Commit cfe39eca authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

hdl: wrsw_swcore: fixed input block dreq_o generation bug

parent c387c8e0
......@@ -95,270 +95,270 @@ entity swc_input_block is
-- indicates that a port X wants to write page address of the "write" access
mmu_page_alloc_req_o : out std_logic;
mmu_page_alloc_req_o : out std_logic;
mmu_page_alloc_done_i : in std_logic;
-- array of pages' addresses to which ports want to write
mmu_pageaddr_i : in std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mmu_pageaddr_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mmu_pageaddr_i : in std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mmu_pageaddr_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
-- force freeing package starting with page outputed on mmu_pageaddr_o
mmu_force_free_o : out std_logic;
mmu_force_free_o : out std_logic;
mmu_force_free_done_i : in std_logic;
mmu_force_free_addr_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
-- set user count to the already allocated page (on mmu_pageaddr_o)
mmu_set_usecnt_o : out std_logic;
mmu_set_usecnt_done_i : in std_logic;
mmu_set_usecnt_o : out std_logic;
mmu_set_usecnt_done_i : in std_logic;
-- user count to be set (associated with an allocated page) in two cases:
-- * mmu_pagereq_o is HIGH - normal allocation
-- * mmu_set_usecnt_o is HIGH - force user count to existing page alloc
mmu_usecnt_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
mmu_usecnt_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
-- memory full
mmu_nomem_i : in std_logic;
mmu_nomem_i : in std_logic;
-- I/F with Routing Table Unit (RTU)
rtu_rsp_valid_i : in std_logic;
rtu_rsp_valid_i : in std_logic;
rtu_rsp_ack_o : out std_logic;
rtu_dst_port_mask_i : in std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
rtu_drop_i : in std_logic;
rtu_prio_i : in std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
rtu_dst_port_mask_i : in std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
rtu_drop_i : in std_logic;
rtu_prio_i : in std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
-- I/F with Multiport Memory (MPU)
-- indicates the beginning of the package
mpm_pckstart_o : out std_logic;
mpm_pckstart_o : out std_logic;
-- array of pages' addresses to which ports want to write
mpm_pageaddr_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_pageaddr_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_pagereq_o : out std_logic;
-- indicator that the current page is about to be full (the last FB SRAM word
-- is being pumped in currently), after ~c_swc_packet_mem_multiply cycles
-- from the rising edge of this signal this page will finish
mpm_pageend_i : in std_logic;
mpm_pageend_i : in std_logic;
mpm_data_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_data_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_ctrl_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto 0);
mpm_ctrl_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto 0);
-- data ready - request from each port to write data to port's pump
mpm_drdy_o : out std_logic;
mpm_drdy_o : out std_logic;
-- the input register of a pump is full, this means that the pump cannot
-- be written by the port. As soon as the data which is in the input registet
-- is written to FB SRAM memory, the signal goes LOW and writing is possible
mpm_full_i : in std_logic;
mpm_full_i : in std_logic;
-- request to write the content of pump's input register to FB SRAM memory,
-- thus flash/clean input register of the pump
mpm_flush_o : out std_logic;
mpm_wr_sync_i : in std_logic;
mpm_flush_o : out std_logic;
mpm_wr_sync_i : in std_logic;
-- I/F with Page Transfer Arbiter (PTA)
-- indicates the beginning of the package, strobe
pta_transfer_pck_o : out std_logic;
pta_transfer_pck_o : out std_logic;
pta_transfer_ack_i : in std_logic;
-- array of pages' addresses to which ports want to write
pta_pageaddr_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
pta_pageaddr_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
-- destination mask - indicates to which ports the packet should be
-- forwarded
pta_mask_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
pta_pck_size_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_max_pck_size_width - 1 downto 0);
pta_mask_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
pta_pck_size_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_max_pck_size_width - 1 downto 0);
pta_prio_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0)
pta_prio_o : out std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0)
end swc_input_block;
architecture syn of swc_input_block is
signal fifo_data_in : std_logic_vector(c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width + 2 - 1 downto 0);
signal fifo_wr : std_logic;
signal fifo_clean : std_logic;
signal fifo_rd : std_logic;
signal fifo_data_out : std_logic_vector(c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width + 2 - 1 downto 0);
signal fifo_empty : std_logic;
signal fifo_full : std_logic;
signal fifo_usedw : std_logic_vector(5 -1 downto 0);
signal tx_ctrl_trans : std_logic_vector(c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto 0);
signal transfering_pck : std_logic;
signal pta_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pta_mask : std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal pta_prio : std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pta_pck_size : std_logic_vector(c_swc_max_pck_size_width - 1 downto 0);
signal write_ctrl_in : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal write_ctrl_out: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal write_ctrl : std_logic_vector(c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto 0);
signal write_data : std_logic_vector(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0);
signal read_mask : std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal read_prio : std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal read_usecnt : std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
signal write_mask : std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal write_prio : std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal write_usecnt : std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pck_size : std_logic_vector(c_swc_max_pck_size_width - 1 downto 0);
signal current_pckstart_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal usecnt_d0 : std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
type t_read_state is (S_IDLE, -- we wait for other processes (page fsm and
-- transfer) to be ready
S_READY_FOR_PCK, -- this is introduced to diminish optimization
-- (optimized design did not work) in this state,
S_WAIT_FOR_SOF, -- we've got RTU response, but there is no SOF
S_WAIT_FOR_RTU_RSP, -- we've got SOF (request from previous pck) but
-- there is no RTU valid signal (quite improbable)
S_DROP_PCK); -- droping pck
type t_page_state is (S_IDLE, -- waiting for some work :)
S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT, -- setting usecnt to a page which was allocated
-- in advance to be used for the first page of
-- the pck
-- (only in case of the initially allocated usecnt
-- is different than required)
S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT, -- setting usecnt to a page which was allocated
-- in advance to be used for the page which is
-- not first
-- in the pck, this is needed, only if the page
-- was allocated during transfer of previous pck
-- but was not used in the previous pck,
-- only if usecnt of both pcks are different
S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ, -- allocating in advnace first page of the pck
S_INTERPCK_PAGE_REQ); -- allocating in advance page to be used by
-- all but first page of the pck
type t_write_state is (S_IDLE,
signal read_state : t_read_state;
signal write_state : t_write_state;
signal page_state : t_page_state;
signal mmu_force_free : std_logic;
signal start_transfer : std_logic;
signal zeros : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal tx_dreq : std_logic;
signal rtu_rsp_ack : std_logic;
signal pckstart_page_in_advance : std_logic;
signal pckstart_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pckstart_page_alloc_req : std_logic;
signal pckstart_usecnt_req : std_logic;
signal pckstart_usecnt_in_advance: std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
-- this is a page which used within the pck
signal interpck_page_in_advance : std_logic;
signal interpck_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal interpck_page_alloc_req : std_logic;
signal interpck_usecnt_req : std_logic;
signal interpck_usecnt_in_advance: std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
signal mmu_force_free_addr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal need_pckstart_usecnt_set : std_logic;
signal need_interpck_usecnt_set : std_logic;
signal tmp_cnt : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal tx_rerror_reg : std_logic;
signal tx_rerror_or : std_logic;
signal mpm_pckstart : std_logic;
signal mpm_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal mpm_pagereq : std_logic;
signal flush_sig : std_logic;
signal flush_reg : std_logic;
signal mpm_flush : std_logic;
signal tx_rerror : std_logic;
signal fifo_populated_enough : std_logic;
signal first_pck_word : std_logic;
signal clean_pck_cnt : std_logic;
signal sof_in_fifo : std_logic;
signal eof_in_fifo : std_logic;
signal fifo_full_in_advance : std_logic;
signal drdy : std_logic;
signal flush_with_valid_data : std_logic;
architecture syn of swc_input_block is
signal fifo_data_in : std_logic_vector(c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width + 2 - 1 downto 0);
signal fifo_wr : std_logic;
signal fifo_clean : std_logic;
signal fifo_rd : std_logic;
signal fifo_data_out : std_logic_vector(c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width + 2 - 1 downto 0);
signal fifo_empty : std_logic;
signal fifo_full : std_logic;
signal fifo_usedw : std_logic_vector(5 -1 downto 0);
signal tx_ctrl_trans : std_logic_vector(c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto 0);
signal transfering_pck : std_logic;
signal pta_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pta_mask : std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal pta_prio : std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pta_pck_size : std_logic_vector(c_swc_max_pck_size_width - 1 downto 0);
signal write_ctrl_in : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal write_ctrl_out : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal write_ctrl : std_logic_vector(c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto 0);
signal write_data : std_logic_vector(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0);
signal read_mask : std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal read_prio : std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal read_usecnt : std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
signal write_mask : std_logic_vector(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0);
signal write_prio : std_logic_vector(c_swc_prio_width - 1 downto 0);
signal write_usecnt : std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pck_size : std_logic_vector(c_swc_max_pck_size_width - 1 downto 0);
signal current_pckstart_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal usecnt_d0 : std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
type t_read_state is (S_IDLE, -- we wait for other processes (page fsm and
-- transfer) to be ready
S_READY_FOR_PCK, -- this is introduced to diminish optimization
-- (optimized design did not work) in this state,
S_WAIT_FOR_SOF, -- we've got RTU response, but there is no SOF
S_WAIT_FOR_RTU_RSP, -- we've got SOF (request from previous pck) but
-- there is no RTU valid signal (quite improbable)
S_DROP_PCK); -- droping pck
type t_page_state is (S_IDLE, -- waiting for some work :)
S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT, -- setting usecnt to a page which was allocated
-- in advance to be used for the first page of
-- the pck
-- (only in case of the initially allocated usecnt
-- is different than required)
S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT, -- setting usecnt to a page which was allocated
-- in advance to be used for the page which is
-- not first
-- in the pck, this is needed, only if the page
-- was allocated during transfer of previous pck
-- but was not used in the previous pck,
-- only if usecnt of both pcks are different
S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ, -- allocating in advnace first page of the pck
S_INTERPCK_PAGE_REQ); -- allocating in advance page to be used by
-- all but first page of the pck
type t_write_state is (S_IDLE,
signal read_state : t_read_state;
signal write_state : t_write_state;
signal page_state : t_page_state;
signal mmu_force_free : std_logic;
signal start_transfer : std_logic;
signal zeros : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal tx_dreq : std_logic;
signal rtu_rsp_ack : std_logic;
signal pckstart_page_in_advance : std_logic;
signal pckstart_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal pckstart_page_alloc_req : std_logic;
signal pckstart_usecnt_req : std_logic;
signal pckstart_usecnt_in_advance : std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
-- this is a page which used within the pck
signal interpck_page_in_advance : std_logic;
signal interpck_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal interpck_page_alloc_req : std_logic;
signal interpck_usecnt_req : std_logic;
signal interpck_usecnt_in_advance : std_logic_vector(c_swc_usecount_width - 1 downto 0);
signal mmu_force_free_addr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal need_pckstart_usecnt_set : std_logic;
signal need_interpck_usecnt_set : std_logic;
signal tmp_cnt : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal tx_rerror_reg : std_logic;
signal tx_rerror_or : std_logic;
signal mpm_pckstart : std_logic;
signal mpm_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal mpm_pagereq : std_logic;
signal flush_sig : std_logic;
signal flush_reg : std_logic;
signal mpm_flush : std_logic;
signal tx_rerror : std_logic;
signal fifo_populated_enough : std_logic;
signal first_pck_word : std_logic;
signal clean_pck_cnt : std_logic;
signal sof_in_fifo : std_logic;
signal eof_in_fifo : std_logic;
signal fifo_full_in_advance : std_logic;
signal drdy : std_logic;
signal flush_with_valid_data : std_logic;
-- Function which calculates number of 1's in a vector
function cnt (a:std_logic_vector) return integer is
variable nmb : integer range 0 to a'LENGTH;
variable ai : std_logic_vector(a'LENGTH-1 downto 0);
constant middle : integer := a'LENGTH/2;
function cnt (a : std_logic_vector) return integer is
variable nmb : integer range 0 to a'length;
variable ai : std_logic_vector(a'length-1 downto 0);
constant middle : integer := a'length/2;
ai := a;
if ai'length>=2 then
if ai'length >= 2 then
nmb := cnt(ai(ai'length-1 downto middle)) + cnt(ai(middle-1 downto 0));
if ai(0)='1' then
if ai(0) = '1' then
nmb := 1;
nmb := 0;
end if;
end if;
return nmb;
......@@ -366,61 +366,61 @@ type t_read_state is (S_IDLE, -- we wait for other processes (
begin --arch
begin --arch
zeros <= (others => '0');
-- adding info about tx_bytesel
tx_ctrl_trans <= b"1111" when (tx_ctrl_i = x"7" and tx_bytesel_i = '1') else tx_ctrl_i;
zeros <= (others =>'0');
-- adding info about tx_bytesel
tx_ctrl_trans <= b"1111" when (tx_ctrl_i = x"7" and tx_bytesel_i = '1') else tx_ctrl_i;
fifo_data_in(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0) <= tx_data_i;
fifo_data_in(c_swc_data_width +
c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto c_swc_data_width) <= tx_ctrl_trans;
fifo_data_in(c_swc_data_width +
c_swc_ctrl_width + 1 downto c_swc_data_width +
c_swc_ctrl_width) <= write_ctrl_in;
write_ctrl_in <= b"01" when (first_pck_word = '1' ) else
b"10" when (tx_valid_i = '1' and tx_eof_p1_i = '1') else
b"11" when (read_state = S_WRITE_DUMMY_EOF) else
b"00" ;
write_ctrl_out <= fifo_data_out(c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width + 1 downto c_swc_data_width +
write_data <= fifo_data_out(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0);
write_ctrl <= fifo_data_out(c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto c_swc_data_width) ;
fifo_wr <= '1' when (read_state = S_WRITE_DUMMY_EOF)
else tx_valid_i when (read_state = S_WRITE_FIFO) else '0';
fifo_rd <= ((not fifo_empty) and (not mpm_full_i)) when (write_state = S_WRITE_MPM or
write_state = S_START_FIFO_RD) else '0';
fifo_populated_enough <= '1' when
((fifo_usedw > std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_swc_packet_mem_multiply,c_swc_input_fifo_size_log2)))
or fifo_full = '1') else '0';
fifo_full_in_advance <= '1'
when ((fifo_usedw > std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_swc_fifo_full_in_advance,c_swc_input_fifo_size_log2)))
or fifo_full = '1') else '0';
FIFO: generic_sync_fifo
generic map(
g_width => c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width + 2,
g_depth => c_swc_input_fifo_size,
g_depth_log2 => c_swc_input_fifo_size_log2
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
clear_i => fifo_clean,
fifo_data_in(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0) <= tx_data_i;
fifo_data_in(c_swc_data_width +
c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto c_swc_data_width) <= tx_ctrl_trans;
fifo_data_in(c_swc_data_width +
c_swc_ctrl_width + 1 downto c_swc_data_width +
c_swc_ctrl_width) <= write_ctrl_in;
write_ctrl_in <= b"01" when (first_pck_word = '1') else
b"10" when (tx_valid_i = '1' and tx_eof_p1_i = '1') else
b"11" when (read_state = S_WRITE_DUMMY_EOF) else
write_ctrl_out <= fifo_data_out(c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width + 1 downto c_swc_data_width +
write_data <= fifo_data_out(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0);
write_ctrl <= fifo_data_out(c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width - 1 downto c_swc_data_width);
fifo_wr <= '1' when (read_state = S_WRITE_DUMMY_EOF)
else tx_valid_i when (read_state = S_WRITE_FIFO) else '0';
fifo_rd <= ((not fifo_empty) and (not mpm_full_i)) when (write_state = S_WRITE_MPM or
write_state = S_START_FIFO_RD) else '0';
fifo_populated_enough <= '1' when
((fifo_usedw > std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_swc_packet_mem_multiply, c_swc_input_fifo_size_log2)))
or fifo_full = '1') else '0';
fifo_full_in_advance <= '1'
when ((fifo_usedw > std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_swc_fifo_full_in_advance, c_swc_input_fifo_size_log2)))
or fifo_full = '1') else '0';
FIFO : generic_sync_fifo
generic map(
g_width => c_swc_data_width + c_swc_ctrl_width + 2,
g_depth => c_swc_input_fifo_size,
g_depth_log2 => c_swc_input_fifo_size_log2
port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
clear_i => fifo_clean,
wr_req_i => fifo_wr,
d_i => fifo_data_in,
......@@ -428,110 +428,110 @@ begin --arch
rd_req_i => fifo_rd,
q_o => fifo_data_out,
empty_o => fifo_empty,
full_o => fifo_full,
usedw_o => fifo_usedw
empty_o => fifo_empty,
full_o => fifo_full,
usedw_o => fifo_usedw
-- PCK size cnt
-- here we calculate pck size: we increment when
-- the valid_i is HIGH
-- cleaning counter
clean_pck_cnt <= '1' when ((write_state = S_START_FIFO_RD) or
(write_state = S_NEW_PCK_IN_FIFO)) else '0';
pck_size_cnt : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
pck_size <= (others =>'0');
if(clean_pck_cnt = '1') then
pck_size <= (others =>'0');
elsif(drdy = '1' ) then
pck_size <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(pck_size) + 1);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- PCK transition (after pck has been received)
-- we need to know whether there is Start of Pck or End of Pck in the FIFO in order to handle
-- errors correctly
transition_check : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
-- PCK size cnt
-- here we calculate pck size: we increment when
-- the valid_i is HIGH
-- cleaning counter
clean_pck_cnt <= '1' when ((write_state = S_START_FIFO_RD) or
(write_state = S_NEW_PCK_IN_FIFO)) else '0';
pck_size_cnt : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
pck_size <= (others => '0');
if(clean_pck_cnt = '1') then
pck_size <= (others => '0');
elsif(drdy = '1') then
pck_size <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(pck_size) + 1);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- PCK transition (after pck has been received)
-- we need to know whether there is Start of Pck or End of Pck in the FIFO in order to handle
-- errors correctly
transition_check : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
sof_in_fifo <= '0';
eof_in_fifo <= '0';
sof_in_fifo <= '0';
eof_in_fifo <= '0';
if(tx_sof_p1_i = '1') then
sof_in_fifo <= '1';
sof_in_fifo <= '1';
elsif(write_ctrl_out = b"01" or tx_rerror = '1') then
sof_in_fifo <= '0';
end if;
sof_in_fifo <= '0';
end if;
--if(tx_eof_p1_i = '1' or tx_rerror_p1_i = '0' ) then
if(tx_eof_p1_i = '1' ) then
if(tx_eof_p1_i = '1') then
eof_in_fifo <= '1';
elsif(flush_sig = '1') then
elsif(flush_sig = '1') then
eof_in_fifo <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- FSM to read pck from Fabric Interface (F/I <-> FIFO) and RTU response
read_fsm : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
-- FSM to read pck from Fabric Interface (F/I <-> FIFO) and RTU response
read_fsm : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
read_state <= S_IDLE;
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
read_mask <= (others => '0');
read_prio <= (others => '0');
read_usecnt <= (others => '0');
tx_rerror <= '0';
first_pck_word <= '0';
tx_dreq <= '0';
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
read_mask <= (others => '0');
read_prio <= (others => '0');
read_usecnt <= (others => '0');
tx_rerror <= '0';
first_pck_word <= '0';
-- needed for additionl info we attache to
......@@ -541,224 +541,224 @@ begin --arch
elsif(first_pck_word = '1' and tx_valid_i = '1') then
first_pck_word <= '0';
end if;
-- main finite state machine
case read_state is
when S_IDLE =>
tx_dreq <= '0';
fifo_clean <= '0';
tx_rerror <= '0';
tx_dreq <= '0';
fifo_clean <= '0';
tx_rerror <= '0';
--if(fifo_full = '0' ) then -- obvious: fifo full, no writing
if(fifo_full_in_advance = '0' ) then -- obvious: fifo full, no writing
-- prepared to be accepting new package
read_state <= S_READY_FOR_PCK;
if(fifo_full_in_advance = '0') then -- obvious: fifo full, no writing
-- prepared to be accepting new package
read_state <= S_READY_FOR_PCK;
end if;
-- [TODO: conseder change]: merge IDLE and READY_FOR_PCK
fifo_clean <= '0';
tx_dreq <= '0';
if(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '1' and -- we've got RTU decision
(rtu_drop_i = '1' or -- RTU says DROP
rtu_dst_port_mask_i = zeros(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0))) then -- mask = 0 means DROP !!!
-- if we've got RTU decision to drop, we don't give a damn about
-- anything else, just pretend to be receiving the msg
tx_dreq <= '1';
rtu_rsp_ack <= '1';
read_state <= S_DROP_PCK;
-- [TODO: conseder change]: merge IDLE and READY_FOR_PCK
elsif(fifo_full = '0') then
fifo_clean <= '0';
tx_dreq <= '0';
if(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '1' and tx_sof_p1_i = '1') then
-- beutifull, everything that is needed, is there:
-- * RTU decision
-- * SOF
read_state <= S_WRITE_FIFO;
tx_dreq <= '1';
rtu_rsp_ack <= '1';
-- remember
read_mask <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i;
read_prio <= rtu_prio_i;
read_usecnt <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(cnt(rtu_dst_port_mask_i),read_usecnt'length));
elsif(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '1' and tx_sof_p1_i = '0') then
-- so we've got RTU decision, but no SOF, let's wait for SOF
-- but remember RTU RSP and ack it, so RTU is free
rtu_rsp_ack <= '1';
read_state <= S_WAIT_FOR_SOF;
tx_dreq <= '1';
--- remember
read_mask <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i;
read_prio <= rtu_prio_i;
read_usecnt <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(cnt(rtu_dst_port_mask_i),read_usecnt'length));
elsif(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '0' and tx_sof_p1_i = '1') then
-- we've got SOF because it was requested at the end of the last PCK
-- but the RTU is still processing
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
read_state <= S_WAIT_FOR_RTU_RSP;
tx_dreq <= '0';
end if;
end if;
when S_WAIT_FOR_SOF =>
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
if(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '1' and -- we've got RTU decision
(rtu_drop_i = '1' or -- RTU says DROP
rtu_dst_port_mask_i = zeros(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0))) then -- mask = 0 means DROP !!!
-- if we've got RTU decision to drop, we don't give a damn about
-- anything else, just pretend to be receiving the msg
tx_dreq <= '1';
rtu_rsp_ack <= '1';
read_state <= S_DROP_PCK;
if(tx_sof_p1_i = '1') then
elsif(fifo_full = '0') then
-- very nicely, everything is in place, we can go ahead
tx_dreq <= '1';
read_state <= S_WRITE_FIFO;
if(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '1' and tx_sof_p1_i = '1') then
-- beutifull, everything that is needed, is there:
-- * RTU decision
-- * SOF
read_state <= S_WRITE_FIFO;
tx_dreq <= '1';
rtu_rsp_ack <= '1';
-- remember
read_mask <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i;
read_prio <= rtu_prio_i;
read_usecnt <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(cnt(rtu_dst_port_mask_i), read_usecnt'length));
elsif(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '1' and tx_sof_p1_i = '0') then
-- so we've got RTU decision, but no SOF, let's wait for SOF
-- but remember RTU RSP and ack it, so RTU is free
rtu_rsp_ack <= '1';
read_state <= S_WAIT_FOR_SOF;
tx_dreq <= '1';
--- remember
read_mask <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i;
read_prio <= rtu_prio_i;
read_usecnt <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(cnt(rtu_dst_port_mask_i), read_usecnt'length));
elsif(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '0' and tx_sof_p1_i = '1') then
-- we've got SOF because it was requested at the end of the last PCK
-- but the RTU is still processing
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
read_state <= S_WAIT_FOR_RTU_RSP;
tx_dreq <= '0';
end if;
end if;
when S_WAIT_FOR_SOF =>
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
if(tx_sof_p1_i = '1') then
-- very nicely, everything is in place, we can go ahead
tx_dreq <= '1';
read_state <= S_WRITE_FIFO;
end if;
if(tx_rerror_p1_i = '1' ) then
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
if(tx_rerror_p1_i = '1') then
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
elsif(rtu_rsp_valid_i = '1') then
tx_dreq <= '1';
rtu_rsp_ack <= '1';
if(rtu_drop_i = '1' or -- RTU says DROP
rtu_dst_port_mask_i = zeros(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0) -- mask = 0 means DROP !!!
) then
if(rtu_drop_i = '1' or -- RTU says DROP
rtu_dst_port_mask_i = zeros(c_swc_num_ports - 1 downto 0) -- mask = 0 means DROP !!!
) then
read_state <= S_DROP_PCK;
read_state <= S_DROP_PCK;
read_state <= S_WRITE_FIFO;
read_state <= S_WRITE_FIFO;
read_mask <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i;
read_prio <= rtu_prio_i;
read_usecnt <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(cnt(rtu_dst_port_mask_i),read_usecnt'length));
read_usecnt <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(cnt(rtu_dst_port_mask_i), read_usecnt'length));
end if;
end if;
when S_WRITE_FIFO =>
if(tx_rerror_p1_i = '1')then
--if(sof_in_fifo = '1') then
if(eof_in_fifo = '1' and sof_in_fifo = '1') then
-- StartOfFrame and EndOfFrame are in the fifo, his means that the error refers to
-- the second pck which is in the FIFO, we have to wait for teh first PCK to be
-- written to MPM and than just clean the second pck from the fifo
read_state <= S_WAIT_FOR_CLEAN_FIFO;
tx_dreq <= '0';
read_state <= S_WAIT_FOR_CLEAN_FIFO;
tx_dreq <= '0';
-- there is only one pck in the fifo, just stap reception and indicate to
-- Error FSM (tx_rerror) that there is job for it to do, clean what is in
-- the FIFO
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
fifo_clean <= '1';
tx_rerror <= '1';
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
fifo_clean <= '1';
tx_rerror <= '1';
end if;
elsif( tx_valid_i = '1' and tx_eof_p1_i = '1') then
elsif(tx_valid_i = '1' and tx_eof_p1_i = '1') then
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
elsif(tx_valid_i = '0' and tx_eof_p1_i = '1') then
read_state <= S_WRITE_DUMMY_EOF;
tx_dreq <= '0';
-- if the fifo usecnt > (max - 3), this enables us to stop
-- Fabric Interface just in time for the FIFO to be full
if(fifo_full_in_advance = '1') then
tx_dreq <= '0';
tx_dreq <= '1';
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
elsif( tx_valid_i = '0' and tx_eof_p1_i = '1') then
end if;
read_state <= S_WRITE_DUMMY_EOF;
tx_dreq <= '0';
-- if the fifo usecnt > (max - 3), this enables us to stop
-- Fabric Interface just in time for the FIFO to be full
if(fifo_full_in_advance = '1') then
tx_dreq <= '0';
tx_dreq <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
if(eof_in_fifo = '0') then
-- the valid pck transfered
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
fifo_clean <= '1';
tx_rerror <= '1';
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
fifo_clean <= '1';
tx_rerror <= '1';
end if;
read_state <= S_IDLE;
read_state <= S_IDLE;
when S_DROP_PCK =>
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
if(tx_eof_p1_i = '1' or tx_rerror_p1_i = '1' ) then
when S_DROP_PCK =>
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
if(tx_eof_p1_i = '1' or tx_rerror_p1_i = '1') then
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
end if;
when others =>
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
read_state <= S_IDLE;
tx_dreq <= '0';
end case;
......@@ -766,36 +766,36 @@ begin --arch
end if;
end process;
-- FSM to write pck to Multiport memory write pump (FIFO -> MPM)
write_fsm : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
-- FSM to write pck to Multiport memory write pump (FIFO -> MPM)
write_fsm : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
write_state <= S_IDLE;
start_transfer <= '0';
mpm_pckstart <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
current_pckstart_pageaddr<= (others => '1');
write_mask <= (others => '0');
write_prio <= (others => '0');
write_usecnt <= (others => '0');
mpm_pckstart <= '0';
mpm_pageaddr <= (others => '1');
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
flush_reg <= '0';
mmu_force_free_addr <= (others => '0');
mmu_force_free <= '0';
write_state <= S_IDLE;
start_transfer <= '0';
mpm_pckstart <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
current_pckstart_pageaddr <= (others => '1');
write_mask <= (others => '0');
write_prio <= (others => '0');
write_usecnt <= (others => '0');
mpm_pckstart <= '0';
mpm_pageaddr <= (others => '1');
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
flush_reg <= '0';
mmu_force_free_addr <= (others => '0');
mmu_force_free <= '0';
-- main finite state machine
......@@ -803,152 +803,152 @@ begin --arch
when S_IDLE =>
start_transfer <= '0';
flush_reg <= '0';
start_transfer <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
start_transfer <= '0';
flush_reg <= '0';
start_transfer <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
if((fifo_populated_enough = '1') and -- at least on "c_swc_packet_mem_multiply"
(pckstart_page_in_advance = '1') and -- needed to write first page
mpm_full_i = '0') then -- obvious, no write to full MPM
write_state <= S_START_FIFO_RD;
if((fifo_populated_enough = '1') and -- at least on "c_swc_packet_mem_multiply"
(pckstart_page_in_advance = '1') and -- needed to write first page
mpm_full_i = '0') then -- obvious, no write to full MPM
write_state <= S_START_FIFO_RD;
end if;
-- here is a small trick, we already request data from FIFO with fifo_rd HIHG
-- but the drdy (which is the same signal as fifo_rd) is not HIGH here because
-- drdy is restricted only to S_WRITE_MPM !!! thanx to this trick we can have things
-- simple
write_state <= S_WRITE_MPM;
-- first word of the pck, need to be remembered (for i.e. transfer, force free)
current_pckstart_pageaddr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
write_mask <= read_mask;
write_prio <= read_prio;
write_usecnt <= read_usecnt;
write_state <= S_WRITE_MPM;
-- first word of the pck, need to be remembered (for i.e. transfer, force free)
current_pckstart_pageaddr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
write_mask <= read_mask;
write_prio <= read_prio;
write_usecnt <= read_usecnt;
-- indicate this is the first pck, set page
mpm_pckstart <= '1';
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
mpm_pageaddr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
mpm_pckstart <= '1';
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
mpm_pageaddr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
when S_WRITE_MPM =>
mpm_pckstart <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
if(tx_rerror = '1') then -- handling error, this signal is generated by read_fsm
flush_reg <= '1';
write_state <= S_PERROR;
mmu_force_free_addr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
mmu_force_free <= '1';
elsif(write_ctrl_out /= b"01" and -- the data coming from FIFO indicates its not first
-- word of PCK
mpm_pckstart = '1' ) then -- we are saying to MPM it's first word of PCK
-- this is pathologic situation, bad, not sure what to do
assert false
report "write_fsm: S_WRITE_MPM, should not go here";
write_state <= S_START_FIFO_RD;
else -- in normal case, we end up here
if(mpm_pagereq = '0' and -- not setting yet new page
mpm_pageend_i = '1' and -- detecting info from MPM: new page needed
interpck_page_in_advance = '1') then -- we have a spare page allocated
mpm_pageaddr <= interpck_pageaddr;
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
mpm_pckstart <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
if(tx_rerror = '1') then -- handling error, this signal is generated by read_fsm
flush_reg <= '1';
write_state <= S_PERROR;
mmu_force_free_addr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
mmu_force_free <= '1';
elsif(write_ctrl_out /= b"01" and -- the data coming from FIFO indicates its not first
-- word of PCK
mpm_pckstart = '1') then -- we are saying to MPM it's first word of PCK
mpm_pageaddr <= (others => '1');
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
end if;
if( write_ctrl_out = b"11" or -- EOF with valid data
write_ctrl_out = b"10") then -- EOF without valid data
write_state <= S_LAST_MPM_WR;
-- this is pathologic situation, bad, not sure what to do
assert false
report "write_fsm: S_WRITE_MPM, should not go here";
write_state <= S_START_FIFO_RD;
else -- in normal case, we end up here
if(mpm_pagereq = '0' and -- not setting yet new page
mpm_pageend_i = '1' and -- detecting info from MPM: new page needed
interpck_page_in_advance = '1') then -- we have a spare page allocated
mpm_pageaddr <= interpck_pageaddr;
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
mpm_pageaddr <= (others => '1');
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
end if;
if(write_ctrl_out = b"11" or -- EOF with valid data
write_ctrl_out = b"10") then -- EOF without valid data
write_state <= S_LAST_MPM_WR;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when S_LAST_MPM_WR =>
start_transfer <= '0';
flush_reg <= '0';
mpm_pageaddr <= (others => '1');
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
-- if another page needs to be allocated for the last chunck
-- of date, transfer only if we have spare page for that.
-- otherwise, we can end up reading pck without last piece of data !!!!
when S_LAST_MPM_WR =>
start_transfer <= '0';
flush_reg <= '0';
mpm_pageaddr <= (others => '1');
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
-- if another page needs to be allocated for the last chunck
-- of date, transfer only if we have spare page for that.
-- otherwise, we can end up reading pck without last piece of data !!!!
-- if(interpck_page_in_advance = '0' and -- no spare page
if( mpm_pageend_i ='1') then -- new page needed to write last chucnk of data
write_state <= S_WAIT_WITH_TRANSFER;
start_transfer <= '1';
if(write_ctrl_out = b"01") then
write_state <= S_NEW_PCK_IN_FIFO;
if(mpm_pageend_i = '1') then -- new page needed to write last chucnk of data
write_state <= S_WAIT_WITH_TRANSFER;
write_state <= S_IDLE;
start_transfer <= '1';
if(write_ctrl_out = b"01") then
write_state <= S_NEW_PCK_IN_FIFO;
write_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- we need to be sure that the last chunk of data is written to MPM before it's read
-- on the other side, if the MPM is full, allocating new page may take looooong time
-- so we transfer only if there is page prepared
-- Of course, this is the case only if the pck finished while pgend request HIGH
if(interpck_page_in_advance = '1') then
start_transfer <= '1';
mpm_pageaddr <= interpck_pageaddr;
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
-- we need to be sure that the last chunk of data is written to MPM before it's read
-- on the other side, if the MPM is full, allocating new page may take looooong time
-- so we transfer only if there is page prepared
-- Of course, this is the case only if the pck finished while pgend request HIGH
if(write_ctrl_out = b"01") then
write_state <= S_NEW_PCK_IN_FIFO;
write_state <= S_IDLE;
if(interpck_page_in_advance = '1') then
start_transfer <= '1';
mpm_pageaddr <= interpck_pageaddr;
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
if(write_ctrl_out = b"01") then
write_state <= S_NEW_PCK_IN_FIFO;
write_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
end if;
start_transfer <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
-- i'm not usre here
start_transfer <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
-- i'm not usre here
-- if(mpm_pagereq = '0' and -- not setting yet new page
-- mpm_pageend_i = '1' and -- detecting info from MPM: new page needed
-- interpck_page_in_advance = '1') then -- we have a spare page allocated
......@@ -962,320 +962,320 @@ begin --arch
-- mpm_pagereq <= '0';
-- end if;
if((fifo_populated_enough = '1') and -- at least on "c_swc_packet_mem_multiply"
(pckstart_page_in_advance = '1') and -- needed to write first page
mpm_full_i = '0') then -- obvious, no write to full MPM
-- first word of the pck
current_pckstart_pageaddr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
write_mask <= read_mask;
write_prio <= read_prio;
write_usecnt <= read_usecnt;
mpm_pckstart <= '1';
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
mpm_pageaddr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
write_state <= S_WRITE_MPM;
end if;
when S_PERROR =>
flush_reg <= '0';
if(mmu_force_free_done_i = '1' ) then
mmu_force_free <= '0';
write_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
when others =>
write_state <= S_IDLE;
start_transfer <= '0';
mpm_pckstart <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
end case;
if((fifo_populated_enough = '1') and -- at least on "c_swc_packet_mem_multiply"
(pckstart_page_in_advance = '1') and -- needed to write first page
mpm_full_i = '0') then -- obvious, no write to full MPM
-- first word of the pck
current_pckstart_pageaddr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
write_mask <= read_mask;
write_prio <= read_prio;
write_usecnt <= read_usecnt;
mpm_pckstart <= '1';
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
mpm_pageaddr <= pckstart_pageaddr;
write_state <= S_WRITE_MPM;
end if;
when S_PERROR =>
flush_reg <= '0';
if(mmu_force_free_done_i = '1') then
mmu_force_free <= '0';
write_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
when others =>
write_state <= S_IDLE;
start_transfer <= '0';
mpm_pckstart <= '0';
mpm_pagereq <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- FSM to allocate pages in advance and set USECNT of pages allocated in advance
-- Auxiliary Finite State Machine which talks with
-- Memory Management Unit, it controls:
-- * page allocation
-- * usecnt setting
fsm_page : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
page_state <= S_IDLE;
interpck_pageaddr <= (others => '0');
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '0';
interpck_usecnt_in_advance <= (others => '0');
interpck_usecnt_req <= '0';
pckstart_pageaddr <= (others => '0');
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '0';
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '0';
pckstart_usecnt_in_advance <= (others => '0');
-- main finite state machine
case page_state is
when S_IDLE =>
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '0';
interpck_usecnt_req <= '0';
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '0';
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '0';
if((need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '1' and need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') or
(need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '1' and need_interpck_usecnt_set = '0') ) then
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT;
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '1';
end process;
-- FSM to allocate pages in advance and set USECNT of pages allocated in advance
-- Auxiliary Finite State Machine which talks with
-- Memory Management Unit, it controls:
-- * page allocation
-- * usecnt setting
fsm_page : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
page_state <= S_IDLE;
interpck_pageaddr <= (others => '0');
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '0';
interpck_usecnt_in_advance <= (others => '0');
interpck_usecnt_req <= '0';
pckstart_pageaddr <= (others => '0');
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '0';
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '0';
pckstart_usecnt_in_advance <= (others => '0');
-- main finite state machine
case page_state is
when S_IDLE =>
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '0';
interpck_usecnt_req <= '0';
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '0';
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '0';
elsif(pckstart_page_in_advance = '0') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(interpck_page_in_advance = '0') then
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
end if;
if(mmu_set_usecnt_done_i = '1') then
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '0';
-- remember the count of allocated page
-- this is becuase, we will use it for different
-- pck with probably different uscnt
pckstart_usecnt_in_advance <= usecnt_d0;
if(pckstart_page_in_advance = '0') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(interpck_page_in_advance = '0') then
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
if((need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '1' and need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') or
(need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '1' and need_interpck_usecnt_set = '0')) then
if(mmu_set_usecnt_done_i = '1') then
interpck_usecnt_req <= '0';
-- remember the count of allocated page
-- this is becuase, we will use it for different
-- pck with probably different uscnt
-- we do it here as well, because it's possible
-- that this page is not used by the pck
-- which set the USECNT
interpck_usecnt_in_advance <= usecnt_d0;
if(pckstart_page_in_advance = '0') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '0') then
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT;
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '1';
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
if( mmu_page_alloc_done_i = '1') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '0';
-- remember the page start addr
pckstart_pageaddr <= mmu_pageaddr_i;
pckstart_usecnt_in_advance<= usecnt_d0;
if(need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT;
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '1';
elsif(interpck_page_in_advance = '0') then
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT;
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '1';
elsif(pckstart_page_in_advance = '0') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(interpck_page_in_advance = '0') then
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
end if;
if(mmu_set_usecnt_done_i = '1') then
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '0';
-- remember the count of allocated page
-- this is becuase, we will use it for different
-- pck with probably different uscnt
pckstart_usecnt_in_advance <= usecnt_d0;
if(pckstart_page_in_advance = '0') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(interpck_page_in_advance = '0') then
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
if(mmu_set_usecnt_done_i = '1') then
interpck_usecnt_req <= '0';
-- remember the count of allocated page
-- this is becuase, we will use it for different
-- pck with probably different uscnt
-- we do it here as well, because it's possible
-- that this page is not used by the pck
-- which set the USECNT
interpck_usecnt_in_advance <= usecnt_d0;
if(pckstart_page_in_advance = '0') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '0') then
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT;
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '1';
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
if(mmu_page_alloc_done_i = '1') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '0';
-- remember the page start addr
pckstart_pageaddr <= mmu_pageaddr_i;
pckstart_usecnt_in_advance <= usecnt_d0;
if(need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT;
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '1';
elsif(interpck_page_in_advance = '0') then
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
if(mmu_page_alloc_done_i = '1') then
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '0';
interpck_pageaddr <= mmu_pageaddr_i;
--remember the usecnt which was at the time of
-- page allocation, this is in case that the page
-- is used to store another pck then the current one.
-- therefore we compare this stored value with the
-- current usecnt
interpck_usecnt_in_advance <= usecnt_d0;
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '0';
if(need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT;
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '1';
elsif(pckstart_page_in_advance = '0') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
page_state <= S_IDLE;
if( mmu_page_alloc_done_i = '1') then
end case;
usecnt_d0 <= write_usecnt;
end if;
end if;
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '0';
interpck_pageaddr <= mmu_pageaddr_i;
--remember the usecnt which was at the time of
-- page allocation, this is in case that the page
-- is used to store another pck then the current one.
-- therefore we compare this stored value with the
-- current usecnt
interpck_usecnt_in_advance <= usecnt_d0;
interpck_page_alloc_req <= '0';
if(need_pckstart_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT;
pckstart_usecnt_req <= '1';
elsif(pckstart_page_in_advance = '0') then
pckstart_page_alloc_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_PCKSTART_PAGE_REQ;
elsif(need_interpck_usecnt_set = '1') then
page_state <= S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT;
interpck_usecnt_req <= '1';
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
page_state <= S_IDLE;
end case;
usecnt_d0 <= write_usecnt;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- this proces controls Package Transfer Arbiter
pta_if: process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
pta_if : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
transfering_pck <= '0';
pta_pageaddr <=(others => '0');
pta_mask <=(others => '0');
pta_prio <=(others => '0');
pta_pck_size <=(others => '0');
transfering_pck <= '0';
pta_pageaddr <= (others => '0');
pta_mask <= (others => '0');
pta_prio <= (others => '0');
pta_pck_size <= (others => '0');
if(start_transfer = '1' ) then
if(start_transfer = '1') then
-- normal case, transfer arbiter free
transfering_pck <= '1';
pta_pageaddr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
pta_mask <= write_mask;
pta_prio <= write_prio;
pta_pck_size <= pck_size;
pta_pck_size <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(pck_size) - 1);
pta_pageaddr <= current_pckstart_pageaddr;
pta_mask <= write_mask;
pta_prio <= write_prio;
pta_pck_size <= pck_size;
pta_pck_size <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(pck_size) - 1);
elsif(pta_transfer_ack_i = '1' and transfering_pck = '1') then
--transfer finished
transfering_pck <= '0';
pta_pageaddr <=(others => '0');
pta_mask <=(others => '0');
pta_prio <=(others => '0');
pta_pck_size <=(others => '0');
transfering_pck <= '0';
pta_pageaddr <= (others => '0');
pta_mask <= (others => '0');
pta_prio <= (others => '0');
pta_pck_size <= (others => '0');
end if;
......@@ -1286,99 +1286,101 @@ end process;
-- for page allocation
page_if: process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
page_if : process(clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if(rst_n_i = '0') then
pckstart_page_in_advance <= '0';
interpck_page_in_advance <= '0';
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '0';
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '0';
pckstart_page_in_advance <= '0';
interpck_page_in_advance <= '0';
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '0';
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '0';
if(mpm_pckstart = '1') then
if(mpm_pckstart = '1') then
if(read_usecnt = pckstart_usecnt_in_advance) then
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '0';
pckstart_page_in_advance <= '0';
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '0';
pckstart_page_in_advance <= '0';
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '1';
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '1';
end if;
if(read_usecnt = interpck_usecnt_in_advance) then
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '0';
if(read_usecnt = interpck_usecnt_in_advance) then
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '0';
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '1';
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '1';
end if;
elsif(page_state = S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT and mmu_set_usecnt_done_i = '1') then
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '0';
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '0';
elsif(page_state = S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT and mmu_set_usecnt_done_i = '1')then
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '0';
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '0';
end if;
--if(write_state = S_SET_NEXT_PAGE or write_state = S_SET_LAST_NEXT_PAGE) then
if(mpm_pagereq = '1' and mpm_pckstart = '0') then
if(mpm_pagereq = '1' and mpm_pckstart = '0') then
interpck_page_in_advance <= '0';
elsif(mmu_page_alloc_done_i = '1' and interpck_page_alloc_req = '1') then
interpck_page_in_advance <= '1';
end if;
if(mmu_set_usecnt_done_i = '1' and page_state = S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT) then
if(mmu_set_usecnt_done_i = '1' and page_state = S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT) then
pckstart_page_in_advance <= '0';
elsif(mmu_page_alloc_done_i = '1' and pckstart_page_alloc_req = '1') then
pckstart_page_in_advance <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Output signals
tx_dreq_o <= '0' when (read_state = S_IDLE) else
'1' when (read_state = S_DROP_PCK) else
flush_with_valid_data <= '1' when (write_ctrl_out = b"10") else '0';
drdy <= ((not (fifo_empty and (not flush_with_valid_data))) and (not mpm_full_i))
when (write_state = S_WRITE_MPM) else '0';
tx_dreq_o <=
'0' when tx_eof_p1_i = '1' else
'0' when (read_state = S_IDLE) else
'1' when (read_state = S_DROP_PCK) else
flush_sig <= (write_ctrl_out(1)) when (write_state = S_WRITE_MPM) else '0';
mpm_flush <= flush_reg or flush_sig;
rtu_rsp_ack_o <= rtu_rsp_ack;
mmu_force_free_addr_o <= mmu_force_free_addr;
mmu_set_usecnt_o <= pckstart_usecnt_req or interpck_usecnt_req;
mmu_usecnt_o <= write_usecnt; --read_usecnt;
mmu_page_alloc_req_o <= interpck_page_alloc_req or pckstart_page_alloc_req;
mmu_force_free_o <= mmu_force_free;
mmu_pageaddr_o <= interpck_pageaddr when (page_state = S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT) else
pckstart_pageaddr when (page_state = S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT) else (others => '0') ;
flush_with_valid_data <= '1' when (write_ctrl_out = b"10") else '0';
drdy <= ((not (fifo_empty and (not flush_with_valid_data))) and (not mpm_full_i))
when (write_state = S_WRITE_MPM) else '0';
flush_sig <= (write_ctrl_out(1)) when (write_state = S_WRITE_MPM) else '0';
mpm_flush <= flush_reg or flush_sig;
rtu_rsp_ack_o <= rtu_rsp_ack;
mmu_force_free_addr_o <= mmu_force_free_addr;
mmu_set_usecnt_o <= pckstart_usecnt_req or interpck_usecnt_req;
mmu_usecnt_o <= write_usecnt; --read_usecnt;
mmu_page_alloc_req_o <= interpck_page_alloc_req or pckstart_page_alloc_req;
mmu_force_free_o <= mmu_force_free;
mmu_pageaddr_o <= interpck_pageaddr when (page_state = S_INTERPCK_SET_USECNT) else
pckstart_pageaddr when (page_state = S_PCKSTART_SET_USECNT) else (others => '0');
mpm_pckstart_o <= mpm_pckstart;
mpm_pageaddr_o <= mpm_pageaddr;
mpm_pagereq_o <= mpm_pagereq;
mpm_data_o <= write_data;
mpm_ctrl_o <= write_ctrl;
mpm_drdy_o <= drdy;
mpm_flush_o <= mpm_flush;
pta_transfer_pck_o <= transfering_pck;
pta_pageaddr_o <= pta_pageaddr;
pta_mask_o <= pta_mask;
pta_prio_o <= pta_prio;
pta_pck_size_o <= pta_pck_size;
mpm_pckstart_o <= mpm_pckstart;
mpm_pageaddr_o <= mpm_pageaddr;
mpm_pagereq_o <= mpm_pagereq;
mpm_data_o <= write_data;
mpm_ctrl_o <= write_ctrl;
mpm_drdy_o <= drdy;
mpm_flush_o <= mpm_flush;
pta_transfer_pck_o <= transfering_pck;
pta_pageaddr_o <= pta_pageaddr;
pta_mask_o <= pta_mask;
pta_prio_o <= pta_prio;
pta_pck_size_o <= pta_pck_size;
end syn; -- arch
end syn; -- arch
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