Commit 74a34027 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

userspace/snmpd: check if monit is running, only if not disabled in dot-config

Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 8f5a12fd
#include "wrsSnmp.h"
#include <libwr/util.h>
#include <libwr/config.h>
#include "wrsBootStatusGroup.h"
#define BOOTCOUNT_FILE "/proc/wrs-bootcount"
......@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ struct wrs_usd_item {
uint32_t cnt; /* number of processes found */
#define UDI_MONIT 5 /* index of MONIT in userspace_daemons array */
/* user space daemon list */
/* - key contain process name reported by ps command
* - positive exp describe exact number of expected processes
......@@ -106,7 +108,8 @@ static struct wrs_usd_item userspace_daemons[] = {
[2] = {"/wr/bin/wrsw_rtud", 1},
[3] = {"/wr/bin/ppsi", 1},
[4] = {"/usr/sbin/lighttpd", 1},
[5] = {"/usr/bin/monit", 1},
[UDI_MONIT] = {"/usr/bin/monit", 1}, /* Monit can be disabled in
* dot-config */
[6] = {"/usr/sbin/snmpd", 1},
[7] = {"/wr/bin/wrs_watchdog", 1},
......@@ -452,6 +455,28 @@ static void get_loaded_kernel_modules_status(void)
static void update_daemon_expectancy(struct wrs_usd_item *daemon_array)
static int run_once = 1;
char *tmp;
/* Read the information about disabled daemons from dot-config only
* once. Another read makes no sense, because SNMP daemon reads
* dot-config only once at startup */
if (!run_once)
run_once = 0;
tmp = libwr_cfg_get("MONIT_DISABLE");
if (tmp && !strcmp(tmp, "y")) {
/* SNMP should not expect monit to be running */
daemon_array[UDI_MONIT].exp = 0;
snmp_log(LOG_INFO, "SNMP: Info wrsBootUserspaceDaemonsMissing:"
" CONFIG_MONIT_DISABLE=y in dot-config\n");
/* check if daemons from userspace_daemons array are running */
static void get_daemons_status(void)
......@@ -470,6 +495,9 @@ static void get_daemons_status(void)
userspace_daemons[i].cnt = 0;
/* Check if all daemons are expected */
/* Use ps command to get process list, more portable, less error prone
* but probably slower than manually parsing /proc/ */
f = popen(PROCESS_COMMAND, "r");
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