Commit a8ab379f authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU

wr_mon: bug fixes and improved readability

parent 3b86b40e
Subproject commit 5fb66400289a6c525177e144e50830b2c6de0b20
Subproject commit 9b1ae8a387a078755e59b3df6a2b034dc464460c
......@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ static char *prot_detection_state_name[]={
"NONE ", /* No meaning. No extension present */
"WA_MSG ", /* Waiting first message */
"PD_IPRG", /* Protocol detection */
"PD_OK ", /* Protocol detected */
"FAILURE" /* Protocol not detected */
"EXT_ON ", /* Protocol detected */
"EXT_OFF" /* Protocol not detected */
/* prototypes */
......@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ int64_t pp_time_to_picos(struct pp_time *ts)
+ ((ts->scaled_nsecs * 1000 + 0x8000) >> TIME_INTERVAL_FRACBITS);
#if 0
static double alpha_to_double(int32_t alpha) {
double f ;
int neg = alpha<0;
......@@ -276,6 +277,7 @@ static double alpha_to_double(int32_t alpha) {
f= (double)alpha/(double)(1LL<<FIX_ALPHA_FRACBITS);
return neg ? -f : f;
void help(char *prgname)
......@@ -597,6 +599,7 @@ void show_ports(int hal_alive, int ppsi_alive)
term_cprintf(C_WHITE, "%s.%06li", datestr,hw.tv_usec);
term_cprintf(C_BLUE, " Leap seconds: ");
if (adjtimex(&timex_val) < 0) {
term_cprintf(C_WHITE, "error\n");
} else {
......@@ -626,7 +629,7 @@ void show_ports(int hal_alive, int ppsi_alive)
term_cprintf(C_WHITE, "%s\n",getStateAsString(pll_locking_state,((wrs_arch_data_t *)ppg_arch)->timingModeLockingState));
term_cprintf(C_CYAN, "----- HAL ---|---------------------------------- PPSI --------------------------------------------------------\n");
term_cprintf(C_CYAN, " Iface| Freq |Inst| Name | Config | MAC of peer port | PTP/EXT/PLINK states | Pro | VLANs\n");
term_cprintf(C_CYAN, " Iface| Freq |Inst| Name | Config | MAC of peer port | PTP/EXT/PDETECT States | Pro | VLANs\n");
term_cprintf(C_CYAN, "------+------+----+--------------+------------+-------------------+------------------------------+-----+------\n");
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