht-vic-v1.2.2-3](
* [fmc-dio-5chttla-v3.0](
* [wrpc-v4.2](
* [ppsi-v2016.12-91](
### wr-starting-kit-v2.0
* The driver now support kernel from 2.8.x to 3.5.x
* A valid EEPROM data is now **mandatory** in order to start the kernel
* The gateware is now accesible remotely/standalone through ethernet using etherbone core.
* First DIO channel output is now reserved for outputing PPS
* The gateware is now accessible remotely/standalone through ethernet using etherbone core.
* First DIO channel output is now reserved for outputting PPS
* PPSi has been introduced to improve compatibility with other PTP devices.
* GrandMaster locking has been improved
* FMC bus has been updated to the stable version which is officialy included in linux kernel (>3.5)
* FMC bus has been updated to the stable version which is officially included in linux kernel (>3.5)
* Calibration has been improved using t42p procedure
......@@ -183,37 +265,33 @@ System Setup
This section describes the main elements required to start with the White-Rabbit based
on the *"White Rabbit (SPEC-based) starting kit"*. The different
on the *"White Rabbit (SPEC-based) Starting Kit"*. The different
hardware elements and theirs connections are described in this section.
What do you need?
In order to use the white rabbit starting kit and setup the different
In order to use the WR Starting Kit and setup the different
experiments you will need:
* An oscillocope with at least 150Mhz bandwitdh (500Mhz is recommanded).
* A PC with at least two `PCIe x4` ports (`x8` & `x16` are also compatible)
* The Operative System **Ubuntu LTS 32bit (Long Term Support)** installed.
* An oscilloscope with at least 150Mhz bandwidth (500Mhz is recommended).
* Two PCs with at least one `PCIe x4` port (`x8` & `x16` are also compatible). The use of two PCs is recommended because in some cases there are problems using a PC with 2xPCIe in several kernels.
* The Operative System **Ubuntu LTS 64bit (Long Term Support)** installed.
* Two mini-USB (B) cables (not provided with the kit).
This tutorial has been tested and verified with Ubuntu LTS 12.04 and Ubuntu LTS 14.04,
this mean that standard support will only be given for these releases.
However, the `spec-sw` driver should work with other releases, distributions and architectures
that run kernel `2.8.x` to `3.13.x`.
This tutorial has been tested and verified with Ubuntu LTS 16.04.6 (kernel v.4.15.9) and Ubuntu LTS 18.04.2 (kernel v.4.18.0-17), this mean that **standard support will only be given for these releases**.
However, the `spec-sw` driver should work with other releases, distributions and architectures.
Finally, [Seven Solutions] also provides a fully setup PC or USB-live images to skip
the instalation process and ease the introduction to the *"White Rabbit World"*.
> ***Notes:*** Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is supported but some versions like 18.04.1 or 18.04.3 (with kernel version 5.0) does not work correctly unless you [set a previous kernel version](#Set-Previous-Kernel-Version).
> ***Note:*** This tutorial follow a configuration with two [SPEC+FMCDIO] boards connected in the two **PCIe x16** interfaces of the same computer. However, you can also use two different computers (if you do not have two **PCIe x4**) and follow this tutorial; you just need to replace all the commands with `wr1` or `0x0300` by the `wr0` and its corresponding bus_id on the second PC. The configuration with two separated PCs is more *"natural"* to understand how to communicate two different nodes using the starting kit,
but it requires more physical space to implement it.
> ***Warning:*** Ubuntu LTS 14.04 is not supported.
![Configuration with one or two PCs](img/ssk_configs.png)
![Configuration with one two PCs](img/ssk_configs.png)
Starting kit components
WR Starting Kit components
The starting kit is composed of various elements that you should find
The WR Starting Kit is composed of various elements that you should find
in the package[^standardssk] :
* 2x [SPEC]s boards
......@@ -225,11 +303,10 @@ in the package[^standardssk] :
* 1x LC-LC cable (2m)
* 3x LEMO cable (2m)
* 3x LEMO-BNC Adaptor
* 1x Pre-installed live-USB (Ubuntu 14.04)
![The components of the starting kit](img/ssk_components.jpg)
![The components of the WR Starting Kit](img/ssk_components.jpg)
[^standardssk]: Only with the standard version of starting kit.
[^standardssk]: Only with the standard version of WR Starting Kit.
Physical setup
......@@ -241,51 +318,28 @@ Physical setup
(A Virtual UART is also available, but it is safer to use the physical
* Connect the two [SPEC+FMCDIO] boards using the SFPs and the optical fiber cable (LC-LC)
* In the demo we have put the violet SFP on the top SPEC board (wr0)
* ... and the blue SFP below (wr1)
* In the demo we have put the violet SFP on the PC01 SPEC board (wri1)
* ... and the blue SFP on the PC02 (wri1)
* Start Ubuntu LTS.
* Prepare an oscilloscope with at least two input channels to access
the [FMCDIO] outputs.
![Mounting two SPECs in the same PC](img/ssk_inside.jpg)
![Mounting two SPECs in two PC](img/ssk_inside.jpg)
![Connecting SFPs and fiber](img/ssk_sfp.jpg)
![The UART use a mini-USB cable to communicate](img/ssk_usb.jpg)
Pre-Installed Live-USB
In our latest WR package we also provide a Live-USB (Ubuntu 14.04) pendrive with
the drivers & tools pre-installed.
In order to run the Live-USB from the pendrive you need to modify the
BIOS of your PC to enable booting from USB.
In the most recent BIOS you will find a `Boot options menu` by pressing
tipically `F10`, `F11` or `F12` during the startup of the PC.
Otherwise you might need to modify the Boot priority in the BIOS Configuration. To do so restart your computer, and watch for a message telling you which key to press to enter the BIOS setup. It will usually be one of F1, F2, DEL, ESC or F10. Press this key while your computer is booting to edit your BIOS settings. Once you are in the BIOS configuration, look for something similar as `Boot` > `Boot Order`. You should see an entry for `removable drive` or `USB media`. Move this to the top of the list to make the computer attempt to boot from the USB device before booting from the hard disk. If you still having trouble do perform this step please search on the web how to `Boot from USB` using your BIOS manufacturer as keyword in the research.
Once Ubuntu has started you should select your own language, and click
the `Try Ubuntu Live` options, then you can go directly to the
[Setting Master & Slave using White Rabbit Core Section](#setting-master-slave-using-white-rabbit-core)
If you prefer to use the WR Starting Kit with your own PC you need to
follow the installation steps in the [next section](#installation).
> Notes: If you are running the Live-USB pendrive you should skip this
Once you have your system running with the boards plugged, you need to:
* Check that the boards has been detected
* Install the tools to build drivers, etc...
* The drivers : `spec-sw`
* The HDL bitstream of [SPEC+FMCDIO]: `wr-nic`
* The drivers : `spec-sw`, `fmc-dio-5chttla`, `wr-nic`
SPEC detection
......@@ -300,13 +354,13 @@ First you should check that the boards has been correctly detected on your PCIe
You should obtain something similar as:
05:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device: CERN/ECP/EDU Device 018d (rev 03)
0b:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device: CERN/ECP/EDU Device 018d (rev 03)
01:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device: CERN/ECP/EDU Device 018d (rev 03)
Where `05` and `0b` represent the ID of the PCIe slot given by your motherboard.
Where `01` represent the ID of the PCIe slot given by your motherboard.
> **Note**: The PCIe slot numbering are normally ordered from top to bottom on the motherboard,
this mean that the board with ID `05` will be above the one with index `0b`.
this mean that the board with ID `01` will be above.
......@@ -319,25 +373,26 @@ Then you need to install all the tools that you will need:
* **linux-source**: Might be useful to compile drivers & kernel modules
* **minicom**: Hyperterminal for linux
* **texinfo, texlive, emacs**: Tools to build documentation
* **lib**: libreadline-dev
You can also run this command[^debian] for minimal setup:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) minicom
sudo apt-get install git build-essential python-minimal wget libreadline-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r) minicom
and this one if you also want to generate documentation (not mandatory):
sudo apt-get install texinfo emacs texlive pandoc
sudo apt-get install texinfo emacs texlive-xetex pandoc
[^debian]: This sample command is for debian's like distributions.
However similar packages exist for other distributions.
Install the project
Compile & Install the project
The first step is to install the driver to communicate with the card using
......@@ -350,28 +405,14 @@ includes the [spec-sw] project.
>:$ cd ~/wr/
## Clone the repository
>:$ git clone git://
>:$ git clone
>:$ cd wr-starting-kit
## Checkout the stable release
>:$ git checkout -b wr-starting-kit-v2.0 wr-starting-kit-v2.0
Then you can get the project submodule by running
## Obtain the spec-sw project using submodules
>:$ git submodule init
>:$ git submodule update
## Update submodule of spec-sw
>:$ cd spec-sw
>:$ git submodule init
>:$ git submodule update
>:$ cd -
>:$ git checkout -b wr-starting-kit-v3.0 wr-starting-kit-v3.0
Or you can try our new Makefile that should perform everything!
Now you should execute the Makefile that should perform everything!
>:$ make
......@@ -382,132 +423,6 @@ Or you can try our new Makefile that should perform everything!
The **master** branch might have the latest source but support is only offered for tagged release. The other branches are normally used for development and are not stable.
Structure of the spec-sw project
Most of the information on how the project is structured can be found in the [spec-sw.pdf] in the `/doc` folder,
however in the following paragraphs we briefly summarize it:
### Folders layout
Each of the following folders contain:
* **doc**: documentation of the project
* **gateware**: downloaded HDL binaries also called gateware.\
(This folder is created while downloading gateware)
* **kernel**: Kernel modules (drivers) to connect the [SPEC] to the PC through PCIe.
* **tools**: Set of tools used for the experiments in the Starting Kit
### Structure of the driver and HDL
The Starting Kit contains 3 different drivers:
* **fmc.ko**: Define a generic FMC-bus[^fmc-bus] used to identify and connect to FMC boards independently
of the carrier being used (e.g. [SPEC], SVEC, ...)
* **spec.ko**: It is the device driver that connects to the [SPEC] through PCI. It also loads the spec-init.bin “golden” gateware file.
* **wr-nic.ko**: The wr-nic driver is basically an Ethernet driver with
support for hardware time stamping. It also loads the following:
* `fmc/wr_nic_dio.bin` gateware for the NIC and DIO properties.
* `fmc/wr_nic_dio-wrc.bin` software for the LM32[^lm32inc].
[^fmc-bus]: More information about the [FMC]-bus can be found within [fmc-bus.pdf] in the `doc/` folder.
[^lm32inc]: In future version, the program file for the LM32 will be included into the gateware.
Compile & install
A Makefile in the [spec-sw] project has been written to compile and install easily the drivers and the tools used below.
## Go to spec-sw project
>:$ cd spec-sw
## In the root folder (spec-sw), run
>:$ make
## then, install the driver in your system so that they load automatically
>:$ sudo make install
If everything works well you should see the driver in
>:$ ls -l /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra
> ***Notes:*** The procedure below is specific to ubuntu distribution so you
might want to find a similar way to perform it if you use another
You should add the `extra` folder to the search of module so that at
next reboot the kenel modules are easily founded.
## Open the configuration file
>:$ sudo nano /etc/depmod.d/ubuntu.conf
Check if you already have the extra folder or otherwise add the `extra` keyword
before built-in.
The first line of this file should now be similar as:
search updates ubuntu extra built-in
Finally, you must regenerate the map of dependencies with this new path
by calling:
>:$ sudo depmod -a
Download, install & load the gateware
You need to install the gateware[^version] to `/lib/firmware/fmc`
### Automatic procedure
You can also use the script `wr-ssk-get` in `wr-starting-kit/scripts` folder
to ease the installation. `sudo` is required
## Fetch and install the firmware
>:$ sudo scripts/wr-ssk-get --all
### Manual procedure
First you need to download the gateware/firmware files from our website:
## Create the gateware folder
>:$ mkdir firmware
## Extract to the gateware folder
>:$ tar -xzf wr-starting-kit-v2.0_gw.tar.gz -C ./firmware
Once you have the file you need to install them to your system in order to make them load automatically
## Install the HDL binaries in /lib/firmware/fmc (require sudo)
>:$ sudo cp -v firmware/*.bin /lib/firmware/fmc
[^version]: The HDL binaries (gateware) came from other project, you can find in
the [Developers Section](#quick-start-guide-for-developers) where to obtain them and
how to compile them.
Loading the driver
......@@ -515,7 +430,9 @@ To enable the wr-nic you should execute the modprobe[^errmodprobe] command to lo
>:$ sudo modprobe spec
>:$ sudo modprobe htvic
>:$ sudo modprobe wr-nic
>:$ sudo modprobe wr-dio
[^errmodprobe]: We have found a problem in some distribution with `modprobe` command.
......@@ -526,7 +443,7 @@ You should expect to obtain two (or one) new interface(s):
>:$ ifconfig -a | grep wr
wr0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
wri1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
If it is not the case you might have an empty EEPROM that need to be
......@@ -536,7 +453,7 @@ written with proper value as explained in the next section.
Creating Valid EEPROM
> ***Notes***: If you already have the new interfaces wrX while doing
> ***Notes:*** If you already have the new interfaces wrX while doing
`ifconfig`, this mean that you can **skip** this section.
On older manufactured [FMC-DIO] (before 2014), the EEPROM was not
......@@ -555,92 +472,57 @@ you might obtain the following warning on `dmesg`:
>:$ dmesg
spec 0000:05:00.0: FPGA programming successful
spec 0000:05:00.0: mezzanine 0
EEPROM has no FRU information
[ 7.824668] spec 0000:01:00.0: mezzanine 0
[ 7.824669] EEPROM has no FRU information
This information, called the FRU, contains the type of FMC board, its serial number, etc.
You can generate in two different way:
### Automatic
A small script has been created for this procedure and thus you just need to call it as below:
scripts/wr-ssk-get -w
In order to write it in case you have an old FMC board without any EEPROM written,
you should execute the following commands
Then the script will detect if you have one or more [FMC-DIO] with empty
eeprom. If it is the case it will ask to enter a S/N.
> ***Tip***: The S/N is labeled on the back side of the
[FMC-DIO] board and the index of PCIe slots on the bus "normally" respect
the physical plug order from top to bottom on the motherboard.
If for instance you have one with the label `7S-FMCDIO5ch-v1.0-S3-058` and
you can't read the label on the second one, we suggest you to fill the input as below:
Found 2 FMC board(s) with empty EEPROM
Enter S/N for board fmc-0500 in the format xx-XXX (or 0) : 03-058
Enter S/N for board fmc-0b00 in the format xx-XXX (or 0) : 0
### Manual
If you prefer to perform these steps manually you can try the
following procedure:
Don't forget to modify the bus id: `FmcDio5cha-XXXX` and the S/N
`7S-DIO-v2-Sxx-XXX` with your specific devices setup.
##First you need to go in the fru-generator folder
>:$ cd spec-sw/fmc-bus/tools/
>:$ cd wr-starting-kit/spec-sw/fmc-bus/tools/
## And compile the library
>:$ make
## Then, find out on which bus id you have the boards
>:$ ls /sys/bus/fmc/devices/
fmc-0500 fmc-0b00
### Enter root mode in the terminal
>:$ sudo bash
## Write the eeprom for fmc-0500: the first/the top one fmc board.
>:# FRU_VENDOR="CERN" FRU_NAME="FmcDio5cha" FRU_PART="EDA-02408-V2-0" \
./fru-generator -s 7S-DIO-v2-S03-058 > /sys/bus/fmc/devices/fmc-0500/eeprom
## Write the eeprom for fmc-0b00: the 2nd/the bottom one fmc board.
## Write the eeprom for fmc-0100: the first/the top one fmc board.
>:# FRU_VENDOR="CERN" FRU_NAME="FmcDio5cha" FRU_PART="EDA-02408-V2-0" \
./fru-generator -s 7S-DIO-v2-S00-000 > /sys/bus/fmc/devices/fmc-0b00/eeprom
./fru-generator -s 7S-DIO-v2-S03-058 > /sys/bus/fmc/devices/fmc-0100/eeprom
## Finally, Go back to user and starting-kit root directory
>:# exit
>:$ cd -
Don't forget to modify the bus id: `fmc-XXXX` and the S/N
`7S-DIO-v2-Sxx-XXX` with your specific devices setup.
### Reload the kernel driver
Once you have correctly written (Auto or Manual) the EEPROM of the [FMC-DIO], you need
to reload the kernel driver by doing this
Once you have correctly written the EEPROM of the [FMC-DIO], you need
to reload the kernel driver by reboot the PC
>:$ sudo rmmod spec
>:$ sudo modprobe spec
>:$ sudo reboot
you should now obtain something like this on `dmesg`:
[269290.520027] spec 0000:05:00.0: mezzanine 0
[269290.520035] Manufacturer: CERN
[269290.520038] Product name: FmcDio5cha
[269291.086221] spec 0000:0b:00.0: mezzanine 0
[269291.086228] Manufacturer: CERN
[269291.086230] Product name: FmcDio5cha
[ 10.901519] spec 0000:01:00.0: mezzanine 0
[ 10.901521] Manufacturer: CERN
[ 10.901521] Product name: FmcDio5cha
......@@ -679,7 +561,7 @@ This depends on how you have plugged the USB cable to your USB of your machine.
### Virtual UART
An easier way to perform this operation is to access to the virtual
UART of the [SPEC] board by using the spec-vuart tool.
UART of the [SPEC] board by using the wrpc-vuart tool.
You first need to know the `bus_id` of your board
> ***Notes:*** The VUART can not work if the USB is already connected as the Physical UART
......@@ -687,34 +569,32 @@ has the priority.
>:$ lspci | grep CERN
05:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device: CERN/ECP/EDU Device 018d (rev 03)
0b:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device: CERN/ECP/EDU Device 018d (rev 03)
01:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device: CERN/ECP/EDU Device 018d (rev 03)
This means that your first board (wr0) is at **05**:00.0 and the second one (wr1) is at **0b**:00.0
This means that your first board (wri1) is at **01**:00.0
Thus, for each board you can open a terminal and run the following command:
>:$ sudo ./tools/spec-vuart -b 0x05 #For the first SPEC board
>:$ sudo ./tools/spec-vuart -b 0x0b #For the second SPEC board
>:$ sudo wrpc-vuart -f /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:00\:01.0/0000\:01\:00.0/resource0 -o 0x20500
> ***Warning:*** Be aware that if you try to remove the spec kernel modules with the virtual UART
activated, your PC will hang and thus you will need to reboot. You must close
the virtual UART before doing this kind of operation.
the virtual UART before doing this kind of operation.
[^sudomc]: On Ubuntu LTS, you need sudo permission to access to a
ttyUSB*X* device. It might be a good idea to add your user to the dialout group to
obtain appropriate permisssion on the device: `sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER`
obtain appropriate permission on the device: `sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER`
The White Rabbit Core Shell
Once you are in the UART you should obtain the White Rabit Core console (`wrc#`).
Once you are in the UART you should obtain the WR PTP Core console (`wrc#`).
A complete reference of the shell commands is included in the [wrpc.pdf] manual or
you can read them in the [Wiki](
you can read them in the [Wiki](
The most useful commands are repeated here for your convenience
......@@ -726,28 +606,148 @@ The most useful commands are repeated here for your convenience
For the tutorial we will use the following names:
* `wrc1#` for `wrc#` console of the main board (wr0/busID=0x0500)
* `wrc2#` for `wrc#` console of the second board (wr1/busID=0x0b00)
* `wrc1#` for `wrc#` console of the main board (wri1/busID=0x0100) on the PC01
* `wrc2#` for `wrc#` console of the main board (wri1/busID=0x0100) on the PC02
Initial Configuration using SDBFS partition
Since version 3.0 of WR PTP Core ([wrpc-sw]), the on-board flash memory chip on the carrier
is used as a default place for storing calibration parameters and an init script.
The storage format of this information is organized in an SDBFS filesystem that **MUST BE** pre-formatted and
should be properly configured at least once (in case it has not been done during the manufacturing tests).
### Checking if SDBFS is properly formatted
The first thing to do is to verify that the SDBFS has been properly formatted and configured.
To do so you should check the trace messages while [connecting to the UART](#connect-to-the-uarts).
In case you see an error while WR Core is initializing such as:
WR Core: starting up...
No SDB filesystem in i2c eeprom
WR Core: starting up...
get_persistent_mac: SDB error
get_persistent_mac: SDB file is empty
get_persistent_mac: Using W1 serial number
This means that SDBFS as not been founded or that SDBFS is not properly formatted (corrupted).
In this case you should format SDBFS as detailed in the [next section](#formatting-sdbfs).
In case SDBFS is found but an error message about an "empty SDB file" appears when retrieving
the MAC address of the device: you should jump to
[configuring the MAC address](#configuring-mac-address) section.
WR Core: starting up...
sdbfs: found at 3014656 in Flash
get_persistent_mac: SDB file is empty
get_persistent_mac: Using W1 serial number
If none of these warnings arise during initialization this mean that you can skip the next
steps and go directly to [configuring slave & master mode](#configure-in-slave-master-mode) section.
### Formatting SDBFS
> **Warning**: You should skip the following step if you have verified that
> the SDBFS is [properly formatted](#checking-if-sdbfs-is-properly-formatted).
Therefore, starting from v3.0 you have to write the empty
SDBFS filesystem image to the flash before running the WRPC. The simplest way of
doing this is by calling a WR PTP Core shell command:
wrc# sdb fs 0
You should see the output similar to:
filename: . ; first: 2e0000; last: 32007f
filename: wr-init ; first: 2f0000; last: 2f00ff
filename: calibration ; first: 300000; last: 30007f
filename: mac-address ; first: 310000; last: 310005
filename: sfp-database ; first: 320000; last: 32007f
Formatting SDBFS in Flash(0x2e0000)...
After formatting the SDBFS, you should reconfigure the
[MAC address](#configuring-mac-address) and the
> **Note:** Other methods exists to format SDBFS with a pre-existing binary files:
> through the PCIe bus ([wrpc-sw].pdf > Appendix C), or using a Xilinx JTAG cable when
> [running in standalone](#run-in-standalone).
### Configuring MAC address
> **Note:** Configuring properly the MAC address is recommanded but not mandatory.
In case you get the messages at the initialization of WR PTP Core:
WR Core: starting up...
get_persistent_mac: SDB file is empty
get_persistent_mac: Using W1 serial number
Your [SPEC] board will use a "auto-generated" MAC address using the
thermometer serial number (W1) as is unique among SPEC devices.
And if even if this MAC should be uniq on this network it has not been
officially assigned following the [IEEE OUI].
You should get the MAC for your board from its manufacturer. To configure the
address and store it into the Flash/EEPROM (so that it's automatically loaded
every time the WRPC starts) you should type two commands in the shell:
wrc# mac set xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
wrc# mac setp xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
where `xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx` is the MAC address of your board.
To verify it back, you should run
wrc# mac get
After rebooting the machine.
Configure in slave & master mode
Now we can perform the following operation:
Now we can perform the following operation on both PCs:
* Check if you have the correct SFP and its corresponding value[^sfpdetectbug]
wrc1# sfp detect
AXGE-3454-0531 #purple
wrc1# sfp match
AXGE-3454-0531 #purple
SFP matched, dTx=46407, dRx=167843, alpha=-73622176
wrc2# sfp detect
wrc2# sfp match
AXGE-1254-0531 #blue
wrc1# sfp match
SFP matched, dTx=46407, dRx=167843, alpha=73622176
......@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ and check the [Calibration Section](#calibration) that explain how to add SFPs p
wrc1# mode master
SPLL_Init: running as Free-running Master, 1 ref channels, 2 out channels
PTP stop
Locking PLL...
......@@ -768,7 +768,8 @@ mode, this should not be necessary but you might have set it before in master mo
wrc2# mode slave
PTP stop
Locking PLL
### Start the synchronization with PTP daemon
......@@ -781,17 +782,6 @@ wrc1# ptp start
wrc2# ptp start
And you should obtain the following message on the slave board:
SPLL_Init: running as Slave, 1 ref channels, 2 out channels
Enabling ptracker channel: 0
Enabling ptracker channel: 0
servo:pre: -1885143040/2ps
servo:Deltas: Master: Tx=46407ps, Tx=175043ps, Slave: tx=46407ps, Rx=167843ps.
Adjust: counter = seconds [+0]
Adjust: counter = nanoseconds [+343914800]
Finally you can run the WRC shell in `gui` mode to obtain more information
......@@ -799,70 +789,56 @@ wrc2# gui
WR PTP Core Sync Monitor v 1.0
WR PTP Core Sync Monitor wr-btrain-v1.1-17-g5a72198
Esc = exit
TAI Time: Thu, Jan 1, 1970, 0:30:15
TAI Time: Thu, Jan 1, 1970, 02:01:57
wru1: Link up (RX: 766, TX: 340), mode: WR Slave Locked Calibrated
Link status:
wru1: Link up (RX: 12860, TX: 8181) IPv4: BOOTP running
Mode: WR Slave Locked Calibrated
Synchronization status:
PTP status: slave
Synchronization status:
Servo state: TRACK_PHASE
Phase tracking: ON
Synchronization source: wru1
Aux clock status:
Aux clock 0 status: enabled
Timing parameters:
Round-trip time (mu): 698557 ps
Master-slave delay: 345660 ps
Master PHY delays: TX: 46407 ps, RX: 175043 ps
Slave PHY delays: TX: 46407 ps, RX: 167843 ps
Total link asymmetry: 7237 ps
Cable rtt delay: 262857 ps
Clock offset: 2 ps
Phase setpoint: 7268 ps
Skew: 2 ps
Manual phase adjustment: 0 ps
Update counter: 117
Round-trip time (mu): 684638 ps
Master-slave delay: 354511 ps
Master PHY delays: TX: 121751 ps, RX: 99027 ps
Slave PHY delays: TX: 0 ps, RX: 1600 ps
Total link asymmetry: -24384 ps
Cable rtt delay: 462260 ps
Clock offset: 1 ps
Phase setpoint: 561 ps
Skew: 0 ps
Update counter: 7
You can see that the slave node is locked, calibrated and that the phase tracking is enabled.
> ***Notes:*** We also recommand you to set up an init script if you do not want to repeat these operations at each
reboot. You can look at the [wrpc.pdf] for more information or use the `init show` command to check the
one you have running.
> ***Notes:*** We also recommend you to set up an init script if you do not want to repeat these operations at each reboot. You can look at the [wrpc.pdf] for more information or use the `init show` command to check the one you have running.
Bring up the network interface
Check the network interface
Once the drivers are loaded and the PTP has started you might need to bring the new network interfaces up.
Once the drivers are loaded and the PTP has started you might check if the new network interfaces is up.
In order to do this you should just execute:
>:$ sudo ifconfig wr0
>:$ sudo ifconfig wr1
And then check if they are mounted by doing
>:$ sudo ifconfig | grep wr
wr0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:30:0d:e8:6b
wr1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:30:0d:e4:cd
wri1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 22:33:07:00:f1:a7
> ***Notes:*** On the distributions that use gnome desktop (i.e, Ubuntu), the interfaces are automatically mounted by *gnome
network manager*, so you might not need to perform the last step.
Some Illustrative Experiments
......@@ -873,25 +849,17 @@ It is also recommended to follow the order of the tutorial since the
concepts that are intended to be described and tested are explained in
the same order as the experiments.
> **Notes:** Before each experiment you should make sure that you set
> ***Notes:*** Before each experiment you should make sure that you set
up your boards in *master/slave* mode and that the PTP daemons are running on both.
You cand find how to do it in subsection [4.3](#configure-in-slave-master-mode).
A basic explanation is included in [Frequently Added Questions](#frequently-added-questions) section (first one).
Playing with the DIO channels
The first step to perform is to check if the [FMCDIO] channels are accessible using the installed driver.
In the `tools` subdirectory you will you find the `wr-dio-cmd` program,
that let you quickly test the I/O features of the [FMCDIO] boards
This is the general syntax of the command[^sudo]: `wr-dio-cmd <ifname> <cmd> [<arg> ...]`
The main commands correspond to: `mode, pulse & stamp`, and you can
find an extended description of
them in the [spec-sw.pdf:6.7][spec-sw.pdf] document.
The `wr-dio-cmd` program, let you quickly test the I/O features of the [FMCDIO] boards.
This is the general syntax of the command[^sudo]: `wr-dio-cmd: use "wr-dio-cmd [-V] <dev> <cmd> [...]"`
[^sudo]: As the application use `ioctl` you should call with root privilege by using sudo.
......@@ -922,7 +890,7 @@ For example you can set it up like this
## Configure channel 0 as input with termination, 1 as input, 4 as fixed low
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 mode Ii--0
>:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode Ii--0
......@@ -931,17 +899,17 @@ For example you can set it up like this
After reprogramming/rebooting the FGPA, the channels are set up by default as:
#. Channel 0 (connector #1) output a PPS signal: `p`
#. Channel 1 (connector #2) low state: `0`.
#. Channel 2 (connector #3) same as ch1: low state: `0`
#. Channel 3 (connector #4) is configured as input with termination impedance: `i`.
#. Channel 4 (connector #5) is in Clock Mode with termination: `C`.
1. Channel 0 (connector #1) output a PPS signal: `p`
2. Channel 1 (connector #2) low state: `0`.
3. Channel 2 (connector #3) same as ch1: low state: `0`
4. Channel 3 (connector #4) is configured as input with termination impedance: `i`.
5. Channel 4 (connector #5) is in Clock Mode with termination: `C`.
To reset to the default mode you can reset/reprogram the FPGA or set it back with:
## Revert back to default mode
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 mode p00ic.
>:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode p00ic.
......@@ -959,18 +927,18 @@ Finally you need to active a trigger pulse in your oscilloscope. Then you can tr
## Set channel 4 as Input
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 mode 4 D
>:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode 4 D
## Pulse channel 4 for 0.1 seconds now
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 pulse 4 .1 now
>:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 pulse 4 .1 now
## Pulse for 10 microseconds in the middle of the next second
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 pulse 4 .00001 +1.5
>:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 pulse 4 .00001 +1.5
## Pulse for 1ms at 17:00 today
## Set the datetime of the next event (60 seconds from now)
## NOTE: this only work if the date is correctly set in the master SPEC,
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 pulse 4 .001 $(date +%s --date 17:00)
>:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 pulse 4 .001 $(date +%s --date 17:00)
> ***Note:*** please note that the `pulse` command activates the [FMCDIO] mode (without changing the termination)
......@@ -981,7 +949,7 @@ Finally you need to active a trigger pulse in your oscilloscope. Then you can tr
Once you have generated the pulse you can retrieve its timestamp by executing:
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp 4
>:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp 4
ch 4, 378.788588536
ch 4, 381.268701864
ch 4, 387.284885816
......@@ -994,7 +962,7 @@ ch 4, 542.500000000
> ***Notes:*** If you see other timestampings messages coming from channel 2 this mean you don't
have disabled the PPS mode. Check [Disabling PPS](#disabling-pps-on-channel-2) section.
have disabled the PPS mode.
### Time stamping input & output.
......@@ -1008,27 +976,29 @@ The configuration is done as indicated in the figure below:
![Time-stamping configuration](img/ssk_playdio.png)
## Configure #2 & #5 (ch1 & ch4) as ouput and #3 (ch2) as input with termination on wr0.
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 mode -DI-D
## Configure #4 (ch3) as input on wr1
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr1 mode 3 I
## Configure #2 & #5 (ch1 & ch4) as ouput and #3 (ch2) as input with termination on wri1 (spusa).
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode -DI-D
## Then flush the previous timestamp
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp &> /dev/null
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr1 stamp &> /dev/null
## Configure #4 (ch3) as input on wri1 (tornado)
>tornado:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode 3 I
## Then flush the previous timestamp (spusa and tornado)
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp &> /dev/null
>tornado:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp &> /dev/null
## Schedule the pulse to the next common event on two outputs
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 pulse 1 .00001 +2
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 pulse 4 .00001 +2
## Then (after 60s), you should run stamp on the wr0
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp
ch 1, 2267.500000000
ch 2, 2267.500000008
ch 4, 2270.500000000
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr1 stamp
ch 3, 2270.500000008
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 pulse 1 .00001 +2
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 pulse 4 .00001 +2
## Then (after 60s), you should run stamp on the wri1
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp
ch 1, 186789.999999992
ch 2, 186790.000000000
ch 4, 186792.999999992
>tornado:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp
ch 3, 186792.999999992
......@@ -1068,11 +1038,11 @@ of both boards.
If you don't see this pulse, you might want to force the pulse mode:
## run pps on channel 0 of the "first" card
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 mode 0 p
## run pps on channel 0 of the "first" card (spusa)
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode 0 p
## run pps on channel 0 of the "second" card
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr1 mode 0 p
## run pps on channel 0 of the "second" card (tornado)
>tornado:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode 0 p
......@@ -1093,8 +1063,8 @@ The Network Interface Card (NIC) Synchronization
### Introduction
The *wr-nic* driver registers a Linux network interface card for
each [SPEC] device that it drives. The cards are called `wr%d` (i.e.,
*wr0*, *wr1*, ...).
each [SPEC] device that it drives. The cards are called `wri%d` (i.e.,
*wri1*, *wri2*, ...).
The [SPEC] can carry normal data traffic in
addition to the PTP frames of *White Rabbit*, that remain
......@@ -1141,11 +1111,11 @@ sends the forward frame and reports data as soon as it gets a reply.
## On a terminal run
>:$ sudo ./tools/stamp-frame wr0 listen
tools/stamp-frame: Using interface wr0, with all timestamp options active
>spusa:$ sudo stamp-frame wri1 listen
tools/stamp-frame: Using interface wri1, with all timestamp options active
## On another terminal (maybe on another host) run
>:$ sudo ./tools/stamp-frame wr1
>tornado:$ sudo stamp-frame wri1
tools/stamp-frame: Using interface wr1, with all timestamp options active
timestamp T1: 1891.948736656
timestamp T2: 1892.038390176
......@@ -1159,8 +1129,8 @@ backward time: -0.089544832
This is done four times: departure and arrival of the forward frame, followed
by departure and arrival of the backward frame. Thus,
time stamps T1 and T4 are collected at the
original sender (here: *wr1*) while T2 and T3 are collected at the
remote host (here: *wr0*). The times above are all consistent
original sender (here: *wri1 "tornado"*) while T2 and T3 are collected at the
remote host (here: *wri1 "spusa"*). The times above are all consistent
because the two [SPEC] cards are synchronized with *White Rabbit*. The
reported forward and backward times match the fact that we used
a 10km fiber to connect the two cards; the difference between them
......@@ -1211,7 +1181,7 @@ distributed instrumentation facility); another typical application is
time stamping input events.
Thus in these experiments we are going to transmit an external frequency in
the 100Hz range using the starting kit:
the 100Hz range using the WR Starting Kit:
* The user supplies a ~100Hz square wave on the channel 0 of the master card.
* The **dio-ruler** on master host reads the UTC time of the rising edge of the external pulse upon IRQ.
......@@ -1267,7 +1237,7 @@ delay of 50 microseconds).
Then we should run the "dumb" agent on the slave board in charge of forwarding *ioctl* packet to the *DIO* core:
>:$ sudo ./tool/wr-dio-agent wr1 &
>tornado:$ sudo wr-dio-agent wri1 /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 &
Then you need to connect the output of the generator[^fake100hz] to channel 1 of the master [SPEC+FMCDIO] board.
......@@ -1275,7 +1245,7 @@ The generated waveform should be a 0-5V pulse at ~100Hz (5ms at 5V then 5ms at 0
[^fake100hz]: If you lack a wave form generator, you can make an output pulse with
`wr-dio-cmd <if> mode <ch> P` or other means and use it as a trigger. Check the [Two PCs example](#two-pcs-example).
`wr-dio-cmd <dev> mode <ch> P` or other means and use it as a trigger. Check the [Two PCs example](#two-pcs-example).
......@@ -1283,10 +1253,10 @@ You should setup the channel 0 as input and check if the 100Hz signal is correct
## Set channel 0 of master board as Input and disable PPS signal (if the FPGA is reflashed).
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 mode I-0--
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode I-0--
## Retrieved the time stamped value
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp
ch 0, 3573.281851462
ch 0, 3573.291851460
ch 0, 3573.301851460
......@@ -1309,13 +1279,13 @@ on both the local (channel 3) and the remote card (channel 1)
## Set local3 as Output
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 mode 3 D
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode 3 D
## Set remote1 as Output (and disable 2)
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr1 mode -D0--
>tornado:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode -D0--
## Creating the ruler to forward from input 0 to local3 and remote1
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-ruler wr0 IN0 L3+0.001 R1+0.001
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-ruler wri1 /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 IN0 L3+0.001 R1+0.001
wr-dio-ruler: configured for local channel 3, delay 0.001000000
wr-dio-ruler: configured for remote channel 1, delay 0.001000000
......@@ -1325,16 +1295,16 @@ wr-dio-ruler: configured for remote channel 1, delay 0.001000000
To check if the experiment works well you can compare the timestamp of the two outputs
## Checking the timestamp on local ouput
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp 3
## Checking the timestamp on local output
>spusa:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp 3
ch 3, 5340.004864960
ch 3, 5340.014864960
ch 3, 5340.024864968
ch 3, 5340.034864964
## Checking the timestamp on remote ouput
>:$ sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr1 stamp 1
## Checking the timestamp on remote output
>tornado:$ sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp 1
ch 1, 5340.004864962
ch 1, 5340.014864960
ch 1, 5340.024864968
......@@ -1360,7 +1330,7 @@ we verified the tools and we think this is a good explanation of how to use them
It shows how to use the *ruler* and *agent* on
two hosts, called `spusa` and `tornado`. It is pretty the same thing as the previous
experiment only that the board are now both named `wr0`.
experiment only that the board are now both named `wri1`.
![Transmit PPS between two PCs](img/ssk_txpps.png)
......@@ -1370,28 +1340,28 @@ channel 0.
>spusa:# sudo ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 mode 0 P
>spusa:# sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 mode 0 P
>tornado:# sudo ./tools/wr-dio-agent wr0 &
>tornado:# sudo wr-dio-agent wri1 /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 &
>spusa:# ./tools/wr-dio-ruler wr0 IN4 L3+.001 R4+.001 R2+.001
>spusa:# sudo wr-dio-ruler wri1 /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 IN4 L3+.001 R4+.001 R2+.001
wr-dio-ruler: configured for local channel 3, delay 0.001000000
wr-dio-ruler: configured for remote channel 4, delay 0.001000000
wr-dio-ruler: configured for remote channel 2, delay 0.001000000
[... wait a few seconds ...]
>spusa:# ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp 3
>spusa:# sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp 3
ch 3, 385.001000000
ch 3, 386.001000000
ch 3, 387.001000000
ch 3, 388.001000000
>tornado:# ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp 2
>tornado:# sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp 2
ch 2, 385.001000000
ch 2, 386.001000000
ch 2, 387.001000000
ch 2, 388.001000000
>tornado:# ./tools/wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp 4
>tornado:# sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 stamp 4
ch 4, 385.001000000
ch 4, 386.001000000
ch 4, 387.001000000
......@@ -1421,7 +1391,7 @@ wrc# ptp start
Then you should run the [WRS] in master or grandmaster mode as explained
in [wr-switch-guide.pdf].
in (Resources) [wr-switch-guide.pdf].
Finally you need to connect the slave SFPs (blue) to the [SPEC]s and the
master SFP (violet) to the switch.
......@@ -1430,7 +1400,7 @@ The result of this experiment is illustrated by the next figure where
you can see the 3 PPS signals: yellow for [WRS], blue and violet for
![WRS PPS (yellow) vs Starting Kit PPS (blue & violet)](img/ssk_wrspps.jpg)
![WRS PPS (yellow) vs WR Starting Kit PPS (blue & violet)](img/ssk_wrspps.jpg)
The distance between each PPS might be reduced by the improving the
calibration which is the subject of the next section.
......@@ -1452,19 +1422,18 @@ If you use a custom gateware or SFPs that are not listed in the wiki page
you should run yourself the calibration in order to obtain the correct values
for your setup.
> **Warning**: Cable length/type can modify around ~5ns/meter the delay
> ***Warning:*** Cable length/type can modify around ~5ns/meter the delay
between the moment when the PPS was out of the board and when it was
captured by the oscilloscope.
> **Notes**: Please check that you are using the values that correspond
> ***Notes:***: Please check that you are using the values that correspond
to your gateware release. When this document was generated we refer as
wr-nic-v2.0 (starting kit). You can also check using the `ver` command
if the corresponding embedded LM32 corresponds to your gateware version
(i.e, wrpc-v2.1-for-wrnic lm32 is embedded in wr-nic-v2.0).
wr-starting-kit-v3.0 (WR Starting Kit). You can also check using the `ver` command
if the corresponding embedded LM32 corresponds to your gateware version.
wrc# ver
WR Core build: wrpc-v2.1-for-wrnic
WR Core build: wr-starting-kit-v3.0
## List your actual sfp database
......@@ -1473,7 +1442,7 @@ wrc# sfp show
## Erase the actual database if it was corrupted
wrc# sfp erase
## Add the parameters for the SFP provided in the starting kit
## Add the parameters for the SFP provided in the WR Starting Kit
wrc# sfp add AXGE-1254-0531 121751 95827 64481496
wrc# sfp add AXGE-3454-0531 121751 95827 -66584558
......@@ -1484,12 +1453,6 @@ WR equipments (i.e, [WRS]) as explained in the wiki page.
You might also check the [wrpc.pdf] for extended explanations on how to run
yourself the calibration procedure.
> **Notes**: Please check that the master board has a valid t42p written
in its EEPROM. This value must be obtained by first connecting this
board in slave mode to a working WR master. For more information read the
[wrpc-v2.1.pdf] page 7.
SPEC+DIO as grandmaster
......@@ -1569,17 +1532,37 @@ Run in standalone
You can also run GM in a full standalone mode in order to transmit WR clock without the need of a PC.
First you need to flash the SPEC with the latest bitstream you can find the package:
First you need to flash the SPEC with the latest `wr_nic_dio.bit` bitstream you can find in the package:
To do so you need to generate a MSC file as follows:
And you also need to download a pre-formatted sdbfs partition: [sdbfs-standalone-160812.bin]
In the case when you want to run on the the SPEC a reference bitstream provided with a stable
WRPC release, you can simply program your Flash with \textit{spec\_top.mcs}
provided with the release binaries using for example Xilinx ISE Impact tool.
Then you need to create a `mcs` image that contains both the SDBFS partition and FPGA bitstream.
This can be done by following the layout below:
Create PROM Files > SPI Flash > Single FPGA > 32M > MCS
And then, when asking for SPI/BPI, just add the `.msc` file and select
the corresponding SPI flash memory: `M25P32`.
| Address | Binary file |
| `0x000000` | `wr_nic_dio.bit` |
| `0x170000` | `sdbfs-standalone-160812.bin` |
use the following layout:
For example, to generate the `*.mcs` file for `M25P32` Flash on SPEC, the
following `promgen` (ISE Tool) parameters should be used:
promgen -w -spi -p mcs -c FF -s 32768 -u 0 <your_bitstream>.bit -bd sdbfs-standalone-160812.bin start 0x170000 -o output.mcs
To do so you need to generate a MSC file as follows:
* The setup of the cable is exactly the same as above, and you do not need to set up the mode because it is
correctly configured for GM by default at power up.
......@@ -1601,110 +1584,7 @@ wrc# init add ptp start
Please refer to *Writing EEPROM and calibration* Section of the [wrpc.pdf] document.
Manage standalone node using etherbone
You can also use SPEC card in standalone mode as we have seen before
but... how can you configure spec card if you do not use drivers?
In wr-nic project, Etherbone core has been added to the design and it allows
a direct access to the memory map[^specmem] (wishbone registers) using
UDP/TCP packets.
In order to connect you to the [SPEC+FMCDIO] in standlone you must
first configure it with a valid IP. This can be done automatically (complex) using bootp protocol,
or manually (easy) through the WRC mini-USB UART.
[^specmem]: If you are still connected through the PCIe you can also use the tools
`spec-sw/tools/specmem` to directly read/write on the WB registers as you will
do with the etherbone tool.
### Set IP using BootP
This is the more complex way to do it because you need to create a BootP server
on your LAN, but then the IP of each standalone board can be automatically
On Ubuntu the `dnsmasq` package can be used as BootP deamon. The configuration
file should be something similar as:
## Specified interfaces ( is your IP)
## DHCP setup
## BootP setup
## Set a specific IP for a MAC address (optional)
### Set IP through WRC UART
An easier way to set the IP of your standalone board is through the WRC Shell by
connecting the mini-USB UART to your PC.
Then you should just write in the terminal:
wrc# ip set
If you want this IP to be kept after a power cycle you must add this command in the
init EEPROM script as explained [previously](#eeprom-boot-script).
### Access to the wishbone device
At this step, you need to connect the standalone device with your PC. If you
do not have any SFP interface on your PC you can use an SFP-RJ45 adapter
to connect to it.
You need to check that your interface is on the same LAN as the standalone
[SPEC+FMCDIO] board or you should set it manually if it is not the case:
>:$ sudo ifconfig eth1
Finally you can try the etherbone library to connect to your standalone
[SPEC+FMCDIO] board. Please check that you have compiled the library for
your platform by doing `make && sudo make install` in the main folder or by going to
`etherbone/api` and perform a `make clean && make && sudo make install`.
To ease the communication using etherbone, we have added the `` tool in the `scripts/`
folder that access through the etherbone library to the device and perform
read/write operations.
Below we display a quick example on how to use it.
## It shows you Device memory map
>:$ scripts/ --scan --ip
## Read a memory address (DIO I/O mode register <=> 62000 + 300 + 3C)
>:$ scripts/ --read --ip --address 0x6233C
## Write a memory address (DIO I/O mode register <=> 62000 + 300 + 3C)
## Force only ch2 (#3) into P mode (forbidden operation while using wr-dio-cmd)
>:$ scripts/ --write --ip --address 0x6233C --value 0x00A00
## Show help
>:$ scripts/ --help
<!--TODO: Caloe -->
A library called CALoE (Configuration Abstraction Layer over Etherbone)
can also be used to ease the task of accesing to various register through
You can find more information on the following page
Quick Start Guide For Developers
......@@ -1721,16 +1601,23 @@ If you need a more complete guide on how to create your own HDL for the [SPEC],
or you want to improve the structure of a project using the [OHWR] platform we recommend you
to look at the [spec-getting-started.pdf] guide.
The starting kit is based on various project:
The WR Starting Kit is based on various project:
* [spec-sw], The project that contains the PCIe driver and tools to access to the SPEC FPGA
* [spec-golden], A simple gateware in order to access to the EEPROM of the [FMC] (WB-I2C)
* [wr-nic], gateware (FPGA HDL) that includes the NIC capabilities and its corresponding kernel drivers
* [fmc-dio-5chttla], gateware (FPGA HDL) that includes the DIO capabilities (with NIC) and its corresponding kernel drivers
* [wrpc-sw], LM32 software in the White Rabbit PTP core for the synchronization
* [coht-vic], Kernel driver to handles interruption from FPGA such as the one from SPEC
In the following figure you can understand better how the different subproject are connected and contains
![Structure of repositoryie](img/repos_structure.png)
If you want to get more information you can take a look at `doc/starting-kit_repos-v1.3.pdf` to get a
detailed view on how the subproject are structured.
: The project that contains the software (application + driver) which you have already compiled above.
: A simple gateware in order to access to the EEPROM of the [FMC] (WB-I2C)
: gateware (FPGA HDL) that includes the NIC & DIO capabilities.
: LM32 software in the white rabbit PTP core for the synchronization.
......@@ -1748,35 +1635,6 @@ You must have installed the following tools:
* Texinfo
Golden SPEC gateware
> *Dep*: hdlmake, Xilinx ISE 14
This is a really simple gateware that allows the PC to read the FMC-EEPROM in
order to know what type of gateware it should load.
The gateware is a wishbone PCIe bridge connected to a WB I2C module.
To synthetize it, the user needs to follow the next steps:
## Checkout the code
svn checkout spec-golden
## Go to the main directory
cd spec-golden/syn/
## Synthetize using hdlmake
hdlmake --fetch
You will therefore obtain your golden firmware called as `spec-init.bin`
WRPC-SW (LM32 firmware)
......@@ -1787,7 +1645,6 @@ However we provide here a simple resume of the steps required to compile the fir
You should also look at the [wrpc.pdf] to understand how to use it and
how to compile new firmware for other configurations.
You can download it from [wr-nic-v2.0.tar.gz]( file or you can try to compile it following the instructions below:
You first need to install the **lm32** compiler as suggested in
[wrpc.pdf], and then you need to compile it using the specific configuration as bellow:
......@@ -1796,19 +1653,10 @@ You first need to install the **lm32** compiler as suggested in
## Set up CROSS_COMPILE variable for this terminal
export CROSS_COMPILE="<your_path_to_lm32>/lm32/bin/lm32-elf-";
## Clone the repository
git clone git://
## Move to wrpc-sw inside wr-starting-kit
cd wrpc-sw
## Checkout the stable release
git checkout -b wrpc-v2.1-for-wrnic wrpc-v2.1-for-wrnic
And finally configure and compile it
## Configuring the project for SPEC
## Configuring the project for SPEC as NIC card
make wrnic_defconfig
## Compile
......@@ -1817,34 +1665,17 @@ make
You should obtain various files named wrc.bin, wrc.elf, wrc.vhd, wrc.ram
You can therefore use them to override the one in [wr-nic](#wr-nic-hdl-gateware) project.
## Override the default embeded wrpc-sw
cp wrc.ram <wr_root_folder>/wr-nic/syn/spec
WR-NIC (HDL-gateware)
WR-SPEC-DIO-NIC (HDL-gateware)
> *Dep*: hdlmake, Xilinx ISE 14
This step shows us how to prepare the WR-NIC bitstream ([SPEC+FMCDIO]) with
This step shows us how to prepare the WR-SPEC-DIO-NIC bitstream ([SPEC+FMCDIO]) with
the wrpc-sw (`wrc.ram` file) embedded inside.
## Checkout the code
git clone git://
cd wr-nic
git checkout -b wr-nic-v2.0 wr-nic-v2.0
## Create and update the submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
## Go to the main directory
cd syn/specdio/
## From the wr-starting-kit repo
cd fmc-dio/hdl/syn/dio-nic
## Synthetize using hdlmake
hdlmake --make-ise --ise-proj
......@@ -1853,11 +1684,80 @@ make
You should finally obtain the bitstream to import in your [FMC] driver folder.
> **Notes**: You must have the proper version of hdlmake installed, please
check the manual [wr-nic.pdf] for more information on how to synthesize the
Set Specific Kernel Version
This chapter describes how to set a force loading a specific (previous) kernel version if you have problems while compiling/loading the wr-starting-kit
drivers with newest/latest kernel[^ubuntultskernel].
> ***Note:*** We recommand to fix your kernel to ``, as it has been the one that have reported less error during development.
[^ubuntultskernel]: We usually support the current Ubuntu LTS at the moment of writing this document, however during the LTS cycle there are
minor release that might contains a newer kernel incompatible with our drivers: <>.
Find the ID of the submenu
We first need to obtain the `$menuentry_id_option` for the current submenu:
>:$ grep submenu /boot/grub/grub.cfg
submenu 'Advanced options for Ubuntu' $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da' {
List available kernel entries
>:$ grep -A100 submenu /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep menuentry
submenu 'Advanced options for Ubuntu' $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da' {
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.0.0-32-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-5.0.0-32-generic-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da' {
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 5.0.0-32-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-5.0.0-32-generic-recovery-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da' {
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.18.0-17-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-4.18.0-17-generic-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da' {
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.18.0-17-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-4.18.0-17-generic-recovery-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da' {
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-46-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-4.15.0-46-generic-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da' {
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-46-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-4.15.0-46-generic-recovery-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da' {
Create the default menu entry
The parent entry id for Advanced options in this case is `gnulinux-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da`
Choose the entry for the kernel you want to use. For example, `gnulinux-4.18.0-17-generic-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da`
Concatenate both entries with `>` The result should be like:
`"gnulinux-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da > gnulinux-4.18.0-17-generic-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da"`
Edit Grub
Edit the file `/etc/default/grub` and replace `GRUB_DEFAULT` with the previously created entry. The file would look like
GRUB_DEFAULT="gnulinux-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da > gnulinux-4.18.0-17-generic-advanced-541c21ee-e687-4a1e-9f8c-c1b6285694da"
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
Update Grub and Reboot
>:$ sudo update-grub
>:$ sudo reboot
Frequently Added Questions
......@@ -1872,7 +1772,7 @@ we strongly recommand you to visit the webpage:
and you might also find information there:
* <>
* <>
* <>
......@@ -1885,39 +1785,12 @@ However, you will find a resume of the most asked questions below:
In all of those cases the PLL has to be locked. That means your card has to be either in Master Mode, Grand Master or Slave Mode.
When you have only one card (or some but unconnected) it should be working as Free Running Master. If you have two of them (or more), one of them has to work as master, the others as Slaves and all of them have to be synced via PTP as explained en section [4.3](#configure-in-slave-master-mode). To say that is running Grand Master Mode is to make sure the PLL has already been locked to the external reference (see [Appendix](#appendix)).
When you have only one card (or some but unconnected) it should be working as Free Running Master. If you have two of them (or more), one of them has to work as master, the others as Slaves and all of them have to be synced via PTP as explained en section [4.3](#configure-in-slave-master-mode). To say that is running Grand Master Mode is to make sure the PLL has already been locked to the external reference.
### I don't see the interface using ifconfig
Please check if you see them using `ifconfig -a`, if you see them by using the `-a` option you just need
to bring them up. This is explained in the [Bring up the network interface](#bring-up-the-network-interface) section.
### Compilation of spec-sw is impossible
To compile you must have at least the 2.6.36 kernel (errors occurs with
2.6.32, 2.6.34). We recommend you to use the latest version of your distribution.
If you think you have the correct setup you can also use our automatic build
script that also generate a report with your system information.
sudo scripts/wr-ssk-get --report
After a few minutes your project should have been installed correctly, if you
still have problems send us the generated `report.log` files in the main folder.
### The starting kit is based on Ubuntu. How can I use it with Scientific Linux?
The commands to execute in order to update the kernel using scientific linux (you need at least the 2.6.36 to compile the starting kit) are:
rpm --import
rpm -Uvh
sudo yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel --skip-broken install kernel-lt kernel-lt-devel kernel-lt-headers
You can have more information on how to do this by browsing the ( "ELRepo Project")
After this you should reboot your PC with the new kernel source and start from [section compile & install](#compile-install)
to bring them up. This is explained in the [Check the network interface](#Check-the-network-interface) section.
### I can't detect any level on my inputs.
......@@ -1972,8 +1845,10 @@ following commands:
>:$ sudo insmod kernel/fmc.ko
>:$ sudo insmod kernel/htvic.ko
>:$ sudo insmod kernel/spec.ko
>:$ sudo insmod kernel/wr-nic.ko
>:$ sudo insmod kernel/wr-dio.ko
### The system hangs-up
......@@ -1990,84 +1865,56 @@ Please help us to solve this error by sending us a log with the following inform
* The serial log starting from the login (dmesg)
: Network Interface Card
: Digital Input/Output
: Precise Time Protocol, a time synchronization protocol
: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory, a non-volatile memory
: FPGA Mezzanine Card, an ANSI standard for mezzanine card form factor.
: LEMO is the name of a push-pull connectors made by the LEMO company.
: Small form-factor pluggable transceiver, a hot-pluggable transceiver for optical fiber
: Peripheral Component Interconnect Express, a high-speed serial computer expansion bus standard
: LatticeMico32 is a 32-bit microprocessor soft core optimized for field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).
: Hardware description language
: Simple PCIe FMC carrier
: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
: Whishbone Bus, an open system bus interconnect architecture designed for reuse
: White Rabbit (PTP) Core, the main funcionality shared by all WR elements.
: White Rabbit
: White Rabbit Switch
[FMC fine-delay]:
* [spec-sw.pdf] main documentation of the spec-sw
* [wrpc.pdf] White Rabbit Core documentation
* [fmc-bus.pdf] How the FMC bus driver works and how to write one for your own FMC board.
* SFPs information <>
* White Rabbit Calibration: <>
* [spec-2-spec]: SPEC-2-SPEC demo
* [wr_external_reference.pdf]: How to use the grandmaster mode in the switch.
* [spec-getting-started.pdf]:A tutorial to get ready to work with the (SPEC), including hardware deployment instructions, full required toolchain setup and a collection of step-by-step demonstrative tutorials.
* [spec-2-spec] SPEC-2-SPEC demo
* [wr_external_reference.pdf] How to use the grandmaster mode in the switch.
* [spec-getting-started.pdf] A tutorial to get ready to work with the (SPEC), including hardware deployment instructions, full required toolchain setup and a collection of step-by-step demonstrative tutorials.
* [spec-sw] Sub-project with that contains the PCIe driver and tools to access to the SPEC FPGA
* [wr-nic] Sub-project with gateware (FPGA HDL) that includes the NIC capabilities and its corresponding kernel drivers
* [fmc-dio-5chttla] Sub-project with gateware (FPGA HDL) that includes the DIO capabilities (with NIC) and its corresponding kernel drivers
* [wrpc-sw] Sub-project with the LM32 software in the White Rabbit PTP core for the synchronization
<!-- List of links -->
<!-- List of links -->
[FMC fine-delay]:
[Seven Solutions]:
[Seven Solutions]:
[wr-starting-kit-v3.0_bin.tar.gz]: <>
[sdbfs-standalone-160812.bin]: <>
\ No newline at end of file
etherbone @ d1b6b4bd
Subproject commit d1b6b4bd5b1fff8d50adc02665348814c40bb536
Subproject commit eea7bfc82e4cb3554d4343d93dfa75773d7b2fc2
Folder to places patches to apply before compiling the starting kit.
If empty calling this folder will do nothing
#! /bin/bash
# ******************************************************************************
# @file
# @brief Script to use easy Etherbone tools
# Copyright (C) 2013
# Memory access with Etherbone tools
# @author Miguel Jimenez Lopez <>
# @bug none!
# ******************************************************************************
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <http//>.
# ******************************************************************************
print_help() {
echo ""
echo "############################################################################"
echo ""
echo "Command: eb-mem <options>"
echo ""
echo "--read|-r: Perform a read operation. It needs a IP and memory address."
echo "--write|-w: Perform a write operation. It needs a IP, memory address and value."
echo "--scan|-s: Perform a scan operation. It needs a IP address."
echo "--compact|-c: Use compact format. Perform a read or write operation depending on arguments"
echo "--tcp|-t: Use TCP packets to communication."
echo "--udp|-u: Use UDP packets to communication."
echo "--bytes|-b: Indicates n-bytes alignment of memory."
echo "--ip|-i: Device IP address."
echo "--port|-p: Use a determinate port."
echo "--address|-a: Device address to read/write access."
echo "--value|-v: Value to write into device."
echo "--help|-h: Show this help."
echo ""
echo "NOTE: This script does not try to implement all options of Etherbone tools."
echo "If you want to execute these operations with other options, you must use "
echo "original tools developped by Etherbone team!!"
echo ""
echo "Examples:"
echo ""
echo "eb-mem --scan --ip"
echo "eb-mem --read --ip --address 0x64233"
echo "eb-mem --write --ip --address 0x64233 --value 0x123"
echo "(COMPACT READ) => eb-mem --compact --ip --address 0x64233"
echo "(COMPACT WRITE) => eb-mem --compact --ip --address 0x64233 --value 0x124"
echo ""
echo "############################################################################"
echo ""
while (($n < $nargs)) ;
case $arg in
--read|-r) mode='read'; ;;
--write|-w) mode='write' ;;
--scan|-s) mode='scan' ;;
--compact|-c) mode='compact' ;;
--tcp|-t) t_transport='tcp' ;;
--udp|-u) t_transport='udp' ;;
--bytes|-b) shift; bytes=$1 ;;
--ip|-i) shift; ip=$1 ;;
--port|-p) shift; port="/$1";;
--address|-a) shift; address=$1 ;;
--value|-v) shift; value=$1 ;;
--help|-h) print_help ; exit 0;;
if [ "$mode" = 'none' ];
echo "You must get access mode: --scan|--read|--write"
exit -1
if [ "$ip" = 'none' ];
echo "You must get IP address to connect with Etherbone core"
exit -1
case $mode in
scan) $EB_TOOLS/eb-ls $t_transport/$ip$port;;
read) if [ "$address" = 'none' ];
echo "You must get memory address in read operation"
exit -1
$EB_TOOLS/eb-read $t_transport/$ip$port $address/$bytes
write) if [ "$address" = 'none' ];
echo "You must get memory address in write operation"
exit -1
if [ "$value" = 'none' ];
echo "You must get value in write operation"
exit -1
$EB_TOOLS/eb-write $t_transport/$ip$port $address/$bytes $value
compact) if [ "$address" = 'none' ];
echo "You must get memory address in read or write operation"
exit -1
if [ "$value" = 'none' ];
$EB_TOOLS/eb-read $t_transport/$ip$port $address/$bytes
$EB_TOOLS/eb-write $t_transport/$ip$port $address/$bytes $value
## Script to apply git patches for submodules.
## Authors:
## - Miguel Jimenez Lopez (Seven Solutions,
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
## ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
## will be met:
### Show help of the function
help ()
cat << EOF
Usage: $(basename $0) [Options]
-h|--help) Show this little help
exit 0
### Main execution
GIT_REPOS="spec-sw wrpc-sw wr-nic fmc-dio coht-vic"
# setup script dir
sdir=$(dirname $0)
cd $sdir
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # Until you run out of parameters . . .
case "$1" in
-h|--help) help;;
*) help;;
shift # Check next set of parameters.
for i in $GIT_REPOS
if [ -e "$sdir/$MAIN_DIR/$PATCHES_DIR/$i" ] ; then
echo "Patching $i submodule"
cd "$sdir/$MAIN_DIR/$i"
git am $sdir/$MAIN_DIR/$PATCHES_DIR/$i/*.patch
cd "$sdir"
......@@ -106,7 +106,11 @@ insthdl()
if [ ! -d ${installdir} ]; then
sudo mkdir -p ${installdir}
sudo cp -v ${DOWNLOADDIR}/spec-init.bin ${DOWNLOADDIR}/wr_nic_dio.bin ${installdir}
sudo cp -v ${DOWNLOADDIR}/spec-init.bin \
${DOWNLOADDIR}/wr_nic_dio.bin \
${DOWNLOADDIR}/wr_nic.bin \
${DOWNLOADDIR}/wr_nic_lm32_sw.bin \
wr_echoret $? "OK" "ERROR"
......@@ -290,7 +294,7 @@ exit 0
# setup script dir
scriptdir=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)
PKGURL=" 9e48bbe6c30b18864ecddceb7627e6e9"
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # Until you run out of parameters . . .
case "$1" in
Subproject commit eb9b9d03e3f54657fe29fca93021e2b45380da05
Subproject commit e76f5ca3bcda171318757b603abca131712d086e
# .gitignore file
# configuration file #
Tests for WR-starting-kit.
This folder contains test files, documentation file and docker deployment files.
The folders are structured as following:
* `doc`: File documentation.
* `dockers`: Files Dockerfile to deploy WR-starting-kit in differents SO and kernerls.
* `validation`: Python files for tests.
\ No newline at end of file
Dokerfiles to deployment test
To build image
You need to move to UbuntuXX folder and execute:
sudo docker build -t <name image> .
To run image
You need to execute:
sudo docker run -it <name image>
Show images
sudo docker images
Remove image
sudo docker rmi -f <IMAGE ID>
\ No newline at end of file
# spec-sw Dockerfile ubuntu 16.04
# Pull base image.
FROM ubuntu:16.04
# Install.
apt-get update &&\
apt-get upgrade -y &&\
apt-get install -y git \
build-essential \
python-minimal \
wget \
libreadline-dev \
kmod \
linux-headers-4.4.0-21-generic \
linux-headers-4.8.0-34-generic \
linux-headers-4.10.0-14-generic \
linux-headers-4.13.0-16-generic \
# Clone repository and detach HEAD
git clone &&\
cd wr-starting-kit &&\
# TODO: preliminary commit for wr-starting-kit-v3.0
git checkout 50f368abff0d4aed8223858f552b3184249695d2
# The kernel version 4.4.0-21-generic does not work
#set enviroment variable for kernel version 4.8.0-34-generic
ENV LINUX /lib/modules/4.8.0-34-generic/build
#construction spec-sw for kernel version 4.8.0-34-generic
cd wr-starting-kit &&\
make clean &&\
make &&\
make install
#set enviroment variable for kernel version 4.10.0-14-generic
ENV LINUX /lib/modules/4.10.0-14-generic/build
#construction spec-sw for kernel version 4.10.0-14-generic
cd wr-starting-kit &&\
make clean &&\
make &&\
make install
#set enviroment variable for kernel version 4.13.0-16-generic
ENV LINUX /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/build
#construction spec-sw for kernel version 4.13.0-16-generic
cd wr-starting-kit &&\
make clean &&\
make &&\
make install
#set enviroment variable for kernel version 4.15.0-13-generic
ENV LINUX /lib/modules/4.15.0-13-generic/build
#construction spec-sw for kernel version 4.15.0-13-generic
cd wr-starting-kit &&\
make clean &&\
make &&\
make install
#create file FRU
cd /wr-starting-kit/spec-sw/fmc-bus/tools &&\
FRU_VENDOR="CERN" FRU_NAME="FmcDio5cha" FRU_PART="EDA-02408-V2-0" \
./fru-generator -s 7S-WR-FMCDIO5ch-2.0-Sx.yyy > example.bin
# Define default command.
CMD ["bash"]
# spec-sw Dockerfile ubuntu 18.04
# Pull base image.
FROM ubuntu:18.04
# Install.
apt-get update &&\
apt-get upgrade -y &&\
apt-get install -y git \
build-essential \
python-minimal \
wget \
libreadline-dev \
kmod \
linux-headers-4.15.0-47-generic \
# Clone repository and detach HEAD
git clone &&\
cd wr-starting-kit &&\
# TODO: preliminary commit for wr-starting-kit-v3.0
git checkout 50f368abff0d4aed8223858f552b3184249695d2
#set enviroment variable for kernel version 4.15.0-47-generic
ENV LINUX /lib/modules/4.15.0-47-generic/build
#construction spec-sw for kerner version 4.15.0-47-generic
cd wr-starting-kit &&\
make &&\
make install
#set enviroment variable for kernel version 4.18.0-17-generic
ENV LINUX /lib/modules/4.18.0-17-generic/build
#construction spec-sw for kernel version 4.18.0-17-generic
cd wr-starting-kit &&\
make clean &&\
make &&\
make install
#create file FRU
cd /wr-starting-kit/spec-sw/fmc-bus/tools &&\
FRU_VENDOR="CERN" FRU_NAME="FmcDio5cha" FRU_PART="EDA-02408-V2-0" \
./fru-generator -s 7S-WR-FMCDIO5ch-2.0-Sx.yyy > example.bin
# Define default command.
CMD ["bash"]
The files in this folder are the following:
* ``: Class to interact with the ports of the board.
* ``: Load the driver on the PC.
* `sample.cfg`: Sample configuration file of the tests, to execute the tests must be modified the parameters and renamed the file to `configuration.cfg`.
* ``: Class used to execute commands by SSH.
* ``: Verifies the correct reception and sending of packages.
* ``: Execute all tests.
* ``: Check all ports of the boards.
* ``: Verifies the correct operation of the Network Interface Core.
* ``: Check the correct operation of White Rabbit.
* ``: Class to execute commands by virtual uart.
# @file
# @brief This class is to interact with the ports of the board
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 23/04/2019
from ssh import SshCmd,SshCmdException
## Class DIO
class DIO ():
def __init__(self,hostName,userName,password,busId):
hostName: ip or hostname
userName: username
password : password
busId: number PCIe bus
self.hostName = hostName
self.userName = userName
self.password = password
self.busId = busId
self.command = "sudo wr-dio-cmd /dev/fmc-dio-%i:0" % int(busId,16)
self.sshCmd = SshCmd()
def configurePort(self,channel,mode):
Configure the channel
channel: number 0 to 4
mode: I/i(Input), 0/1(Output, steady state fixed at 0 low or 1 high),D/d(DIO core output),
P/p(Channel 0 Output PPS),C/c(Channel 4 Clock Input to PTP core)
error function
confCommand = self.command + " mode " + str(channel) + " " + mode
print("Error configure port, channel:",channel,"mode:",mode)
def configurePorts(self,modechannels):
Configure all channels
modechannels: <modech0><modech1><modech2><modech3><modech4>
error function
confCommand = self.command + " mode " + modechannels
print("Error configure ports, mode channels:",modechannels)
def armPulse(self,channel,period,count):
generate a pulse in a channel
channel: number 0 to 4
period: pulse period
count: string whih number of instances to run
error function
armCommand = self.command + " pulse " + str(channel) + " " + str(period) + " " + count
print("Error arm pulse, channel:",channel,"period:",period,"count:",count)
def getTimestamp(self,channel):
Get timestamp of channel
channel: number 0 to 4
error function
ret = []
getCommand = self.command + " stamp " + str(channel) + " | cut -f2 -d ,"
stamp = self.execCommand(getCommand)
stampSplit = stamp.split()
for i in stampSplit:
return ret
print("Error get timestamp, channel:",channel)
def clearTimestamps(self):
Clear all timestamps
error function
command = self.command + " stamp &> /dev/null"
print("Error clear timestamps")
def execCommand(self,command):
Execute a command
command: command to execute
error function
return self.sshCmd.exec(self.hostName,command,self.userName,self.password)
except SshCmdException as e:
self.sshCmd.printSshErrorCommand(e.strError) #print error command
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# @file
# @brief Load the driver on the PC
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 16/04/2019
from ssh import SshCmd,SshCmdException
import sys
import getpass
error = -1
def loadDriver(hostName,userName,password):
This function load the driver on the PC
hostName: ip remote host
username: user name
password: password
True if the driver was loaded correctly, False otherwise
ret = 0
sshCmd = SshCmd()
command = "ifconfig | grep wr | wc -l"
value = sshCmd.exec(hostName,command,userName,password)
if (int(value) == 0):
commands = ["sudo modprobe spec","sudo modprobe htvic",
"sudo modprobe wr-nic","sudo modprobe wr-dio"]
for cmd in commands:
command = "ifconfig | grep wr | wc -l"
value = sshCmd.exec(hostName,command,userName,password)
if (int(value) == 0):
ret = error
print("The driver was previously loaded")
except SshCmdException as e:
ret = error
return ret
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("usage: app hostaname")
hostName = sys.argv[1]
userName = input("Please enter username: ")
#password = getpass("Please enter password: ")
password = getpass.getpass()
if (loadDriver(hostName,userName,password) == 0):
print("Load driver: ok")
print("Load driver: error")
hostName =
userName = test
password = test
busIdSpec = 0x01
interfaceName = wr0
ipWR =
hostName =
userName = test
password =test
busIdSpec = 0x01
ipWR =
interfaceName = wr0
\ No newline at end of file
# @file
# @brief This class is used to execute commands by SSH
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 05/04/2019
import paramiko
import os
import time
import warnings
class SshCmdException (ValueError):
def __init__(self, arg):
self.strError = arg
self.args = {arg}
## Class SshCmd
# This class implements the snmpcmd command, used to send an
# SSH command to the target device.
class SshCmd ():
def __init__(self,timeWait=10):
timeWait: max time wait to execute commands
self.timeWaitResponse = timeWait
self.ssh = None
def __del__(self):
if (self.ssh != None):
def exec(self,dev,command,user,passw=None,withResponse=True):
Execute a command
dev: ip or hostname
command: command to execute
user: username
passw : password
withResponse: indicates if the command has a response
command result
resp = ""
self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
self.ssh.connect(dev, username=user, password=passw,timeout=5)
except paramiko.AuthenticationException as error:
raise SshCmdException("ssh failed autentication")
raise SshCmdException("ssh not connection")
# Send the command (non-blocking)
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(command,get_pty=True)
if (withResponse):
# Wait for the command to terminate
i = 0
while not
if i == self.timeWaitResponse:
raise SshCmdException("Not return command")
i = i + 1
# Only print data if there is data to read in the channel
if == 0:
resp ='utf-8')
resp ='utf-8')
raise SshCmdException(resp)
#Close fds
return resp
def printSshErrorCommand(self,sshError,command = None):
Print error command
sshError: error message
command: cammand executed
if command != None:
print("Ssh error:",sshError,"Command:",command)
print("Ssh error:",sshError)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# @file
# @brief Check the correct reception and sending of packages
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 25/04/2019
import configparser
from dio import DIO
import time
from ssh import SshCmd,SshCmdException
delay = 0.001
maxOffset = 0.000000008
def findTimestamp(listStamp1,listStamp2,offset):
This function compare two list and search if two timestamps match
listStamp1: first list of timestamps
listStamp2: second list of timestamps
offset: maximum offset between each comparison
True if it find a match in the two lists, False otherwise
for i in listStamp1:
for j in listStamp2:
value = i - j
if (value <= offset and value >= -offset):
return True
return False
def testAdvDIO(hostName1,userName1,password1,interfaceName1,busId1,hostName2,userName2,password2,interfaceName2,busId2):
Check the pulses generated on a remote board
hostName1: ip remote host 1
username1: user name host 1
password1: password
interfaceName1 : interface name
busId1: number PCIe bus PC 1
hostName2: ip remote host 2
username2: user name host 2
password2: password
interfaceName2 : interface name
busId2: number PCIe bus PC 2
error test
sshCmd1 = SshCmd()
sshCmd2 = SshCmd()
dio1 = DIO(hostName1,userName1,password1,busId1)
dio2 = DIO(hostName2,userName2,password2,busId2)
command = "sudo wr-dio-agent %s /dev/fmc-dio-%i:0" % (interfaceName1,int(busId1,16))
command = "sudo wr-dio-ruler %s /dev/fmc-dio-%i:0 IN0 R1+%s" % (interfaceName2,int(busId1,16),str(delay))
totalOffset = delay + maxOffset
if(not findTimestamp(dio1.getTimestamp(0),dio1.getTimestamp(1),totalOffset)):
except SshCmdException as e:
print("Test advanced error")
def main(configuration):
hostName1 = configuration["hostName1"]
userName1 = configuration["userName1"]
password1 = configuration["password1"]
interfaceName1 = configuration["interfaceName1"]
busIdSpec1 = configuration["busIdSpec1"]
hostName2 = configuration["hostName2"]
userName2 = configuration["userName2"]
password2 = configuration["password2"]
interfaceName2 = configuration["interfaceName2"]
busIdSpec2 = configuration["busIdSpec2"]
print("\nExecuting advanced DIO test")
print("This test needs White Rabbit working")
print("Test advanced DIO: successful")
print("Test advanced DIO: error")
if __name__ == '__main__':
configuration = {}
nameConfig = "configuration.cfg"
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
configuration["hostName1"] = config.get('pc1',"hostName")
configuration["userName1"] = config.get('pc1',"userName")
configuration["password1"] = config.get('pc1',"password")
configuration["interfaceName1"] = config.get('pc1',"interfaceName")
configuration["busIdSpec1"] = config.get('pc1',"busIdSpec")
configuration["hostName2"] = config.get('pc2',"hostName")
configuration["userName2"] = config.get('pc2',"userName")
configuration["password2"] = config.get('pc2',"password")
configuration["interfaceName2"] = config.get('pc2',"interfaceName")
configuration["busIdSpec2"] = config.get('pc2',"busIdSpec")
except configparser.Error as e:
print("Error load configuration:",e.message)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# @file
# @brief Execute all tests
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 29/04/2019
import configparser
tests = ["testNIC","testWR","testDIO","testAdvDIO"]
def main(configuration):
print("Executing all tests")
for i in tests:
test = __import__(i)
print("Test All: completed")
if __name__ == '__main__':
configuration = {}
nameConfig = "configuration.cfg"
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
configuration["hostName1"] = config.get('pc1',"hostName")
configuration["userName1"] = config.get('pc1',"userName")
configuration["password1"] = config.get('pc1',"password")
configuration["busIdSpec1"] = config.get('pc1',"busIdSpec")
configuration["ipWR1"] = config.get('pc1',"ipWR")
configuration["interfaceName1"] = config.get('pc1',"interfaceName")
configuration["hostName2"] = config.get('pc2',"hostName")
configuration["userName2"] = config.get('pc2',"userName")
configuration["password2"] = config.get('pc2',"password")
configuration["busIdSpec2"] = config.get('pc2',"busIdSpec")
configuration["ipWR2"] = config.get('pc2',"ipWR")
configuration["interfaceName2"] = config.get('pc2',"interfaceName")
except configparser.Error as e:
print("Error load configuration:",e.message)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# @file
# @brief Check all ports of the boards
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 25/04/2019
import configparser
from dio import DIO
import time
maxOffset = 0.000000017 #offset 17 nanoseconds
def findTimestamp(listStamp1,listStamp2,offset):
This function compare two list and search if two timestamps match
listStamp1: first list of timestamps
listStamp2: second list of timestamps
offset: maximum offset between each comparison
True if it find a match in the two lists, False otherwise
for i in listStamp1:
for j in listStamp2:
value = i - j
if (value <= offset and value >= -offset):
return True
return False
def tryChannel(hostName1,userName1,password1,busId1,hostName2,userName2,password2,busId2,channel):
Try the input and output of channel
hostName1: ip remote host 1
username1: user name host 1
password1: password
busId1: number PCIe bus PC 1
hostName2: ip remote host 2
username2: user name host 2
password2: password
busId2: number PCIe bus PC 2
channel: number of channel to try(0 to 4)
True if the channel fail, False otherwise
dio1 = DIO(hostName1,userName1,password1,busId1)
dio2 = DIO(hostName2,userName2,password2,busId2)
if (channel != 0):
time.sleep(2) #wait 2 seconds to ensure some timestamp
if (channel != 0):
time.sleep(2) #wait 2 seconds to ensure some timestamp
print("Channel",channel,": ok in host:",hostName1,"and host:",hostName2)
return False
print("Channel",channel,": error in host:",hostName1,"or host:",hostName2)
return True
def main(configuration):
hostName1 = configuration["hostName1"]
userName1 = configuration["userName1"]
password1 = configuration["password1"]
busIdSpec1 = configuration["busIdSpec1"]
hostName2 = configuration["hostName2"]
userName2 = configuration["userName2"]
password2 = configuration["password2"]
busIdSpec2 = configuration["busIdSpec2"]
error = False
numberChannels = 5
print("\nExecuting DIO test")
print("This test needs White Rabbit working")
for i in range(numberChannels):
error |= tryChannel(hostName1,userName1,password1,busIdSpec1,hostName2,userName2,password2,busIdSpec2,i)
if(not error):
print("Test DIO: successful")
print("Test DIO: error")
if __name__ == '__main__':
configuration = {}
nameConfig = "configuration.cfg"
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
configuration["hostName1"] = config.get('pc1',"hostName")
configuration["userName1"] = config.get('pc1',"userName")
configuration["password1"] = config.get('pc1',"password")
configuration["busIdSpec1"] = config.get('pc1',"busIdSpec")
configuration["hostName2"] = config.get('pc2',"hostName")
configuration["userName2"] = config.get('pc2',"userName")
configuration["password2"] = config.get('pc2',"password")
configuration["busIdSpec2"] = config.get('pc2',"busIdSpec")
except configparser.Error as e:
print("Error load configuration:",e.message)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# @file
# @brief Check the correct operation of the Network Interface Core
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 16/04/2019
from ssh import SshCmd,SshCmdException
from vuart import Vuart
import configparser
def configurationIpInterface(hostName,userName,password,busId,interfaceName,ip):
Set ip of white rabbit interface
hostName: ip remote host
username: user name
password: password
busId: number PCIe bus
interfaceName : interface name
ip : ip set interface
error function
sshCmd = SshCmd()
#check network manager
command = "sudo service network-manager status | grep running"
value = sshCmd.exec(hostName,command,userName,password)
if ("running" in value):
print("\nWarning: The network manager is running on host %s, the test may not work correctly\n" % ip)
command = "sudo ifconfig " + interfaceName + " " + ip
command = "ifconfig | grep " + ip + " | wc -l"
value = sshCmd.exec(hostName,command,userName,password)
if (int(value) == 1):
print("Configuration ip interface: ok on host:",hostName)
except SshCmdException as e:
print("Configuration ip interface: error on host:",hostName)
print("Configuration ip interface: error on host:",hostName)
def testIperf(hostName,userName,password,ip,hostName2,userName2,password2):
Test iperf by white rabbit interfaces
hostName: ip remote host client
username: user name client
password: password
ip : ip server
hostName2: ip remote host server
username2: user name server
password2: password
error function
sshCmdServer = SshCmd()
sshCmdClient = SshCmd()
command = "iperf -s"
command = "iperf -t 4 -c " + str(ip)
value = sshCmdClient.exec(hostName,command,userName,password)
if ("failed" in value):
print("Test iperf: error")
print("Test iperf: ok")
except SshCmdException as e:
print("Test iperf: error")
def main(configuration):
hostName1 = configuration["hostName1"]
userName1 = configuration["userName1"]
password1 = configuration["password1"]
busIdSpec1 = configuration["busIdSpec1"]
ipWR1 = configuration["ipWR1"]
interfaceName1 = configuration["interfaceName1"]
hostName2 = configuration["hostName2"]
userName2 = configuration["userName2"]
password2 = configuration["password2"]
busIdSpec2 = configuration["busIdSpec2"]
ipWR2 = configuration["ipWR2"]
interfaceName2 = configuration["interfaceName2"]
print("\nExecuting NIC test")
print("This test needs the network manager stopped")
print("Test NIC: successful")
print("Test NIC: error")
if __name__ == '__main__':
configuration = {}
nameConfig = "configuration.cfg"
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
configuration["hostName1"] = config.get('pc1',"hostName")
configuration["userName1"] = config.get('pc1',"userName")
configuration["password1"] = config.get('pc1',"password")
configuration["busIdSpec1"] = config.get('pc1',"busIdSpec")
configuration["ipWR1"] = config.get('pc1',"ipWR")
configuration["interfaceName1"] = config.get('pc1',"interfaceName")
configuration["hostName2"] = config.get('pc2',"hostName")
configuration["userName2"] = config.get('pc2',"userName")
configuration["password2"] = config.get('pc2',"password")
configuration["busIdSpec2"] = config.get('pc2',"busIdSpec")
configuration["ipWR2"] = config.get('pc2',"ipWR")
configuration["interfaceName2"] = config.get('pc2',"interfaceName")
except configparser.Error as e:
print("Error load configuration:",e.message)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# @file
# @brief Check the correct operation of White Rabbit
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 23/04/2019
from vuart import Vuart
import configparser
import time
def whoIsMaster(hostName,userName,password,busId):
This function asks which spec has SFP purple (master)
hostName: ip remote host
username: user name
password: password
busId: number PCIe bus
True if the spec has SFP purple, False otherwise
ret = False
vuart = Vuart(hostName,userName,password,busId)
value = vuart.sfpDetect()
if ("AXGE-3454-0531" in value):
ret = True
print("Who is master: error, host:",hostName)
return ret
def putMode(hostName,userName,password,busId,mode):
This function puts in mode master an spec
hostName: ip remote host
username: user name
password: password
busId: number PCIe bus
mode: mode ptp status("master","slave")
error function
vuart = Vuart(hostName,userName,password,busId)
if (mode == "master"):
value = vuart.mode()
if(mode in value):
print("Put mode", mode,": ok, host:",hostName)
print("Put mode: error, host:",hostName)
def checkTrackPhase(hostName,userName,password,busId):
This function check if the state is TRACK_PHASE
hostName: ip remote host
username: user name
password: password
busId: number PCIe bus
error function
vuart = Vuart(hostName,userName,password,busId)
numberTimesTry = 15
i = 0
while not vuart.isTrackPhase():
if (i == numberTimesTry):
i = i + 1
print("Track Phase: ok")
print("Track phase: error, host:",hostName)
def main(configuration):
hostName1 = configuration["hostName1"]
userName1 = configuration["userName1"]
password1 = configuration["password1"]
busIdSpec1 = configuration["busIdSpec1"]
interfaceName1 = configuration["interfaceName1"]
hostName2 = configuration["hostName2"]
userName2 = configuration["userName2"]
password2 = configuration["password2"]
busIdSpec2 = configuration["busIdSpec2"]
interfaceName2 = configuration["interfaceName2"]
print("\nExecuting WR test")
masterSpec1 = whoIsMaster(hostName1,userName1,password1,busIdSpec1)
masterSpec2 = whoIsMaster(hostName2,userName2,password2,busIdSpec2)
if (masterSpec1 == 1 or masterSpec2 == 1):
if (masterSpec1 == 1):
print("Test WR: successful")
print("Error: It is not possible to know who is master")
print("Test WR: error")
if __name__ == '__main__':
configuration = {}
nameConfig = "configuration.cfg"
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
configuration["hostName1"] = config.get('pc1',"hostName")
configuration["userName1"] = config.get('pc1',"userName")
configuration["password1"] = config.get('pc1',"password")
configuration["busIdSpec1"] = config.get('pc1',"busIdSpec")
configuration["interfaceName1"] = config.get('pc1',"interfaceName")
configuration["hostName2"] = config.get('pc2',"hostName")
configuration["userName2"] = config.get('pc2',"userName")
configuration["password2"] = config.get('pc2',"password")
configuration["busIdSpec2"] = config.get('pc2',"busIdSpec")
configuration["interfaceName2"] = config.get('pc2',"interfaceName")
except configparser.Error as e:
print("Error load configuration:",e.message)
# @file
# @brief This class is to execute commands by virtual uart
# @author Manuel Castilla
# @date 23/04/2019
from ssh import SshCmd,SshCmdException
## Class Vuart
class Vuart ():
def __init__(self,hostName,userName,password,busId):
hostName: ip or hostname
userName: username
password : password
busId: bus ID PCIe
self.hostName = hostName
self.userName = userName
self.password = password
self.busId = busId
self.sshCmd = SshCmd()
self.command = ""
parse_dev = self.vUartCommand("lspci | grep CERN | cut -f2 -d :").split(".")
if (len(parse_dev) > 1):
self.command = "sudo wrpc-vuart -f /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:00\:%02x.0/0000" \
"\:%02x\:%02x.0/resource0 -o 0x20500 -c " % (int(busId,16),int(busId,16),int(parse_dev[0],16))
print("Error: Spec does not detected on host: %s" % hostName)
def setIp(self,ip):
Set IP
ip: IP to assing
Result set ip
error function
command = "ip\ set\ " + str(ip)
return self.vUartCommand(command)
print("Error set ip:",ip)
def modeMaster(self):
Configure the board in master mode
Result mode master
error function
command = "mode\ master"
return self.vUartCommand(command)
print("Error mode master")
def modeSlave(self):
Configure the board in slave mode
Result mode slave
error function
command = "mode\ slave"
return self.vUartCommand(command)
print("Error mode slave")
def sfpDetect(self):
Ask SFP value
SFP value
error function
command = "sfp\ match"
return self.vUartCommand(command)
print("Error sfp detect")
def ptpStart(self):
Start PTP daemon
error function
command = "ptp\ start"
return self.vUartCommand(command)
print("Error ptp start")
def ptpStop(self):
Stop PTP daemon
error function
command = "ptp\ stop"
return self.vUartCommand(command)
print("Error ptp stop")
def mode(self):
Ask board mode
Board mode ("master" or "slave")
error function
command = "mode"
return self.vUartCommand(command)
print("Error mode")
def isTrackPhase(self):
Ask if the slave board is in TRACK_PHASE
True if TRACK_PHASE, False otherwise
error function
ret = False
command = "stat\ 1"
value = self.vUartCommand(command)
if ("sv:1 ss:'TRACK_PHASE'" in value):
ret = True
return ret
print("Error track phase")
def vUartCommand(self,command):
Execute a command
command: command to execute
error function
uartCommand = self.command + command
ret = self.sshCmd.exec(self.hostName,uartCommand,self.userName,self.password)
if ("Unrecognized command" in ret):
return ret
except SshCmdException as e:
self.sshCmd.printSshErrorCommand(e.strError) #print error command
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