Commit ec79a7bd authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

doc: describe upgrading from 3.x and 4.0

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 6f7fa86a
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@setchapternewpage off
@set update-month September 2014
@set update-month October 2014
@c the release name below is substituted at build time
@set release __RELEASE_GIT_ID__
......@@ -1036,15 +1036,22 @@ the switch. In the shipped binaries no user is authorized, but the
root password is still the empty string.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Flashing of WRS-3
@chapter Flashing of WRS-3
@node Flashing the Switch
@chapter Flashing the Switch
This chapter describes the steps to install the WRS-3 with the
This chapter describes the steps to install the @sc{wrs} with the
current firmware images. As far as hardware is concerned, this
procedure describes the installation of the switch with a @i{SCB v3.3}
and a @i{Mini-Backplane v3.3}. Older versions are not documented here
procedure describes the installation of the switch with a @sc{scb}
version 3.3 or 3.4, and a @sc{Mini-Backplane} version 3.3.
Older versions are not documented here
any more (please get an older manual, if needed).
@b{Note:} Most likely you won't need to reflash your @sc{wrs}.
Even if you rebuilt software from scratch, the ``update'' procedure
that is available since August 2014 (release 4.0 of @t{wr-switch-sw})
allows complete replacement of the firmware image without physical
access to the device.
@c ==========================================================================
@node USB connections
@section USB connections
......@@ -1102,6 +1109,10 @@ and enter @emph{"Flashing mode"} is not working. You should contact support.
@node Flashing Procedure
@section Flashing Procedure
If the update procedure, described in the @i{User's Manual}
is not suitable for you (because, for example, you are the manufacturer),
you need physical access to your @sc{wrs} to flash it.
Unlike what happened with previous releases (up to the end of 2013),
the filesystem of the switch can't fit in RAM memory during installation
any more: the image is now downloaded through the network. Thus
......@@ -1121,8 +1132,8 @@ DHCP as IP address for the TFTP transfer.
Also, since release 4.1, you should not provide MAC addresses
while flashing any more. The two MAC addresses are expected to be stored
in @i{dataflash} by the manufacturer and not changed any more. If you
upgraded your switch from a previous software version, please refer
upgrade your switch from a previous software version, please refer
to the @i{User's Manual} for details.
The tool used to flash the firmware into the switch is the @i{USB-loader}
we inherited from Atmel. The @file{flash-wrs} script is what
......@@ -1616,16 +1627,49 @@ Currently this only applies to the serial number (@t{-n})
@node Storing Hwinfo in a White Rabbit Switch
@section Storing Hwinfo in a White Rabbit Switch
Linux partitioning accesses the hardware information as a read-only
partition, to prevent accidental erasure. The boot loader, on the
other hand, has full access to the @i{dataflash} device.
You can store your @i{hwinfo} using either the @sc{wrs} shell
or the boot loader. The former technique can be performed remotely,
the latter requires access to the serial
console, on the backplane.
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node From the Linux Shell
@section From the Linux Shell
The information lives in partion @t{mtd5}, as shown in @t{/proc/mtd}
(Memory Technology Device). To avoid accidental erasure, our
filesystem doesn't include the device file @t{/dev/mtd5}, but only
the read-only counterpart, @t{/dev/mtd5ro}.
To write the hardware information in a switch that misses it, or
replace an existing set of values, you may use the following
@i{barebox} commands (erasing is not needed if the device is blank).
If you built your own @i{hwinfo}, with your MAC addresses, and you
copied it to @i{/update} (a good staging place for files copied
over the network), the following commands will place the information
in place:
test -c /dev/mtd5 || mknod /dev/mtd5 c 90 10
flash_erase /dev/mtd5 0 0
cat /update/hwinfo > /dev/mtd5
rm /dev/mtd5
@end smallexample
The commands create the device file if missing (to prevent an ugly
error message if you already created it), erase and overwrite the
data area, and finally remove the device file.
You new MAC addresses will be effective at the next boot.
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node From the Barebox Shell
@section From the Barebox Shell
If you prefer creating or replacing @i{hwinfo} from the boot loader,
this is the procedure. You can't run it with software version 4.0 or
earlier, because our boot loader was unable to access
@i{dataflash}. V4.1 fixed this problem and introduced the @t{sdb}
command in the booloader to access your @i{hwinfo} structure.
addpart /dev/dataflash0 0x840@@0x94800(hwinfo)
erase /dev/dataflash0.hwinfo
dhcp 5
tftp hwinfo /dev/dataflash0.hwinfo
......@@ -1635,7 +1679,14 @@ The code above assumes that the @i{hwinfo} file is available from your
@sc{dhcp/tftp} server. According to your configuration one or more
commands may be redundant.
You can verify successful writing by running @i{sdbinfo}, as shown
The commands rely on a partition being there, and the default
script already created it using the following command:
addpart /dev/dataflash0 0x840@@0x94800(hwinfo)
@end smallexample
You can verify successful writing by running @i{sdb ls}, as shown
@c ==========================================================================
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@setchapternewpage off
@set update-month September 2014
@set update-month October 2014
@c the release name below is substituted at build time
@set release __RELEASE_GIT_ID__
......@@ -132,6 +132,126 @@ versions. As usual, it is in the @i{files} tab of @t{}.
V1 and V2 were development items, never shipped.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Upgrading WRS Software
@chapter Upgrading WRS Software
The @sc{wrs} is shipped with a current version of its software image,
which is sometiems called @i{firmware}.
If your devices are running a previous version of the software you may
want to upgrade, or you may want to replace the firmware images after
rebuilding your own, as explained in the @i{Developer's Manual}.
If you run version 4.1 or later, you can ignore this chapter, that
explains a transition between the initial way we passed MAC addresses
and the safer approach we introduced in v4.1
@c ==========================================================================
@node hwinfo
@section hwinfo
Version 4.1 (October 2014) and later ones use a new way to pass
hardware information to all levels of software, such information
includes the MAC addresses for the management Ethernet and the
@sc{sfp} ports. Information is now stored in a Flash partition called
@i{hwinfo}, using the @sc{sdb} file format. @sc{sdb} is defined in the
@t{fpga-configuration-space} within @t{}. Before using
@sc{sdb} we used to edit the boot loader's configuration at flash
time, a bad practice developed in a hurry.
The @i{hwinfo} structure is now written to @i{dataflash} by the
manufacturer, and never changed even when perforiming a complete re-flash
of the device, because the flashing scripts preserve the @i{hwinfo}
memory area.
When upgrading from a pre-4.1 switch software, you need to create this
@i{hwinfo} data structure. This procedure is mostly automatic, but you
need to be aware of the steps involved, in case something goes wrong.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Upgrading from v4.0
@section Upgrading from v4.0
Version 4.0 and later of @t{wr-switch-sw} are able to upgrade
themselves if you place the profer files in the @i{/update} directory
of the @sc{wrs}. However, in version 4.0 we forgot to provide for
an upgrade of the boot loader.
To upgrade from version 4.0, therefore, the procedure is the following
@itemize @bullet
@item Copy your own @t{wrs-firmware.tar} for v4.1 into the @i{/update}
partition. This can be the official firwmare or one you built yourself.
Then reboot and wait for everything to settle (the system will reboot
once more by itself).
@item Copy @t{wrs-firmware.tar} again. And reboot again. The system
will reboot once more by itself.
@item Now you have a running v4.1 with your @i{hwinfo} in place
and the old MAC addresses preserved.
@end itemize
What follows is a details description of what is happening during
the update, so you can follow the steps without being too
scared (I usually am...):
@itemize @bullet
@item The first time you reboot, the on-switch v4.0 boot scripts
will replace the complete filesystem, the kernel and the @i{initramfs}
-- but not the boot loader. Having replaced the kernel, it
reboots to make it active.
@item At this point in time, we are running the 4.0 boot loader,
that knows its own MAC addresses in the old ugly way, with a 4.1
kernel and filesystem.
@item The v4.1 boot procedure includes a script to create @i{hwinfo}
and save it to flash using the current MAC addresses, if no
valid @i{hwinfo} exists. Thus, after
the system is booted, @i{hwinfo} is in place, even if the boot loader
is not using it.
@item Now you place @t{wrs-firmware.tar} into @i{/update}
a second time, to replace the boot loader using the v4.1
upgrade scripts. (As an alternative, you can just place
@t{barebox.bin} into @i{/update}, as v4.1 looks for such file name).
@item When booting, the contents of @i{/update} are
processed by the v4.1 boot scripts, which install everything
included in @t{wrs-firmware.tar}, including the boot
@item When the system automatically reboots to finalize the second
upgrade, you are running the new boot loader, that retrieves your MAC
addresses from the @i{hwinfo} partition.
@end itemize
@c ==========================================================================
@node Upgrading from v3.x
@section Upgrading from v3.x
Upgrading from versions older than 4.0 (August 2014) requires physical
access to the device and, unfortunately, requires some extra steps
especially if you want to preserve your MAC addresses.
One possible path is flashing version 4.0 (please refer to v4.0
manuals) and then proceed as described in @ref{Upgrading from v4.0}.
When flashing version 4.0 you'll need to pass your MAC addresses on
the command line of the flasher, so please take not of what they are.
Another option is flashing the latest firwmare version and then build
your own @i{hwinfo} structure by specifying your MAC addresses.
@t{wr-switch-sw} includes specific tools for both steps. They are
described in the @i{Developer's Manual}, because they are expected to
only be performed by the manufacturer, not the final user.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Kconfig Support
@chapter Kconfig Support
......@@ -150,6 +270,10 @@ menuconfig}'' (or @i{gconfig} or @i{kconfig} or the old text-mode
silently enact the default configuration, run ``@t{make defconfig}''
(this is done by the normal build if no configuration is present).
The released firmware image uses the default configuration, but we'll
soon offer the option to change most of these values at boot-time
(by downloading configuration from a network server) or run-time.
The following configuration options are available
@table @code
......@@ -328,7 +452,7 @@ from, as shown in the log excerpt above. So you'll have your
leading @t{#!/bin/sh}. Examples in @i{wr-switch-sw} did not include the
line until April 2014 included.
The @file{binaries} subdirectory of this package includes two known-working
The @file{binaries} subdirectory of @t{wr-switch-sw} includes two known-working
wrboot scripts as examples; one if for use with static IP addresses and
the other relies on DHCP. If you want to override the default NFS-Root
directory mounted from the server (which is @code{/tftpboot/<ip-address>})
......@@ -338,6 +462,10 @@ you can add something like the following line to your @file{wrboot} script:
bootargs="$bootargs nfsroot=/opt/root/wrs-3"
@end example
@c ==========================================================================
@node Creating an NFS-Root Environment for WRS
@section Creating an NFS-Root Environment for WRS
In order to create an NFS root directory, you should uncompress
@t{wrs-image.tar.gz} that is created at build time. If you use
a released @t{wrs-firmware.tar}, however, you'll have no overall
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