Commit 4462a3a5 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

tools/wrsw_vlans: error checking, simplification

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 48228ed6
......@@ -124,7 +124,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
array[8 * sizeof(portmask) - NPORTS];
if (argc == 1) {
rtud_ch = minipc_client_create("rtud", 0);
if(!rtud_ch) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't connect to RTUd mini-rpc server\n",
......@@ -337,12 +340,12 @@ void list_rtu_vlans(void)
do {
if (minipc_call(rtud_ch, MINIPC_TIMEOUT,
&rtud_export_get_vd_list, &vlist, idx) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: minipc_call: %s\n", prgname, strerror(errno));
fprintf(stderr, "%s: minipc_call: %s (%s)\n", prgname, strerror(errno), strerror(*(int *)&vlist));
for(i=0; i<vlist.num_entries; ++i) {
ventry = &vlist.list[i];
printf("%4d %4d 0x%8x ", ventry->vid, ventry->fid, ventry->port_mask);
printf("%4d %4d 0x%08x ", ventry->vid, ventry->fid, ventry->port_mask);
if(ventry->drop == 0) printf("NO ");
else printf("YES");
if(ventry->has_prio == 0) printf(" -- ");
......@@ -368,6 +371,7 @@ int clear_all()
&rtud_export_get_vd_list, &vlist, idx) < 0) {
/* Duplicated from above */
fprintf(stderr, "%s: minipc_call: %s\n", prgname, strerror(errno));
fprintf(stderr, "%s: minipc_call: %s (%s)\n", prgname, strerror(errno), strerror(*(int *)&vlist));
return -1;
......@@ -391,32 +395,27 @@ int clear_all()
int set_rtu_vlan(int vid, int fid, int pmask, int drop, int prio, int del, int flags)
static struct rtu_vlans_t *cur;
struct rtu_vlans_t *cur = rtu_vlans;;
if ( vid > 0 && rtu_vlans == NULL) {
/* allocate first element of the list */
rtu_vlans = (struct rtu_vlans_t*) malloc( sizeof(struct rtu_vlans_t) );
if (rtu_vlans == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate rtu_vlans\n");
return -1;
cur = rtu_vlans;
if (!rtu_vlans && vid <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing \"--rvid <vid>\" before rtu cmd\n",
return -1;
else if( vid > 0 ) {
/* allocate next element of the list */
cur->next = (struct rtu_vlans_t*) malloc( sizeof(struct rtu_vlans_t) );
if (cur->next == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate next rtu_vlans\n");
if (vid > 0) {
cur = calloc(1, sizeof(*cur));
if (!cur) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", prgname, strerror(errno));
return -1;
cur = cur->next;
if(vid > 0) {
bzero(cur, sizeof(struct rtu_vlans_t));
cur->vid = vid;
cur->fid = vid;
cur->flags |= VALID_VID;
/* link to the list, next time head is "cur" */
cur->next = rtu_vlans;
rtu_vlans = cur;
if(flags & VALID_FID)
cur->fid = fid;
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