Commit f14e28c9 authored by baujc's avatar baujc Committed by Adam Wujek

Setup default config for the switch (WR profile by default)

parent 4d53cb1c
......@@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ choice
Optimize for size. Enables all -O2 optimizations except those that often increase code size.
boolean "Debugging (-Og -ggdb)"
boolean "Debugging (-Og)"
Should be the optimization level of choice for the standard edit-compile-debug cycle
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function print_port_header() {
echo -e "\tstring \"Network interface\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e "\tdefault \"wri${portIdx}\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e "\thelp" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e "\t Used to set the physivcal port interface name: \"wri[1-18]\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e "\t Used to set the physical port interface name: \"wri[1-18]\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e "\nconfig PORT${1}_FIBER" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e "\tint \"Fiber type\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ function print_instance_header() {
echo -e "\nchoice" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " prompt \"Profile\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " default PORT${1}_INST${2}_PROFILE_HA" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " default PORT${1}_INST${2}_PROFILE_WR" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " config PORT${1}_INST${2}_PROFILE_PTP" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " bool \"PTP\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " config PORT${1}_INST${2}_PROFILE_WR" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
......@@ -177,14 +177,12 @@ function print_instance_header() {
echo -e "endchoice" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e "\nconfig PORT${1}_INST${2}_EGRESS_LATENCY" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " depends on PORT${1}_INST${2}_PROFILE_WR!=y" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " int \"timestampCorrectionPortDS.egressLatency (ps)\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " default ${tx}" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " help" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " Defines the transmission constant delay (ps)" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e "\nconfig PORT${1}_INST${2}_INGRESS_LATENCY" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " depends on PORT${1}_INST${2}_PROFILE_WR!=y" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " int \"timestampCorrectionPortDS.ingressLatency (ps)\"" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " default ${rx}" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
echo -e " help" >>$OUTPUT_FILE
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